[Amended 1-20-1976 by Ord. No. 2]
It shall be the duty of the Zoning Officer, who shall be a duly appointed representative of the Borough Council, hereinafter referred to as "agent," to enforce the provisions of this chapter. The agent shall examine all applications for permits, issue permits for construction and uses which are in accordance with the requirements of this chapter, record and file all applications for permits with accompanying plans and documents, and make such reports as the Borough Council may require. He shall also identify and register all nonconforming uses and nonconforming structures.
[Amended 1-20-1976 by Ord. No. 2]
Permit requirements. A building permit shall be required prior to the erection, addition, or alteration of any building or portion thereof, prior to the use or change in use of a building or land, and prior to the change or extension of a nonconforming use. It shall be unlawful for any person to commence work for the erection or alteration of any building until a building permit has been duly issued therefor.
Application for building permits. All applications for building permits shall be accompanied by plans in duplicate, drawn to scale, showing the actual shape and dimensions of the lot to be built upon, the exact size and location of any buildings existing on the lot, the lines within which the proposed building or structure shall be erected or altered, the existing and intended use of each building or part of a building, the number of families or dwelling units the building is designed to accommodate and such information as may be necessary to determine compliance with this chapter and all other pertinent ordinances. One copy of such plans shall be returned to the owner when such plans shall be approved by the Borough Council. All applications with accompanying plans and documents shall become a public record after a permit is issued or denied.
Issuance of permits. No building permit shall be issued until the agent has certified that the proposed building, addition, or alteration complies with all the provisions of this chapter, as well as with all of the provisions of the Uniform Construction Code.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Temporary permits. A temporary permit may be authorized by the Zoning Hearing Board for a nonconforming structure or use which it deems necessary to promote the proper development of the community, provided that such nonconforming structure or use shall be completely removed upon expiration of the permit without cost to the Borough. Such permits shall be issued for a specified period of time, not to exceed one year, and may be renewed annually for an aggregate period not exceeding three years.
It shall be the duty of the agent, or his duly appointed representative, to make the following minimum number of inspections of property for which a building permit has been issued:
At the beginning of construction, a record shall be made indicating the time and date of the inspection and the findings of the agent in regard to conformance of the construction with the application for the building permit.
If the actual construction does not conform to the application, a written notice of a violation shall be issued by the agent, and such violation shall be discontinued. Upon proper correction of the violation and receipt of written notice from the agent, construction shall proceed.
At the completion of construction, a record shall be made indicating the time and date of the inspection, the findings of the agent in regard to conformance to this chapter, and the opinion of the agent in regard to the issuance of a certificate of use permit.
A certificate of use shall be a statement issued by the agent setting forth either that a building, structure or parcel of land complies with the provisions of this chapter, or that a building or structure lawfully may be employed for specified uses under the provisions of this chapter, or both.
No vacant land shall be occupied or used, and no structure or part of a structure, hereafter erected, structurally altered or changed in use, shall be used or changed in use until a certificate of use shall have been regularly issued therefor by the agent.
A certificate of use, either for the whole or part of a new building or for the alteration of an existing building, shall be applied for coincident with the application for a building permit and shall be issued within 15 days after the erection or alteration of such building or part shall have been completed in conformity with the provisions of this chapter.
A certificate of use for the use or occupancy of vacant land or for a change in the use of land, or for a change in the use of an existing building, shall be applied for and issued before any such land shall be occupied or used, or such land or building changed in use, and such certificate shall be issued within 15 days after application has been made, provided such proposed use is in conformity with the provisions of this chapter.
A certificate of use for changing or extending a nonconforming use, existing at the time of the passage of this chapter or of an amendment thereto, shall be applied for and issued before any such nonconforming use shall be changed or extended. Such certificate shall be issued within 15 days after application has been made, provided such proposed change or extension is in conformity with the provisions of this chapter.
A record of all certificates of use shall be kept on file in the office of the agent, and a copy shall be furnished on request to any person having a proprietary or tenancy interest in the building or land affected.
Failure to secure a building permit or Zoning Hearing Board certificate, when required, previous to the erection, construction, extension or addition to a building or failure to secure a certificate of use permit shall be a violation of this chapter.
[Amended 1-20-1976 by Ord. No. 2; 3-2-1992 by Ord. No. 1; 3-3-1997 by Ord. No. 3-4-B; 4-7-1997 by Ord. No. 4-1]
Enforcement notice. If the Zoning Officer shall find that any of the provisions of this chapter are being violated, the Zoning Officer shall issue a written enforcement notice to the person responsible for such violation. The enforcement notice shall contain the following information:
The name of the owner of record and any other person against whom the Borough intends to take action.
The location of the property in violation.
The specific violation with a description of the requirements which have not been met, citing in each instance the applicable provisions of this chapter.
The date before which the steps for compliance must be commenced and the date before which the steps must be completed.
That the recipient of the notice has the right to appeal to the Zoning Hearing Board within a prescribed period of time in accordance with procedures set forth in this chapter.
That failure to comply with the notice within the time specified, unless extended by appeal to the Zoning Hearing Board, constitutes a violation, with possible sanctions clearly described.
Enforcement remedies.
Any person, partnership or corporation who or which has violated or permitted the violation of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon being found liable therefor in a civil enforcement proceeding commenced by the Borough, pay a judgment of not more than $500, plus all court costs, including reasonable attorney fees incurred by the Borough as a result thereof. No judgment shall commence or be imposed, levied or payable until the date of the determination of a violation by the Magisterial District Judge. If the defendant neither pays nor timely appeals the judgment, the Borough may enforce the judgment pursuant to the applicable Rules of Civil Procedure. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate violation, unless the Magisterial District Judge determining that there has been a violation further determines that there was a good faith basis for the person, partnership or corporation violating this chapter to have believed that there was no such violation, in which event there shall be deemed to have been only one such violation until the fifth day following the date of the determination of a violation by the Magisterial District Judge, and thereafter, each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate violation. All judgments, costs and reasonable attorney fees collected for the violation of this chapter shall be paid over to the Borough.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
The Court of Common Pleas, upon petition, may grant an order of stay, upon cause shown, tolling the per diem fine pending a final adjudication of the violation and judgment.
Nothing contained in this section shall be construed or interpreted to grant to any person or entity other than the Borough the right to commence any action for enforcement pursuant to this section.
Causes of action. In case any building, structure, landscaping or land is, or is proposed to be, erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, converted maintained or used in violation of this chapter, Borough Council, or, with the approval of Borough Council, any officer of the Borough, in addition to other remedies, may institute any appropriate action or proceeding to correct or abate such building, structure, landscaping or land or to prevent, in or about such premises, any act, conduct, business or use constituting a violation.
An appeal or application for a special exception or variance from the terms of this chapter may be filed with the agent and shall state:
The name and address of the applicant.
The name and address of the owner of the real estate to be affected by such proposed exception or variance.
A brief description and location of the real estate to be affected by such proposed change.
A statement of the present zoning classification of the real estate in question, the improvements thereon, and the present use thereof.
A statement of the section of this chapter under which the variance or exception requested may be allowed and reasons why it should be granted.
A reasonably accurate description of the present improvements and the additions intended to be made under this application, indicating the size of such proposed improvements, material, and general construction thereof. In addition, there shall be attached a plot plan of the real estate to be affected (see § 500-58B of this article), indicating the location and size of the lot and size of improvements now erected and proposed to be erected thereon.
It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Zoning Hearing Board to issue a Zoning Hearing Board certificate, which shall indicate the action of the Zoning Hearing Board on applications for a special exception or a variance or opinion on review. The Zoning Hearing Board may cancel or revoke a Zoning Hearing Board certificate for any violation of this chapter or of conditions imposed.
Certificate of nonconformance. An application for a certificate of nonconformance may be made to the agent by the owner of any property which, at the time of the effective date of this chapter, does not conform to the provisions of this chapter. This certificate shall be for the purpose of insuring to such owner the right to continue a nonconforming use, and a copy of the certificate of nonconformance shall be retained by the agent.[1]
Editor's Note: Original § 298, Building permit fees, of the 1976 Code of Ordinances, as amended 1-20-1976 by Ord. No. 2, which immediately followed this section, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I). See now § 500-66.