Sewage collection systems shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City of Fredericksburg Construction Specifications and Standards for Water and Sewerage Facilities (August 2007, as amended from time to time).
A subdivider or developer of land shall pay a pro rata share of the cost of providing reasonable and necessary sewerage facilities, located outside the property limits of the land owned or controlled by the subdivider or developer but necessitated or required, in whole or in part, by the construction or improvement of the subdivision or development. Such payment may be required for any area of the City for which a general sanitary sewer improvement program has been adopted, or the City has committed itself by ordinance to the establishment of such a program.
Water supply systems shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City of Fredericksburg Construction Specifications and Standards for Water and Sewerage Facilities (August 2007, as amended from time to time).
A subdivider or developer of land shall pay a pro rata share of the cost of providing reasonable and necessary water facilities, located outside the property limits of the land owned or controlled by the subdivider or developer but necessitated or required, in whole or in part, by the construction or improvement of the subdivision or development. Such payment may be required for any area of the City for which a general water service improvement program has been adopted, or the City has committed itself by ordinance to the establishment of such a program.
[Amended 6-25-2024 by Ord. No. 24-19]
Comprehensive stormwater management plan.
The Director of Public Works shall develop a comprehensive stormwater management facilities plan to determine the necessary structures, easements and costs to provide ultimate drainage facilities to serve City drainage sheds at full development of those sheds. The facilities plan shall be adopted by the City Council.
The policy and criteria for determination of pro rata share of total cost, the financial and implementation procedures, and other related matters shall be as set forth within the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Facilities Plan adopted by City Council.
A subdivider or developer of land shall pay a pro rata share of the cost of providing reasonable and necessary drainage facilities, located outside the property limits of the land owned or controlled by the subdivider or developer but necessitated or required, in whole or in part, by the construction or improvement of the subdivision or development.
Storm drainage requirements.
All storm drainage facilities shall be constructed in accordance with the VDOT Requirements, except as otherwise provided below.
All pipe for the construction of storm drainage systems shall be, at a minimum, concrete of ASTM CT6 class III standards. Other equivalent pipe materials may be permitted upon the approval of the Public Works Director.
The minimum size of storm drainage culverts shall be 15 inches in diameter. Manholes shall be constructed at every stall change of grade line or pipe size. There shall be a minimum 0.25-foot drop in inverts at every structure.
Storm sewer street and yard inlet structures shall be provided and the spread of water in the street, measured from the curb, shall not exceed eight feet. Flow and spread computations shall be based on computed increments of the ten-year frequency rainfall.
Where the contributing drainage area does not exceed 500 acres, storm sewer culverts shall be designed using the ten-year frequency rainfall curve. Where the contribution drainage area exceeds 500 acres, the fifty-year rainfall frequency curve shall be used.
All open channels where the quantity of water exceeds the equivalent capacity of a seventy-two-inch concrete pipe shall be designed using the twenty-five-year rainfall frequency curve.
Major stormwater culverts (box culverts, or pipes exceeding 72 inches in diameter) for use on the primary street system or any bridges shall be designed using the fifty-year rainfall frequency curve.
Every development shall provide for stormwater management that meets the minimum technical and design criteria set forth within the stormwater regulations enacted by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
The post-development stormwater runoff rate of flow and characteristics shall replicate, as nearly as practicable the existing pre-development runoff characteristics and site hydrology of the development site. The basic design criteria for stormwater management facilities employs the ten-year, twenty-four-hour duration storm to determine pre- and post-development flows. Required storage shall be computed using unit hydrograph methods. Emergency spillways shall be designed to pass the one-hundred-year frequency (also known as the 1% annual exceedance probability), with a two-foot freeboard easement added to the computed water level. Hydrographs, spillway design, embankment design and flow computations shall be submitted with the preliminary plan.
Plans and profiles detailing the provisions for the adequate deposition of natural water and stormwater in accordance with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality standards shall be submitted, indicating the location, size, type and grade of ditches, catch basins, and pipes and connections to existing drainage systems, and on-site stormwater retention where deemed appropriate and necessary by the City, with supporting contributing area and design computations as may be required. Data, computations, and calculations shall be submitted detailing the provision for implementation of stormwater volume management.
Within the Hazel Run, Rappahannock Canal, Kenmore Flume, and Deep Run watersheds ("the volume control area"), for new development or redevelopment, the first one-half inch of runoff from all new impervious surfaces shall be removed from the runoff flow. A one-year, twenty-four-hour extended detention may be used to satisfy up to 70% of this volume. The remaining 30% shall be removed from runoff flow. At least 50% of the parking lot surface shall drain to a filtration practice. Table 72-54.3B, Runoff Standards, summarizes this requirement.
For new or redeveloped parking lots outside the Hazel Run, Rappahannock Canal, Kenmore Flume, and Deep Run watersheds, volume control of stormwater is not required. However, at least 50% of the parking lot surface (or in the case of redevelopment, at least 50% of the additional parking lot area) shall drain to a filtration practice that is sized to treat the first one-half inch of runoff. Table 72-54.3B, Runoff Standards, summarizes these requirements.
Table 72-54.3B: Runoff Standards
Development Type
Volume Control Requirement
Volume Control Method
New development
Within the volume control area
1/2" from all impervious surface
Infiltration, evaporation, or reuse. Alternatively, up to 70% of required volume may be satisfied via 1-year extended detention
Outside the volume control area
Within the volume control area
1/2" from new impervious area
Infiltration, evaporation, or reuse. Alternatively, up to 70% of required volume may be satisfied via 1-year extended detention
Outside the volume control area
At least 50% of new parking lot surface area shall drain to a filtration practice.
The volume controls and filtration practices required by Subsection B(9) and (10) can be used to satisfy the stormwater management quantity and quality control requirements for the site.
If, after implementing on-site volume controls to the maximum extent practicable, the stormwater volume reductions required by this subsection cannot be fully achieved on-site, the remainder may be achieved through retrofit of off-site impervious areas within the same watershed. In the alternative, compliance may be achieved through the payment to the City of an in-lieu fee per cubic foot of volume reduction not attained. The City shall apply all funds so collected to stormwater control projects.
To assure long-term responsibility for and maintenance of stormwater management control devices and other techniques specified to manage the quality and quantity of runoff, recorded stormwater management and nonpoint source pollution control facilities maintenance agreements and deeds of easement shall be recorded with subdivision plats or before land disturbance or building permits are issued for improvements on site plans. Such documents shall include a drawing or plat showing the facilities, and boundary location of the easement, a maintenance agreement obligating the owner to provide and maintain appropriate landscaping and to provide regular or periodic maintenance of the facilities and the best management practices used therein, and such other provisions as the Stormwater Administrator (see § 38-412) may deem necessary in order to meet the requirements of this section and to ensure the public health and safety.
Floodplain studies shall be prepared for drainage areas exceeding 100 acres. The one-hundred-year rainfall curve shall be used, with an eighteen-inch freeboard added to the computed water level. Floodplain computations shall be performed using the stand-step method or an equivalent method to achieve a balance of energy. Cross sections, stream profiles and support calculations shall be submitted with the preliminary plan.
Erosion and sediment control. For the purpose of alleviating the adverse effects of on- and off-site erosion, siltation and sedimentation before and after development, adequate controls of both a temporary and permanent nature shall be provided. No permit shall be issued by the City authorizing any land disturbing activity, until an erosion and sediment control plan has been submitted to the Stormwater Administrator and approved in accordance with the requirements of the City's Virginia Erosion and Stormwater Management Program (VESCP).
Flood damage prevention. All development and redevelopment within a flood hazard area shall comply with the standards set forth in § 72-34.3, Floodplain Overlay District.
Wetlands. All development and redevelopment within the Wetlands shall be subject to and shall comply with the standards set forth in § 72-34.4, Wetlands Overlay District.
Chesapeake Bay protection standards. All development and redevelopment within the CBPO District shall be subject to and shall comply with the standards set forth in § 72-34.5, Chesapeake Bay Preservation Overlay District.
The developer shall provide the utilities necessary to serve the proposed development. All utilities provided by the developer shall be installed underground and in accordance with adopted City standards, and with standards and regulations adopted by the applicable regulatory authority; provided, however, that:
Equipment such as electric distribution transformers, switchgear, meter pedestals and telephone pedestals, which are normally installed above ground, may continue to be so installed, in accordance with accepted utility practices for underground distribution.
Meters, service connections and similar equipment normally attached to the outside wall of the premises they serve may be so installed.
Temporary overhead facilities required for construction purposes shall be permitted.
The developer shall provide sanitary sewer, water, and utility easements.
Minimum easement width, centered on the utility facility, shall be as follows, unless otherwise specified by the Director of Public Works:
Sanitary sewer: 20 feet and water: 15 feet, or as specified in the City's Construction Specifications and Standards for Water and Sewerage Facilities (August 2007, as amended from time to time).
Storm sewer: 20 feet.
Underground telephone, television cable, gas service or electric service: 10 feet, unless otherwise required by the applicable utility agency.
Easements may overlap one another with the approval of the Director of Public Works. Disapproval may be appealed through a request for an exception as set forth in § 72-25.3. Additionally, the owner of property proposed for subdivision or development shall convey common or shared easements to franchised cable television operators furnishing cable television and public service corporations furnishing cable television, gas, telephone and electric service to the proposed subdivision or development, as set forth within Code of Virginia § 15.2-2241(6).