State law references—Repairs in sidewalks and the assessment of the costs thereof, RSMo. §§ 88.703, 88.710.
[Code 1964, § 25-6]
Whenever any sidewalk or driveway or the covering over any areaway or vault in the sidewalk in any public highway shall be in need of repair, the city engineer shall notify the owner or owners of property adjoining such sidewalk, or their agents, through the mail to have the same repaired to the satisfaction of the city engineer within thirty (30) days from the date of such notice, or to appear before the city engineer on the day and hour specified in such notice and then and there show cause why the city engineer should not cause such sidewalk or driveway or the covering over any areaway or vault in the sidewalk to be repaired, and the cost thereof assessed as a tax against the property abutting the sidewalk area in which such work is done.
[Code 1964, § 25-7]
At the day and hour mentioned in the notice given pursuant to section 23-31, or within three (3) days thereafter, the city engineer shall make his decision regarding the repair of any sidewalk or driveway or the covering over of any areaway or vault. If, in the opinion of the city engineer, the owner or agent has failed to show cause why such repair should not be made, the city engineer shall cause such repair to be done under his direction and to his satisfaction, and an accurate account shall be kept of the cost of all labor, including supervision, and material entering into such work.
[Code 1964, § 25-8]
The expense incurred by the city for labor (including supervision) and materials employed in the repair of any sidewalk or driveway or the covering over any areaway or vault in the sidewalk in any public highway under authority of the city engineer and the preceding section shall be charged as a lien against the property adjoining the sidewalk area in which such work is done.
[Code 1964, § 25-9]
Upon completion of the repair of any sidewalk or driveway or the covering over of any areaway or vault in the sidewalk in any public highway by the city engineer under authority of section 23-32, the city engineer shall cause the total cost of such repair to be determined, and certify the same to the board of aldermen. Upon the approval of such report by the board of aldermen, the person designated by the board of aldermen to prepare special tax bills shall assess the same as a special tax against each lot of ground chargeable therewith, in the names of the owners thereof, respectively, and shall make out and certify to the collector bills of such cost and assessments as required by law.