[Code 1991, § 8-136]
Auxiliary fire appliances shall be provided where deemed necessary by the Fire Marshal for safety of persons and property as set forth in the latest edition of the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, as amended.
[Code 1991, § 8-137]
In hotels, motels, dormitories, lodginghouses and apartment complexes of four or more units, at least one fire extinguisher shall be provided on each floor at the stairway landing and in the corridor at each elevator or bank of elevators.
[Code 1991, § 8-138]
Before the erection and construction above foundation level of any building or structure or any addition thereto, the owner of such building or structure shall make the following improvements:
All proposed public hydrants and all existing and proposed private hydrants, identified on and required by an approved site plan pursuant to Chapter 78 of this Code, shall be installed, operable, flow-tested, and approved by the City Fire Department.
Where required by the Fire Chief or his designee, all access roads, subdivision roads, and other on-site vehicle transportation routes shall be temporarily stabilized with stone immediately after grading, in accordance with City standards, to provide ready access for emergency vehicles to, through, and around the construction site. Such roads and routes shall be designed, constructed, and maintained during construction to provide adequate support for emergency vehicles during both dry and wet weather.
The Fire Chief or his designee shall enforce this section.