Cross references — Buildings and building regulations, Ch. 5; civil defense and disaster, Ch. 6; flood damage prevention and control, Ch. 11; plumbing, Ch. 20; street excavations generally, § 23-46 et seq; subdivision regulations, Ch. 24; swimming pools, Ch. 25.
State law reference — Authority to regulate excavations, RSMo. § 79.410.
[Code 1964, § 10A-1]
For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
The angle between the horizontal and the surface of a natural slope that a mass of soil will assume.
Earth material placed in a void beneath finish grade.
The bounding side or inside surface of an excavation; generally very steep or vertical.
A narrow shelf that breaks the continuity of a bank.
The board of adjustment of the city.
A horizontal, circular hole excavated exclusively by mechanical means without the entry of persons into the excavation.
In mixed vertical and sloped section, the horizontal line at which the upper sloped section meets the lower vertical.
The method of reinforcing the banks of a trench or excavation or the supporting members of sheeting in sheet piling.
The city engineer or his duly authorized representative.
Securing by means of a piece of wood or metal to provide strength and stability.
Soils which have the capacity of sticking or adhering together without depending upon inter-particle friction.
The vertical distance from the surface where any excavation or slope is started, to the bottom of that excavation or to the toe of slope.
A vertical, circular hole excavated exclusively by mechanical means without the entry of persons into the excavation.
Sheeting or bracing that is placed so tightly so as to require the application of force.
The city engineer or his duly authorized representative.
A hole formed by boring, cutting, digging or scooping.
An essentially vertical excavation normally made by rotary drilling.
A firm, plastic, fine grained earth.
A fine grained, non-crystalline, amorphous stratum which will when struck cause hand excavating tools to ring audibly.
An excavation whose length and width exceed its average depth.
Soils which do not have the capacity of sticking together; such soils generally exhibit inter-particle friction.
Fastened to the side by a mechanical means such as bolting or spiking.
An excavation having vertical walls with depth its greatest dimension.
The combined shearing resistance imparted by the cohesion and/or friction between soil particles.
The planks driven or placed around the boundary of a proposed excavation; the process of covering the sides of an excavation with planks.
The method of reinforcing the sides of a trench or excavation by continuous vertical members to support and exclude running material.
Excavations where banks are stable as a result of sloping, rather than by bracing.
An inclined surface of constant inclination.
Structurally stable, consolidated natural materials that cannot normally be excavated by manual methods alone; i.e., limestone and sandstone.
Underground conduit construction at intermediate depths in good, cohesive soils in which at one (1) or more locations holes are opened with undercutting of the banks parallel to the conduit centerline, to support the weight of the existing overburden and surface adjacent to the hole.
A horizontal beam supporting sheeting and extending between connecting upright posts in a frame.
Tension members used for anchoring.
The level surface at the bottom of a slope.
The broad, generally level surface at the uppermost limits of a slope.
A narrow excavation made below the surface of the ground, the depth of which will be greater than one of the horizontal dimensions. The term shall not include, tunnels, wide trenches, shafts, stanking or undercutting.
A portable metal assembly for shoring and bracing a limited length of trench.
An enclosed excavation which generally runs horizontal beneath the ground surface and whose ends may or may not be directly exposed at ground surface.
Supporting from beneath.
Those trenches whose depth is equal to or greater than the average depth.
Cross reference — Definitions and rules of construction generally, § 1-2.
[Code 1964, § 10A-2]
All excavations made in the city shall be made in strict compliance with the following rules, regulations, conditions and restrictions and it shall be unlawful for any person to fail to observe and follow such rules, regulations, conditions and restrictions when making an excavation:
All excavations six (6) feet or more in depth shall be provided with ladders or stairways or ramps to facilitate safe entrance and exit. Such ramps, ladders or stairways shall be sufficient in number and so spread out that no worker in the trench will ever be more than fifty (50) feet from one of them. All ladders shall extend from the bottom of the excavation to at least three (3) feet above the surface of the ground. At least two (2) or more workmen shall be required on the job of making an excavation of six (6) feet in depth or more.
Hazardous material, such as rock, frozen earth, clods, stumps and the like shall be kept from the sides of the trench to prevent rollbacks. All excavated material and superimposed loads shall be placed at least eighteen (18) inches from the sides of the excavation. When superimposed loads or equipment are within the limiting plane of rupture, bracing shall be increased to withstand the resultant additional pressures.
Subject to those exceptions specifically set forth in this chapter the sides of all excavations more than six (6) feet deep shall be supported by substantial and adequate sheeting, sheet-piling, bracing and shoring. The design of the supporting system shall be based on calculations of pressures, in which consideration is given to the type and conditions of the material to be retained, surcharges imposed by nearby structures, machinery or stored materials, vibrations from equipment, blasting or traffic, anticipated weather conditions, period of time in which the excavation work is to be completed and any other pertinent factors which would have a bearing on the safety of the excavation work.
Sheeting, sheet-piling, bracing or shoring shall not be required in the following cases:
Excavations for the foundation or basement of any building, structure or swimming pool for which a building permit has been duly issued.
Utility post holes, test borings, drilled pier foundations, bored tunnels, drilled wells and grave excavations, providing no person will enter them.
Where the sides of the excavation are completely situated in solid rock, hard clay or hard shale.
Where the sides of the excavation are sloped to the angle of repose.
In cohesive soils until the depth of a trench exceeds eight (8) feet, when vertical banks are removed by a distance of eight (8) feet or more from paralleling trench or similar excavations, either active or completed, and no free ground soil moisture is present.
Where the total depth of the excavation is less than fifteen (15) feet and the sides are cut at an inclination no steeper than one (1) horizontal to one (1) vertical.
Where the total depth of an excavation exceeds fifteen (15) feet, if the bank inclination is not steeper than one and one-half (1½) horizontal to one (1) vertical.
Where an excavation extends through sound horizontal (-5 degree) rock. However, any overburden above the rock material shall be braced or sloped as required for excavations with mixed vertical and sloped sections.
Where the bottom width of a width of a wide trench exceeds the depth of an excavation for uses such as drainage ditches, unlined flood control channels, highway cuts, large excavations, site grading, sewage lagoons, artificial lakes and ponds, rough grading for highway and railroad underpasses, relatively shallow pits for nursery plantings and drainage sumps in large excavations.
The bracing requirements for vertical or sloped banks steeper than those permitted to be without bracing under this chapter may be waived if all the following conditions are met:
The excavation is for other than trench, shaft or pier purposes.
An extensive subsurface investigation preceded design.
Design is by a registered professional engineer.
The construction is scheduled for a time of year in which inherent soil stability is at its greatest.
A detailed scheduling by the contractor is prepared, which indicates method by which all reasonably anticipated occurrences would be met and the specific steps which would be taken in each case.
Entire construction period is continuously under the supervision of the city engineer responsible for the investigation and design.
Filing with the city engineer a certificate signed by the initiating registered professional engineer that all the above conditions are met.
In case of trenches, the support provided for in subparagraph (3) herein, shall be in accordance with the minimum requirements for size and spacing; of sheeting and timbers as set forth in Table A, which table is attached hereto and so designated. These are minimum requirements. Greater factors of safety shall be provided when conditions encountered on a job make them advisable.
The bracing for piers and footing shall meet the acceptable minimum requirements as outlined for excavations, with the top of grade being the highest point within three (3) feet of the edge of the excavation.
All shafts and tunnels in other than sound rock shall be braced. The permittee shall use detailed bracing plans approved by a registered professional engineer for shafts and tunnels. Bracing is not required for stanking.
All trench and foundation excavations shall be cut with vertical walls unless the sides are sloped to no steeper than the stated maximum. Undercutting of earth banks shall not be permitted in trench or foundation excavations except as specifically stated for stanking.
Mechanical undercutting at the base of drilled foundation piers is also excluded from this prohibition. Undercutting by hand at the base of foundation piers shall require that the entire length of the pier above the zone of undercutting be braced by the installation of approved sections, and further undercutting by hand shall be permissible only when the soil within the height of the undercutting or belled zone is in sound rock or a plastic soil with a shear strength of at least fifteen hundred (1500) psf.
Where soils excavated and to be held at a vertical bank are essentially non-cohesive and where ground water enters the excavation, solid sheeting will be required for all vertical faces, even when the depth of the excavation is less than the mandatory requirements for other considerations.
Where the sloping of excavation banks to stated inclinations does not extend to the bottom of the cut, the vertical part of the trench shall be braced as conditions require, with vertical uprights extending not less than two (2) feet above the bottom of the slope. Toe boards to the total height of two (2) feet above the bottom of the slope shall be placed behind all the uprights to prevent material from falling into the vertical portion of the trench.
A trench shield or box may be used in lieu of other bracing and shoring in the length of trench in which personnel are working. The shield shall be constructed sturdy enough to withstand the pressures from the trench wall cave-in and resist wracking or damage from removal and reuse.
All materials used for shoring, bracing and sheet-piling shall be sound, straight grained timber equal in strength to Long Leafed Yellow Pine, Douglas Fir or other material of equal strength. All timber shall be free of splits, shakes, large or loose knots and shall be of required dimensions throughout.
Where conditions prohibit the use of horizontal cross braces to support the sides of an excavation, substantial and adequate shoring or tie rods shall be provided. Tie rods shall be securely anchored well back of the angle of repose.
Cross braces and screw jacks shall be cleated, scabbed or otherwise securely fastened in place. Braces, where screw jacks are not also used, shall be cut and fitted for a "driving" fit. In hand excavated trenches, cleats shall be spiked or bolted to join the ends of braces to stringers to prevent the braces from being knocked out of place.
Surface areas adjacent to the sides of excavations shall be well drained.
Bracing and shoring shall be inspected daily by the person in charge of making the excavation, and any necessary adjustments shall be made immediately.
Backfilling and dismantling of bracing, shoring and sheeting shall be accomplished cautiously, keeping backfill as close to dismantled as possible. Pressure of the jacks or braces shall be released slowly, and in unstable or loose soil, ropes shall be fastened about the jack or braces, personnel shall be cleared from the excavation affected, and the bracing shall be pulled out by the ropes from above.
When internal combustion engines are used in or near an excavation, precautions shall be taken to keep exhaust gasses from entering the excavation. Where necessary, ducts shall be attached to the exhaust to conduct the gasses away from the excavation.
The location of underground utilities such as electric, telephone, gas, water, and sewer mains shall be determined before excavation begins. If any of these utilities are to be removed or interfered with, the respective utility companies shall first be notified and services shall be disconnected before operations begin.
When excavations are made within ten (10) feet of utility poles, suitable precautions shall be taken to prevent movement of the pole and associated guys.
[Code 1964, § 10A-3]
When necessary, a fence, railing or barrier shall be erected about the site of the excavation work or a watchman shall be provided to guard the site, by the person responsible for the excavation, so as to prevent danger to members of the public, and such protective barriers shall be maintained until the work shall be completed or the danger removed. One (1) hour before sunset there shall be placed upon such place of excavation and upon any excavated materials or structures, suitable and sufficient lights which shall be kept burning throughout the nights during the maintenance of such obstructions. It shall be unlawful for anyone to tamper with, remove or tear down any of the protective railings, fences, barriers or lights provided there for the protection of the public.
[Code 1964, § 10A-4]
The city engineer is the person vested with executive authority to see that all provisions of this chapter are carried out.
If upon inspection by the city engineer, a violation of this chapter is found to exist, the city engineer may require that all excavation work shall immediately cease until the violation is corrected.
[Code 1964, § 10A-5]
Any authorized representative of the city engineer may, at any and all times, go upon and inspect any premises or property where excavation operations are being conducted, for the purpose of making any investigations to ascertain whether the provisions of this chapter are being complied with, and shall make a due and timely report to the city engineer of any violation thereof. It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with the making of inspections as provided for by this chapter.
[Code 1964, § 10A-6]
Any person aggrieved by any action or decision of the city engineer connected with any subject matter covered by this chapter may file an appeal with the board of adjustment within thirty (30) days of such decision or action, and the board of adjustment shall fix a time and place for a hearing, in accordance with the zoning ordinance of the city. The complainant shall have the right to counsel at such hearing and to produce witnesses and other evidence in his behalf. For the purpose of such hearing the board of adjustment is empowered to issue subpoenas and all necessary processes, administer oaths and take testimony.
The decision of the board of adjustment at the hearing shall be made in writing and a copy thereof shall be forwarded to the complainant. The decision shall be reviewable in a court of competent jurisdiction upon petition filed by the complainant so affected within thirty (30) days after such decision has been filed in the office of the board of adjustment in accordance with the zoning ordinance of the city.
[Code 1964, § 10A-7]
Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be subject to punishment as provided in section 1-10 of this Code. In addition to the penalties prescribed herein, the city may take such other action, either at law or equity, that it deems necessary in order to execute and enforce the provisions of this chapter.
Depth of Trench in Feet
Cross Bracing**
Horizontal Spacing
Hor.: Vert.
Horizontal Spacing
Vertical Spacing
6' — 10'
2-4"x4" up to 7' 3-4"x4" up to 10'
6' c-c
10' — 15'
3-4"x4" to 13' 4-4"x4" to 15'
4" c-c
Over 15'
Close Tight
4' c-c
6" c-c
6' — 10'
3' c-c
Top and Bottom
2-4"x4" to 7' 3-4"x4" up to 10'
6' c-c
10' — 15'
3' c-c
3 in. height
3-4" x 4"-13'
4-4"x4" - 15'
6" c-c
Over 15'
Close Tight
4' c-c
6' c-c
6' — 10'
Close Tight
2 up to 7'
3 up to 10'
6' c-c
10' — 15'
Close Tight
3 up to 13'
4 up to 15'
6' c-c
Over 15'
Close Tight
4"x12" 4'
6' c-c
Screw type trench jacks may be used for cross bracing.
Depth of Trench in Feet
Cross Bracing**
Horizontal Spacing
Hor.: Vert.
Horizontal Spacing
Vertical Spacing
6' — 10'
6' c-c
4' c-c
6' c-c
10' — 20'
4' c-c
6' c-c
All Soils
Over 20'
4' c-c
6' c-c
All Soils
6' — 10'
3' c-c
4' c-c
6' c-c
6' — 10'
2 up to 7'
3 up to 10'
6' c-c
Screw type trench jacks may be used for cross bracing.
Depth of Trench in Feet
Cross Bracing**
Horizontal Spacing
Slope Hor.: Vert.
Horizontal Spacing
Vertical Spacing
Not over 8'
2"x6" *T&G
Tight Close
4' c-c
6' c-c
Over 8'
3"x6" *T&G
Tight Close
4' c-c
6' c-c
Sheet Steel Piling may be used in place of tongue and groove piling. The greater dimension of the stringers should be at right angle to the sheeting.
Screw type trench jacks may be used for cross bracing.
[Ord. No. 2069 § 3, 10-4-2007]
The following terms shall have the following meanings unless otherwise defined by context:
Any facilities located within the public rights-of-way and owned by the City.
The City's Public Works Director or such other person designated to administer and enforce this Article.
Includes, but is not limited to, ROW work made necessary by exigent circumstances to repair, control, stabilize, rectify or correct an unexpected or unplanned outage, cut, rupture, leak or any other failure of a facility when such failure results or could result in danger to the public or a material delay or hindrance to the provision of service.
A network or system or any part thereof used for providing or delivering a service and consisting of one (1) or more lines, pipes, wires, cables, fibers, conduit facilities, cabinets, poles, vaults, pedestals, boxes, appliances, antennas, transmitters, radios, towers, gates, meters, appurtenances or other equipment.
An individual, partnership, limited liability corporation or partnership, association, joint stock company, trust, organization, corporation or other entity or any lawful successor thereto or transferee thereof.
Any person having ownership or control of facilities located within the rights-of-way.
Unless otherwise restricted herein, the surface, the air space above the surface and the area below the surface of any public street, highway, lane, path, alley, sidewalk, boulevard, drive, bridge, tunnel, parkway, waterway, public easement or sidewalk in which the City now or hereafter holds any interest which, consistent with the purposes for which it was dedicated, may be used for the purpose of installing and maintaining facilities. "Rights-of-way" shall not include (i) City facilities or the City's property other than ROW, such as city-owned or operated buildings, parks or other similar property, (ii) airwaves used for cellular, non-wire telecommunications or broadcast services, (iii) easements obtained by ROW users on private property, (iv) railroad rights-of-way or ground used or acquired for railroads, or (iv) facilities owned and used by the City for the transmission of one (1) or more services. No reference herein to "rights-of-way" shall be deemed to be a representation or guarantee by the City that its interest or other right to control the use of such property is sufficient to permit its use for the delivery of service.
A permit granted by the City to a ROW user for ROW work.
A person performing ROW work within the rights-of-way. A ROW user shall not include ordinary vehicular or pedestrian use.
Action by a ROW User to (i) install, change, replace, relocate, remove, maintain or repair facilities within the rights-of-way, or (ii) to conduct work of any kind within or adjacent to the rights-of-way that results in an excavation, obstruction, disruption, damage or physical invasion or impact of any kind to the rights-of-way or the use thereof. The routine inspection of facilities shall not be considered ROW work unless the inspection requires the conduct of any of the activities or actions noted herein.
Providing or delivering an economic good or an article of commerce, including, but not limited to, gas, telephone, cable television, Internet, open video systems, video services, alarm systems, steam, electricity, water, telegraph, data transmission, petroleum pipelines, sanitary or stormwater sewerage or any similar or related service, to one (1) or more persons located within or outside of the City by use of facilities located within the rights-of-way.
In, along, under, over or across rights-of-way.
[Ord. No. 2069 § 3, 10-4-2007]
Application requirements.
Any person desiring to perform ROW work must first apply for and obtain a ROW permit in addition to any other building permit, license, easement, franchise or authorization required by law. In the event of a need for emergency ROW work, the person conducting the work shall as soon as practicable notify the City of the location of the work and shall apply for the required ROW permit as soon as practicable following the commencement of the work, not to exceed the third business day thereafter. The Director may design and issue general permits for emergency ROW work for several different locations or throughout the City.
An application for a ROW permit shall be submitted to the Director. The Director may design and make available standard forms for such applications, requiring such information as allowed by law and as the Director determines in his or her discretion to be necessary and consistent with the provisions of this Article and to accomplish the purposes of this Article. Each application shall at minimum contain the following information for the proposed ROW work, unless otherwise waived by the Director:
The name, address and telephone number of a representative whom the City may notify or contact at any time (i.e., twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week) concerning the work;
If different from the applicant, the name, address and telephone number of the person on whose behalf the proposed work is to be performed;
A description of the proposed work, including a conceptual master plan and an engineering site plan or other technical drawing or depiction showing the nature, dimensions, location and description of the applicant's proposed work or facilities, their proximity to other facilities that may be affected by the proposed work and the number of street crossings and their locations and dimensions, if applicable;
Projected commencement and termination dates and anticipated duration of the work or, if such dates are unknown, a representation that the applicant shall provide the Director with reasonable advance notice of such dates once they are determined;
Copies of any required certificates of insurance or performance and maintenance bonds.
The information required by the application may be submitted in the form maintained by the applicant, provided it is responsive to the application's requirements and the applicant shall be allowed a reasonable amount of time to complete the application based on the amount of data or information requested or required.
Each such application shall be accompanied by the following payments:
An application fee approved by the City to cover the cost of processing the application;
Any other amounts due to the City from the applicant, including, but not limited to, prior delinquent fees, costs and any loss, damage or expense suffered by the City because of the applicant's prior work in the rights-of-way or for any emergency actions taken by the City, but the Director may modify this requirement to the extent the Director determines any such fees to be in good faith dispute.
Applicants shall participate in any joint planning, construction and advance notification of such work, including coordination and consolidation of any excavation of or disturbance to the rights-of-way as directed by the Director. When deemed necessary to accomplish the goals of this Section and to the extent permitted by law, the City reserves the right, when feasible and reasonable, to require the sharing of facilities by ROW users. Applicants shall cooperate with each other and other ROW users and the City for the best, most efficient, least intrusive, most aesthetic and least obtrusive use of the rights-of-way.
The Director shall establish procedures allowing applicants to ascertain whether existing capacity may be available from other persons utilizing the rights-of-way along the intended path of any proposed work. The Director shall also maintain indexes of all ROW permits issued, both by the ROW user and by the affected rights-of-way.
Application review and determination.
The Director shall promptly review each completed application for a ROW permit and shall grant or deny all such applications as provided herein within thirty-one (31) days of receipt thereof. Unless the application is denied, the Director shall issue a ROW permit upon determining that the applicant:
Has submitted all necessary information,
Has paid the appropriate fees, and
Is in full compliance with this Article and all other City ordinances. The Director may establish procedures for bulk processing of applications and periodic payment of fees to avoid excessive processing and accounting costs.
It is the intention of the City that interference with, damage to, excavation or disruption of or the placement of facilities within the City's rights-of-way should be minimized and limited in scope to the extent allowed by law to achieve the purposes of this Article. When reasonable and necessary to accomplish such purposes, the Director may require as alternatives to the proposed ROW work either less disruptive methods or different locations for facilities, provided that any required alternative:
Shall not increase expenses by more than ten percent (10%) of the applicant's costs for the work as proposed,
Shall not result in a decline of service quality, and
Shall be competitively neutral and non-discriminatory. The Director shall justify to the applicant that the required alternative is reasonable and necessary.
Upon receipt of an application, the Director shall determine whether any portion of the rights-of-way will be affected by the proposed work and whether the interference, disruption or placement of facilities will be more than minor in nature. In determining whether the proposed work is more than minor in nature, the Director shall consider the nature and scope of the work, its location and duration and its effect on the rights-of-way, the use thereof and neighboring properties.
If the applicant can show to the Director's reasonable satisfaction that the work involves no interference, disruption, excavation or damage to or only minor interference with the rights-of-way or that the work does not involve the placement of facilities or involves time-sensitive maintenance, then the Director shall promptly grant the ROW permit.
If the Director determines that the effect on the rights-of-way will be more than minor in nature and no exemption under the above paragraph (c)(i) or any other provision of this Article applies, the Director shall schedule and coordinate the work and grant the ROW permit accordingly. When reasonable and necessary to accomplish the purposes of this Article, the Director may postpone issuance of a ROW permit and may give public notice of the application in an attempt to identify whether other person(s) intend to do work in the same area within a reasonable period of time, so that all ROW work in the area can be coordinated. Due regard shall be accorded applicants that are required by any law, rule, regulation, license or franchise to provide service to the area defined in the application. The Director shall not impose any coordination or scheduling requirements that prevent or unreasonably delay an applicant's access to the ROW or that create a barrier to entry.
Each ROW permit issued by the Director shall include:
Projected commencement and termination dates or, if such dates are unknown at the time the permit is issued, a provision requiring the ROW user to provide the Director with reasonable advance notice of such dates once they are determined;
Length of affected rights-of-way, number of road crossings and identification and description of any pavement or curb cuts included in the work;
Information regarding scheduling and coordination of work, if necessary;
The location of any of the applicant's facilities, both those proposed and existing, and the location of any known facilities owned by another person that may be affected by the proposed work;
An acknowledgment and representation by the applicant to comply with the terms and conditions of the ROW permit and this Article; and
Such conditions and requirements as are deemed reasonably necessary by the Director to protect structures and other facilities in the rights-of-way from damage, to restore such rights-of-way and any structures or facilities, to ensure the reasonable continuity and sight lines of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and to protect property values, the aesthetics of adjoining properties and neighborhoods and the public health, safety and welfare.
The Director may deny an application, if denial is deemed to be in the public interest, for the following reasons:
Delinquent fees, costs or expenses owed by the applicant;
Failure to provide information required by the application or this Article:
The applicant being in violation of the provisions of this Article or other pertinent and applicable City ordinances;
Failure to return the ROW to its previous condition under previously issued ROW permits or after prior excavations by the applicant;
For reasons of environmental, historic or cultural sensitivity as defined by applicable federal, state or local law;
For the applicant's refusal to comply with alternative ROW work methods, locations or other reasonable conditions required by the Director; and
For any other reason to protect the public health, safety and welfare, provided that such denial does not fall within the exclusive authority of the Missouri Public Service Commission or interfere with a ROW user's right of eminent domain of private property and, provided further, that such denial is imposed on a competitively neutral and nondiscriminatory basis.
Permit revocation and ordinance violations.
The Director may revoke a ROW permit without fee refund after notice and an opportunity to cure, but only in the event of a substantial breach of the terms and conditions of the permit or this Article. Prior to revocation the Director shall provide written notice to the ROW user identifying any substantial breach and allowing a reasonable period of time not longer than thirty (30) days to cure the problem, which cure period may be immediate if certain activities must be stopped to protect the public safety. The cure period shall be extended by the Director on good cause shown by the ROW user. A substantial breach includes, but is not limited to, the following:
A material violation of a provision of the ROW permit or this Article;
An evasion or attempt to evade any material provision of the ROW permit or this Article or the perpetration or attempt to perpetrate any fraud or deceit upon the City or its residents;
A material misrepresentation of fact in the ROW permit application;
A failure to complete ROW work by the date specified in the ROW permit, unless an extension is obtained or unless the failure to complete the work is due to reasons beyond the ROW user's control; and
A failure to correct, upon reasonable notice and opportunity to cure as specified by the Director, work that does not conform to applicable national safety ordinances, industry construction standards, this Article or any other applicable ordinances, provided that City standards are no more stringent than those of a national safety ordinance.
Any breach of the terms and conditions of a ROW permit shall also be deemed a violation of this Article and in lieu of revocation the Director may initiate prosecution of the ROW user for such violation.
[Ord. No. 2069 § 3, 10-4-2007]
Jurisdiction, inspection and stop work orders.
All facilities and ROW work shall be subject to inspection by the City and the supervision of all federal, state and local authorities having jurisdiction in such matters to ensure compliance with all applicable laws, ordinances, departmental rules and regulations and the ROW permit.
The Director shall have full access to all portions of the ROW work and may issue stop work orders and corrective orders to prevent unauthorized work or substandard work as established in Subsection (g) hereof. Such orders:
May be delivered personally or by certified mail to the address(es) listed on the application for the ROW permit or the person in charge of the construction site at the time of delivery;
Shall state that substandard work or work not authorized by the ROW permit is being carried out, summarize the substandard or unauthorized work and provide a period of not longer than thirty (30) days to cure the problem, which cure period may be immediate if certain activities must be stopped to protect the public safety; and
May be enforced by equitable action in the Circuit Court of St. Louis County, Missouri, and in such case the person responsible for the substandard or unauthorized work shall be liable for all costs and expenses incurred by the City in enforcing such orders, including reasonable attorney's fees, in addition to any and all penalties established in this Article.
Underground facilities.
In conjunction with the City's long-standing policy favoring underground construction, no person may erect, construct or install new poles or other facilities above the surface of the rights-of-way without the written permission of the City, unless the City's authority has been pre-empted by state or federal law. Such permission may be granted through a ROW permit when other similar facilities exist above ground or when conditions are such that underground construction is impossible, impractical or economically unfeasible, as determined by the City, and when in the City's judgment the above ground construction has minimal aesthetic impact on the area where the construction is proposed.
During installation of facilities and to the extent authorized by law, existing underground conduits shall be used whenever feasible and permitted by the owner thereof.
In the case of new construction or property development, the developer or property owner shall give reasonable written notice, to other potential ROW users as directed by the City, of the particular date on which open trenching will be available for installation of facilities. Costs of trenching and easements required to bring facilities within the development shall be borne by the developer or property owner; except that if the facilities are not installed within five (5) working days of the date the trenches are available, as designated in the notice given by the developer or property owner, then once the trenches are thereafter closed, the cost of new trenching shall be borne by the person installing the facilities.
Above ground facilities.
The Director may designate certain locations or facilities in the ROW to be excluded from use by the applicant for its facilities including, but not limited to:
Ornamental or similar specially designed street lights,
Designated historic areas,
Facilities, equipment, structures or locations that do not have electrical service adequate or appropriate for the proposed facilities or cannot safely bear the weight or wind loading thereof,
Facilities, equipment, structures or locations that in the reasonable judgment of the Director are incompatible with the proposed facilities or would be rendered unsafe or unstable by the installation; and
Facilities, equipment, structures or locations that have been designated or planned for other use or are not otherwise available for use by the applicant due to engineering, technological, proprietary, legal or other limitations or restrictions.
Above ground facilities shall be a neutral color and shall not be bright, reflective or metallic. Black, gray and tan shall be considered neutral colors, as shall any color that blends with the surrounding dominant color and helps to camouflage the facilities. Facilities shall be located in such a manner as to reduce or eliminate their visibility. A sight proof landscape screen may be required for any authorized above ground facilities taller than three (3) feet in height or covering in excess of four (4) square feet in size. Such screening shall be sufficient to reasonably conceal the facility. A landscape plan identifying the size and species of landscaping materials shall be approved by the Director prior to installation of any facility requiring landscape screening. The person having facilities within the ROW shall be responsible for the installation, repair or replacement of screening materials. Alternative screening or concealment may be approved by the Director to the extent it meets or exceeds the purposes of these requirements.
Above ground facilities shall be constructed and maintained in such a manner so as not to emit any unnecessary or intrusive noise and shall comply with all other applicable regulations and standards established by the City or state or federal law.
If the application of this Subsection excludes locations for above-ground facilities to the extent that the exclusion conflicts with the reasonable requirements of the applicant, the Director shall cooperate in good faith with the applicant to attempt to find suitable alternatives, but such alternatives may exceed the cost increase limitation established by Section 9-9(b)(2)(i) and the City shall not be required to incur any financial cost or to acquire new locations for the applicant.
Relocation of equipment and facilities.
In the event of an emergency or where construction equipment or facilities create or are contributing to an imminent danger to health, safety or property, the City may, to the extent allowed by law, remove, re-lay or relocate such construction equipment or the pertinent parts of such facilities without charge to the City for such action or for restoration or repair. The City shall attempt to notify the person having facilities within the ROW prior to taking such action, but the inability to do so shall not prevent same. Thereafter, the City shall notify the person having facilities within the ROW as soon as practicable.
At the City's direction, all facilities shall be moved underground and the cost shall be solely the obligation of the person having facilities within the ROW (or as otherwise allowed or required by law).
At the City's direction, a person having facilities within the ROW shall protect, support, disconnect, relocate or remove facilities, at its own cost and expense, when necessary to accommodate the construction, improvement, expansion, relocation or maintenance of streets or other public works or to protect the ROW or the public health, safety or welfare.
A person having facilities within the ROW shall, on the reasonable request of any person and after reasonable advance written notice, protect, support, disconnect, relocate or remove facilities to accommodate such person and the actual cost, reasonably incurred, of such actions shall be paid by the person requesting such action. The person having facilities within the ROW taking such action may require such payment in advance.
Rather than relocate facilities as requested or directed, a ROW user may abandon the facilities if approved by the City as provided in Subsection (f) of this Section.
No action hereunder shall be deemed a taking of property and no person shall be entitled to any compensation therefore. No location of any facilities within the rights-of-way shall be a vested interest.
Property repair and alterations.
During any ROW work, the person doing the work shall protect from damage any and all existing structures and property belonging to the City and any other person. Any and all rights-of-way, public property or private property disturbed or damaged during the work shall be repaired or replaced by the person doing the work or the person on whose behalf the work is being done and such person shall immediately notify the owner of the fact of any damaged property. Such repair or replacement shall be completed within a reasonable time specified by the Director and to the Director's satisfaction.
Any alteration to the existing water mains, sewerage or drainage system or to any City, State or other public structures or facilities in the rights-of-way required on account of the construction, installation, repair or maintenance of facilities within the rights-of-way shall be made at the sole cost and expense of the owner of such facilities.
Removal, abandonment, transfer and relocation of facilities.
If a person having facilities within the ROW:
Installs the facilities within the ROW without having complied with the requirements of this Article; or
Abandons the facilities, the City may require the removal of the facilities, remove the facilities at the expense of the person having facilities within the ROW or require the transfer of the facilities as provided herein.
If the City requires removal of the facilities, the person shall obtain a ROW permit and shall abide by all requirements of this Article. The liability, indemnity, insurance and bonding requirements required herein shall continue in full force and effect during and after the period of removal and restoration and until full compliance by the person with the terms and conditions of the ROW permit and the requirements of this Article.
If the person fails to remove the facilities after having been directed to do so, the City may, to the extent permitted by law, have the removal done at the person's expense. Alternatively, the City may permit the abandonment, without removal, of the facilities if the Director determines that abandonment is not likely to prevent or significantly impair the future use, repair, excavation, maintenance or construction of the ROW.
If the person fails to remove the facilities after having been directed to do so, the City may, to the extent permitted by law, decide that the ownership of the facilities should be transferred to the City or to such person as directed by the City. In either case the owner of the facilities shall submit a written instrument, satisfactory in form to City, transferring to the City, or to such person as directed by the City, ownership of the facilities. The City may sell, assign or transfer all or part of the facilities so transferred.
The City shall not remove or seek to possess or transfer the facilities until thirty (30) days have passed following written notice by the Director to the person having facilities within the ROW of the City's intent to so act. The Director may choose not to act on good cause shown by the person having facilities within the ROW.
Standards for ROW work.
Except for emergency ROW work as provided in Section 9-9(a)(1), ROW work shall be performed only upon issuance and in accordance with the requirements of a ROW permit. At all times during the work, ROW permits shall be conspicuously displayed at the work site and shall be available for inspection by the Director.
If at any time it appears that the duration or scope of the ROW work is or will become materially different from that allowed by the ROW permit, the ROW user shall inform the Director. The Director may issue a waiver, an extension or a revised ROW permit or require that the ROW user reapply for a ROW permit in accordance with all requirements of this Article.
ROW users shall not open or encumber more of the rights-of-way than is reasonably necessary to complete the ROW work in the most expeditious manner or allow excavations to remain open longer than is necessary to complete the work.
All ROW work that affects vehicular or pedestrian traffic shall be properly signed, barricaded and otherwise protected at the ROW user's expense. The ROW user shall be responsible for providing adequate traffic control to the area surrounding the work as determined by the Director.
The ROW user shall perform the ROW work at such times that will allow the least interference with the normal flow of traffic and the peace and quiet of the neighborhood as permitted by the Director. Unless otherwise provided by the Director in the permit, non-emergency ROW work on arterial and collector streets may not be accomplished during the hours of 7:00 A.M. to 8:30 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. in order to minimize disruption of traffic flow.
The ROW user shall notify the City no less than three (3) working days in advance of any ROW work that would require any street closure or would reduce traffic flow to less than two (2) lanes of moving traffic for more than four (4) hours. Except in the event of emergency ROW work, no such closure shall take place without notice and prior authorization from the City.
All ROW work shall be in accordance with all applicable sections of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, the National Electrical Safety Code and other federal, state or local laws and regulations that may apply including, without limitation, local health, safety, construction and zoning ordinances and laws and accepted industry practices, all as hereafter may be amended or adopted. In the event of a conflict among ordinances and standards, the most stringent ordinance or standard shall apply (except insofar as that ordinance or standard, if followed, would result in facilities that could not meet requirements of federal, state or local law).
All facilities shall be installed and located to cause minimum interference with the rights and convenience of property owners, other ROW users and the City. Facilities shall not be placed where they will disrupt or interfere with other facilities or public improvements or obstruct or hinder in any manner the various utilities serving the residents and businesses in the City or public improvements.
All facilities shall be of good and durable quality.
All ROW work shall be conducted in accordance with good engineering practices, performed by experienced and properly trained personnel so as not to endanger any person or property or to unreasonably interfere in any manner with the rights-of-ways or legal rights of any property owner, including the City, or unnecessarily hinder or obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
All safety practices required by law shall be used during ROW work, including commonly accepted methods and devices to prevent failures and accidents that are likely to cause damage, injury or nuisance to the public.
Any contractor or subcontractor of a ROW user must be properly licensed under laws of the state and all applicable local ordinances and each contractor or subcontractor shall have the same obligations with respect to its work as a ROW user would have pursuant to this Article. A ROW user:
Must ensure that contractors, subcontractors and all employees performing ROW work are trained and experienced.
Shall be responsible for ensuring that all work is performed consistent with the ROW permit and applicable law,
Shall be fully responsible for all acts or omissions of contractors or subcontractors,
Shall be responsible for promptly correcting acts or omissions by any contractor or subcontractor, and
Shall implement a quality control program to ensure that the work is properly performed.
A ROW user shall not place or cause to be placed any sort of signs, advertisements or other extraneous markings on the facilities or in the ROW, whether relating to the ROW user or any other person, except such necessary minimal markings approved by the City as necessary to identify the facilities for service, repair, maintenance or emergency purposes or as may be otherwise required to be affixed by applicable law or regulation.
Unless otherwise approved in writing by the City, a ROW user shall not remove, cut or damage any trees or their roots within the ROW.
Street crossings will be bored at the direction of the Director.
Restoring and maintaining the rights-of-way.
[Ord. No. 2414, 2-1-2018]
To complete any ROW work, the ROW user shall restore the ROW and surrounding areas, including, but not limited to, any pavement, foundation, concrete slabs or curbs, screening, landscaping or vegetation, and shall comply with other reasonable conditions of the Director. Restoration of the ROW shall be completed within the dates specified in the ROW permit unless the Director issues a waiver, extension or a new or revised ROW permit.
It shall be the duty of any person making an excavation in the ROW to backfill such excavations and restore the surface in accordance with the City's minimum prescribed standards for such surfaces or the following standards as determined by the Director.
If the disturbed surface area of a paved street right-of-way (including driveway areas) is three (3) feet or more in any dimension the minimum restoration required will be replacement of the entire slab or street segment within which any part of the disturbance is located. If the disturbed surface area of a paved sidewalk right-of-way is eighteen (18) inches or more in any dimension the minimum restoration required will be replacement of the entire slab or sidewalk segment within which any part of the disturbance is located. The Director shall establish specification for replacement slabs based on the material, finish, and condition of the slab(s) or segment(s) being replaced.
If the excavations are made in the improved portion of the ROW, twelve (12) inches of granular backfill will be placed over exposed facilities and controlled low strength material (CLSM) will fill the hole within eight (8) inches of the finished surface for concrete pavements. There will be a plastic membrane placed between the rock base and the CLSM to prevent the material from bleeding into the rock base. The remaining eight (8) inches will be restored by placing a twenty-eight (28) day minimum strength, four thousand five hundred (4, 500) psi concrete mix.
If the excavations are made in the improved portion of an asphalt or combination street, twelve (12) inches of granular backfill will be placed over exposed facilities and CLSM will fill the hole within nine (9) inches of the finished surface. There will be a plastic membrane placed between the rock base and the CLSM to prevent the material from bleeding into the rock base. The remaining nine (9) inches will be restored by placing a six (6) inch thick, twenty-eight (28) day minimum strength, four thousand five hundred (4, 500) psi concrete mix under a three (3) inch asphalt concrete lift of type C mix to meet existing grades.
Construction of asphalt driveway entrances in residential ROW will be constructed of six (6) inches of compacted rock base and three (3) inches of type C asphalt concrete mix. Construction of asphalt driveway entrances in commercial ROW will be constructed of four (4) inches of compacted rock base, seven and one-half (7.5) inches of type X and three (3) inches of type C asphalt concrete mix. Concrete driveway approaches will consist of a four (4) inch compacted rock base and be a minimum of six (6) inches thick in residential ROW and eight (8) inches thick in commercial ROW.
If a ROW user fails to restore the ROW within the date specified either by the ROW permit or any extension thereof as granted by the Director, the City may perform its own restoration. The City may also opt to perform its own restoration regardless of any failure by the ROW user, in which case the ROW permit or any amendment or revision thereto shall note such option. In either event, if the City performs the restoration, the ROW user shall be responsible for reimbursing the City's reasonable actual restoration costs within thirty (30) days of invoice.
Every ROW user to whom a ROW permit has been granted shall guarantee for a period of four (4) years the restoration of the ROW in the area where the ROW user conducted excavation. During this period the ROW user shall, upon notification from the Director, correct all restoration work to the extent necessary as required by the Director. Said work shall be completed within a reasonable time, not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the Director's notice unless otherwise permitted by the Director. If a ROW user fails to restore the ROW within the time specified, the City may perform the work and the ROW user shall be responsible for reimbursing the City's reasonable actual restoration costs within thirty (30) days of invoice. The Director may extend the cure period on good cause shown.
A ROW user shall not be relieved of the obligation to complete the necessary right-of-way restoration and maintenance because of the existence of any performance bond required by this Article.
Any person performing ROW work shall provide written notice to all property owners within one hundred eighty-five (185) feet of the site at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to any installation, replacement or expansion of its facilities. Notice shall include a reasonably detailed description of work to be done, the location of work and the time and duration of the work.
[Ord. No. 2069 § 3, 10-4-2007]
Performance and maintenance bonds.
Prior to any ROW work a ROW user shall establish in the City's favor a performance and maintenance bond in an amount to be determined by the Director to ensure the restoration of the rights-of-way. The bond shall continue in full force and effect for a period of twenty-four (24) months following completion of the work. The Director shall have the authority to extend the maintenance bond period for up to an additional twenty four (24) months. The Director may waive this requirement when the work involves no or only minor disruption or damage to the rights-of-way. The Director shall waive this requirement when the ROW user has twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000.00) in net assets and does not have a history of noncompliance with state and local regulations.
If a ROW user fails to complete the ROW work in a safe, timely and competent manner or if the completed restorative work fails without remediation within the time period for the bond (as determined by the Director), then after notice and a reasonable opportunity to cure there shall be recoverable, jointly and severally from the principal and surety of the bond, any damages or loss suffered by the City as a result, including the full amount of any compensation, indemnification or cost of removal or abandonment of any property of the ROW user and the cost of completing work within or restoring the rights-of-way, plus a reasonable allowance for attorneys' fees, up to the full amount of the bond. The City may also recover against the bond any amount recoverable against a security fund or letter of credit where such amount exceeds that available under a security fund or letter of credit.
Upon completion of ROW work to the satisfaction of the Director and upon lapse of the bond period, including any extension by the Director, the City shall release the bond.
The bond shall be issued by a surety with an "A" or better rating of insurance in Best's Key Rating Guide, Property/Casualty Edition, shall be subject to the approval of the City's attorney and shall contain the following endorsement:
"This bond may not be canceled or allowed to lapse until sixty (60) days after receipt by the City, by certified mail, return receipt requested, of a written notice from the issuer of the bond of intent to cancel or not to renew."
In lieu of the bond required herein, the ROW user may establish in the City's favor such other security as the Director may determine to be commensurate with the noted bonding requirements including, but not limited to, an annual bond to be maintained in the minimum amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00).
All ROW users shall maintain, for the duration of any ROW work and, when applicable, for as long as the ROW user has facilities within the rights-of-way, at least the following liability insurance coverage: workers' compensation and employer liability insurance to meet all requirements of Missouri law and commercial general liability insurance with respect to the construction, operation and maintenance of the facilities and the conduct of the ROW user's business in the City in the minimum amounts of:
Two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) for property damage resulting from any one (1) accident;
Five million dollars ($5,000,000.00) for personal bodily injury or death resulting from any one (1) accident; and
Two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) for all other types of liability.
These insurance requirements shall not be construed to limit the liability of any person or to impose any liability on the City or to waive any sovereign immunity.
All insurance policies shall be with sureties qualified to do business in the state of Missouri with an "A" or better rating of insurance by Best's Key Rating Guide, Property/Casualty Edition and in a form approved by the City.
All insurance policies shall be available for review by the City and a ROW user having facilities within the rights-of-way shall keep on file with the City current certificates of insurance.
All general liability insurance policies shall name the City, its officers, boards, board members, commissions, commissioners, agents and employees as additional insureds and shall further provide that any cancellation or reduction in coverage shall not be effective unless thirty (30) days' prior written notice thereof has been given to the Director. A ROW user shall not cancel any required insurance policy without submission of proof that it has obtained alternative insurance that complies with this Article.
The Director may exempt in writing from these insurance requirements any self-insured ROW user, provided that the ROW user demonstrates to the Director's satisfaction that the ROW user's self-insurance plan is commensurate with said requirements and that the ROW user has sufficient resources to meet all potential risks, liabilities and obligations contemplated by the requirements of this Article. The Director may require a security fund or letter of credit as a condition to a self-insured's exemption. The Director shall waive this requirement when the ROW user has twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000.00) in net assets and does not have a history of non-compliance with applicable regulatory law.
Any ROW user granted a ROW permit and any person having facilities within the rights-of-way, as partial consideration for the privilege granted, shall, at its sole cost and expense, indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City, its officials, boards, board members, commissions, commissioners, agents and employees against any and all claims, suits, causes of action, proceedings and judgments for damages or equitable relief arising out of:
Any ROW work including, but not limited to, the construction, maintenance, repair or replacement of the facilities,
The operation of its facilities,
Failure to secure consents from landowners, or
Any actions taken or omissions made by the person pursuant to the authority of this Article.
The foregoing indemnity provisions include, but are not limited to, the City's reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in defending against any such claim, suit or proceeding prior to the person assuming such defense. The City shall notify a person of claims and suits within seven (7) business days of its actual knowledge of the existence of such claim, suit or proceeding. Once a person assumes such defense, the City may at its option continue to participate in the defense at its own expense.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Article, the City shall not be so indemnified or reimbursed in relation to any amounts attributable to:
The City's own negligence, willful misconduct, intentional or criminal acts, or
The City acting in a proprietary capacity to deliver service(s) within the City.
Recovery by the City of any amounts under insurance, a performance bond or otherwise does not limit a person's duty to indemnify the City in any way; nor shall such recovery relieve a person of amounts owed to the City or in any respect prevent the City from exercising any other right or remedy it may have.
Penalties. Any person violating any provision of this Article shall, upon conviction by the City's municipal court, be punished by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or by imprisonment not to exceed ninety (90) days or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day the violation continues may be charged as a separate offense.
[Ord. No. 2069 § 3, 10-4-2007]
The Director shall make a final determination as to any matter concerning the grant, denial or revocation of a ROW permit as provided in this Article. On the request of an applicant or a ROW user and within a reasonable period of time, the Director also shall make a final determination as to any other issue relating to the use of the ROW, the imposition of any fee or the application of any provision of this Article, provided, however, that this review shall not apply to matters being prosecuted in the municipal court. Any final determination of the Director shall be subject to review as provided herein.
Any person aggrieved by a final determination of the Director may appeal in writing to the Mayor within five (5) business days thereof. The appeal shall assert specific grounds for review and the Mayor shall render a decision on the appeal within fifteen (15) business days of receipt affirming, reversing or modifying the determination of the Director. The Mayor may extend this time period for the purpose of any investigation or hearing deemed necessary. A decision affirming the Director's determination shall be in writing and supported by findings establishing the reasonableness of the decision.
Any person aggrieved by the final determination of the Mayor may file a petition for review pursuant to Chapter 536 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended, in the Circuit Court of the County of St. Louis. Such petition shall be filed within thirty (30) days after the Mayor's final determination.
Arbitration and mediation.
On agreement of the parties and in addition to any other remedies, any final decision of the Mayor may be submitted to mediation or binding arbitration.
In the event of mediation, the Mayor and the applicant or ROW user shall agree to a mediator. The costs and fees of the mediator shall be borne equally by the parties and each party shall pay its own costs, disbursements and attorney fees.
In the event of arbitration, the Mayor and the applicant or ROW user shall agree to a single arbitrator. The costs and fees of the arbitrator shall be borne equally by the parties. If the parties cannot agree on an arbitrator, the matter shall be resolved by a three (3) person arbitration panel consisting of one (1) arbitrator selected by the Mayor, one (1) arbitrator selected by the applicant or ROW user and one (1) person selected by the other two (2) arbitrators, in which case each party shall bear the expense of its own arbitrator and shall jointly and equally bear with the other party the expense of the third arbitrator and of the arbitration. Each party shall also pay its own costs, disbursements and attorney fees.
[Ord. No. 2069 § 3, 10-4-2007]
After the completion of ROW work the ROW user shall provide to the City as-built drawings, maps or other comparable records as determined by the Director, drawn to scale and certified to the City as reasonably depicting the location of all facilities constructed pursuant to the ROW permit. Such records may be provided to the Director in the form maintained by the ROW user, but when available to the ROW user, shall be submitted in automated formats that are compatible with City systems, as determined by the Director, or in hard copy otherwise.
Upon failure of a ROW user to commence, pursue or complete any ROW work required by law or by the provisions of this Article to be done in any street within the time prescribed and to the reasonable satisfaction of the City, the City may, at its option, after thirty (30) days notice, cause such work to be done and the ROW user shall pay to the City the cost thereof in the itemized amounts reported by the City to the ROW user within thirty (30) days after receipt of such itemized report.
Upon ten (10) days' written notice and with the supervision of the City or as otherwise provided by law, a ROW user shall have the authority to trim trees that overhang rights-of-way of the City so as to prevent the branches of such trees from coming in contact with its facilities, at its own expense subject to the supervision and direction of the City. Nothing in this paragraph shall authorize the trimming of trees on private property without permission of the property owner. All cut materials shall be properly disposed.
During ROW work by a ROW user the City shall have the right to install and to thereafter maintain at its own cost in any excavation to or other applicable disturbance of the ROW any parallel facilities of its own that do not unreasonably interfere with the operations of other facilities.
Nothing in this Article shall be in preference or hindrance to the right of the City and any board, authority, commission or public service corporation of the City to use or occupy the rights-of-way or to perform or carry on any public works or public improvements of any description.