All applications for site plan approval shall be prepared, signed and sealed by a professional engineer or architect. It shall bear the signature and seal of a licensed land surveyor as to topographic and boundary survey data.
All site plans shall comply with the requirements hereinafter set forth and shall contain the following information and data where applicable:
A title block shall be indicated in the lower right-hand corner of the plan and shall include the name and address of the record owner, including the block and lot number of the site; the title of the development; and the name, address, license number and seal of the person preparing the plan. If the owner is a corporation, the name and address of the president and secretary shall be submitted with the application.
A date block of the site plan adjacent to the title block containing the date of preparation. All subsequent revisions shall be noted and dated.
A key map showing the location of the tract with reference to surrounding areas and existing street intersections within 1,000 feet of the boundaries of the subject premises.
A scale of not less than 50 feet to the inch shall be used, and a graphic representation of the scale shall be displayed and a North arrow. All distances and dimensions shall be in feet and decimals of a foot, and all bearings shall be given to the nearest 10 seconds.
The names of all owners of adjacent property within 200 feet of the subject premises, together with the block and lot numbers of the said property, as shown on the current municipal tax records.
Zone boundaries shall be shown on the site plan as they affect the parcel. Adjacent zone districts within 200 feet shall also be indicated. Such features may be shown on a separate map or as a key on the detail map itself.
Survey data, showing boundaries of the property, required building or setback lines, and lines of existing and proposed streets, lots, reservations, easements and areas dedicated to public use, including grants, restrictions and rights-of-way.
Reference to any existing covenants, deed restrictions, easements or exceptions that are in effect or are intended to cover all or any of the tract. A copy of such covenant, deed restriction, easement or exception shall be submitted with the application. If there are no known covenants, deed restrictions, easements or exceptions affecting the site, a notation to that effect shall be indicated on the site plan map.
Location of existing buildings on the site which shall remain and all other structures, such as walls, fences, culverts, bridges, roadways, etc., with spot elevations of such structures. Structures to be removed shall be indicated by dashed lines, and structures to remain shall be indicated by solid lines.
All distances as measured along the right-of-way lines of existing streets abutting the property to the nearest intersection with any other street.
Location plans and elevations of all proposed buildings and other structures, including required yard and setback areas, building height in feet and stories and lot coverage calculations.
Location, height, dimensions and details of all signs, either freestanding or affixed to a building. Where signs are not to be provided, a notation to that effect shall be indicated on the site plan.
Location of all storm drainage structures, soil erosion and sediment control devices and utility lines, whether publicly or privately owned, with pipe sizes, grades and direction of flow and, if any existing utility lines are underground, the estimated location of said already underground utility lines shall be shown.
Existing and proposed contours, referred to United States Coast and Geodetic Survey datum, with a contour interval of one foot for slopes of 3% or less, an interval of two feet for slopes of more than 3% but less than 15%, and an interval of five feet for slopes of 15% or more. Existing contours are to be indicated by solid lines.
Location of existing rock outcrops, high points, watercourses, depressions, ponds, marshes, wooded areas and other significant existing features, including previous flood elevations of watercourses, where available, pond and marsh areas as may be determined by survey.
All proposed streets with profiles indicating grading, and cross sections showing width of roadway, location and width of sidewalk, where required, and location and size of utility lines according to community standards and specifications.
The proposed use or uses of land and buildings and proposed location of buildings, including proposed grades. Floor space of all buildings and estimated number of employees, housing units, or other capacity measurements, where required, shall also be indicated. If the precise use of the building is unknown at the time of application, an amendment plan showing the proposed use shall be required prior to a certificate of occupancy.
All means of vehicular ingress and egress to and from the site onto public or private streets, showing the size and location of driveways and curb cuts, including the possible organization of traffic channels, acceleration and deceleration lanes, additional width and other traffic controls which may be required. Improvements such as roads, curbs, sidewalks and other design detail shall be indicated, including dimensions of parking stalls, access aisles, curb radii, direction of traffic flow and other conditions as may be required in Chapter 530, Zoning, or this chapter.
The location and design of any off-street parking areas or loading areas showing size and location of bays, aisles and barriers.
The location of all proposed waterlines, valves and hydrants and all sewer lines or alternative means of water supply or sewage disposal and treatment in conformance with the applicable municipal standards and appropriate utility companies, where applicable.
The proposed location, direction of illumination, power and time of proposed outdoor lighting in conformance with applicable standards of the community, including type of standards to be employed, radius of light and intensity of footcandles.
The proposed screening and landscaping and a planting plan indicating natural vegetation to remain and areas to be planted and type of vegetation to be utilized.
The proposed stormwater drainage system as to conform to design based on a one-hundred-year storm. All site plans shall be accompanied by a plan sketch showing all existing drainage within 500 feet of any boundary and all areas such as paved areas, grassed areas, wooded areas and any other surface areas contributing to the calculations and other methods used in the determination.
Such other information or data as may be required by the approving authority in order to determine that the details on the site plan are in accordance with the standards of Chapter 530, Zoning, or standards contained herein, and other municipal, county or state ordinances and regulations.
The following legends shall be indicated on the site plan:
To be signed before submission:
I consent to the filing of this site plan with the _______________ of the Borough of Wood-Ridge.
To be completed before submission:
Site Plan of
Lot ______________ Block ______________ Zone _______________
Date _______________ Scale
To be signed before submission:
I hereby certify that I have prepared this site plan and that all dimensions and information are correct.
  Title and License Number
To be signed before issuance of a building permit:
Approved by the
of the Borough of Wood-Ridge
To be signed before ________________ approval is given:
I have reviewed this site plan and certify that it meets all codes and ordinances under my jurisdiction.
To be signed before issuance of a certificate of occupancy:
I hereby certify that all required improvements have been installed or that a performance guaranty has been posted in accordance with Section ________ of the Site Plan Ordinance.
  Construction Code Official
To be signed before issuance of a certificate of occupancy:
I hereby certify that all the required improvements of this site plan have been installed in compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances.
  Construction Officer
Occupancy permit issued ___________________ (date)