[Code 1964, § 25-1]
The roads, streets and thoroughfares established by order of the county court of the county, or otherwise according to law, and in use as public highways within the city at the time of the incorporation thereof, as well as all streets, highways or thoroughfares subsequently dedicated to and accepted by the city are established as public streets of the city and subject to the jurisdiction and regulation thereof.
[Code 1964, § 25-2]
The city engineer is authorized to withdraw temporarily from public use any public street, alley or highway, or part thereof, when necessary for the proper control of traffic or upon which public work or improvement, repair or reconstruction is in progress, and for such period as he deems necessary for the benefit of such work; and, for that purpose, to cause such street, alley or highway, or part thereof, to be barred to travel by the public and placarded as "closed." It shall be unlawful for any person wilfully to drive or cause to be driven any animal or vehicle on, along or across any public street, alley or highway so barred and placarded, or wilfully throw down, remove or otherwise disturb any such barrier or placard placed by the city engineer.
[Code 1964, § 25-3]
The owners, managers, agents or occupiers of premises or tenements, or vacant lots owned by them, under their charge or occupied by them, shall keep the sidewalks and gutters in the public highway adjacent to the property owned, controlled or occupied by them swept and clear of mud, dirt and filth.
After any fall of snow, the owners, managers, agents or occupiers referred to in paragraph (a) of this section shall cause the snow to be immediately removed from the improved area of the sidewalk in the public highway adjacent to the property owned, managed or occupied by them, and the improved area of the sidewalk shall also be kept clear of ice at all times.
Where houses are occupied by several tenants, it shall be the duty of the persons occupying the tenements nearest the public highway involved to comply with the requirements of this section.
[Ord. No. 1341, § 1, 2-5-1987]
In the event any street in the city be duly vacated in accordance with law, all public utility easements shall still remain in effect unless duly terminated in accordance with law, and further that the Laclede Gas Company, its successors and/or assigns shall retain the right to operate and maintain its existing gas distribution mains and facilities in any such legally vacated street as herein described, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto.
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 1341, § 1, adopted Feb. 5, 1987, did not specifically amend this Code; hence, section 1 of the ordinance has been included, to read as set out in § 23-4, at the discretion of the editor.