[The Millcreek Township Authority was originally created in 1950. No ordinance or resolution was enacted, but the records of the Township indicate that the Board of Supervisors approved the creation of the Authority on 12-4-1950. Furthermore, the Millcreek Township Authority was approved by the Secretary of the Commonwealth on 12-15-1950 and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds for Erie County on 1-15-1951. The original Articles of Incorporation of the Millcreek Township Authority were approved at that time.
Ordinance No. 70 was approved by the Board of Supervisors in 1956. This ordinance amended Article A of the Articles of Incorporation and changed the name of the Authority from the "Millcreek Township Authority" to the "Millcreek Township Building Authority." Ordinance No. 70 also amended Article F of the Articles of Incorporation to expand upon the powers and purpose of the Authority.
Ordinance No. 80 was adopted by the Board of Supervisors 6-3-1957 to once again amend Article A of the Articles of Incorporation to change the name of the Authority from the "Millcreek Township Building Authority" to the "Suburban Erie Building Authority."]
The Board of Supervisors, by Resolution No. 2008-R-8, adopted on March 4, 2008, pursuant to 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 5622, signified its intention to acquire from this Authority its last remaining property [Municipal Building property bearing Erie County Tax Index No. (33) 054-226-004], and such property was conveyed by the Authority to the Township.