[R.O. 2011 §400.320; CC 1974 §43.750]
The Board of Aldermen may, from time to time, on its own motion or on petition, amend, supplement, change, modify, or repeal by ordinance the boundaries of districts or regulations, or restrictions established. Any proposed amendment, supplement, change, modification, or repeal shall first be submitted to the Planning Commission for its recommendations and report. If the Planning Commission makes no report within sixty (60) days, it shall be considered to have made a report approving the proposed amendment, supplement, modification, or change. Upon the filing of the recommendations and report by the Planning Commission with respect to any proposed amendment, supplement, change, modification, or repeal, the Board of Aldermen shall proceed to hold a public hearing in relation thereto, giving at least fifteen (15) days notice of the time and place of such hearing, which notice shall first be published in a newspaper having a general circulation in the City of Cabool.
In case of an adverse report by the Planning Commission, or if a protest against such proposed amendment, supplement, change, modification, or repeal was presented in writing to the City Clerk duly signed and acknowledged by the owners of thirty percent (30%) or more, either of the area of the land (exclusive of streets, places and alleys) included within such proposed amendment, supplement, change, modification, or repeal, or within an area, determined by lines drawn parallel to and one hundred eighty-five (185) feet distant from the boundaries of the district proposed to be changed, such amendment, supplement, change, modification, or repeal shall not become effective except by the favorable vote of two-thirds (⅔) of all the members of the Board of Aldermen. The increased vote requirement shall apply in all cases of Special Use Exception and Community Unit Plan cases.
If such amendment is based upon petition, the party or parties proposing or recommending a change in the district regulations or district boundaries shall deposit a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) plus an additional amount as determined from time to time to cover other costs incurred by the City to the City Clerk at the time the application is filed and obtain a receipt therefor which should be delivered to the City Clerk. All fees received hereunder shall forthwith be paid over to the credit of the General Revenue Fund of the City. Under no condition should said sum or any part thereof be refunded for failure of said change to be adopted by the Board of Aldermen.