[Code 1964, § 26-8]
Any person proposing to subdivide land for the purpose of land development, street dedication or sale of land shall file three (3) prints of a preliminary subdivision plat with the city clerk.
[Code 1964, § 26-9]
Every preliminary subdivision plat shall show the following:
The location of the present property lines, streets, watercourses and other existing features within the area to be subdivided, and similar information regarding land immediately adjacent thereto.
Names of adjoining subdivisions or owners of land of adjoining tracts. If these are not included in the subdivision, they shall be marked "Not Subdivided."
The proposed location, width and right-of-way of streets and alleys.
The proposed location and width of easements.
Lot dimensions and building lines.
The proposed location of sidewalks.
Existing sanitary and storm sewers, water mains, culverts and other underground structures within the tract or on streets immediately abutting thereto as well as the location and size of the nearest water main and sewer outlet.
The title under which the proposed subdivision is to be recorded, the name of the registered land surveyor who made the subdivision plat and the name of the subdivider.
Existing and proposed contours of the land, referred to the City of St. Louis datum, with intervals of five (5) feet or less.
A north point, scale of drawing and date.
[Code 1964, § 26-10]
Every preliminary plat of a subdivision submitted to the planning and zoning commission shall be accompanied by a filing fee of ten dollars ($10.00) or one dollar ($1.00) for each lot within the proposed subdivision, whichever is greater.
[Code 1964, § 26-11]
The city clerk shall transmit every preliminary subdivision plat to the city engineer and to the planning and zoning commission for consideration and review at its first regular meeting following filing of the plat.
[Code 1964, § 26-12]
If, after review, the planning and zoning commission shall find the preliminary subdivision plat to satisfy the requirements of this chapter and to be acceptable in relation to good planning, it shall recommend that approval of the plat be granted by the board of aldermen. If the planning and zoning commission shall find that the preliminary subdivision plat does not satisfy the requirements of this chapter or is not acceptable in relation to good planning, it shall specify in a report such objections as are found to the plat and may recommend to the board of aldermen the disapproval of the plat, or may recommend approval conditioned upon specified changes to the plat.
[Code 1964, § 26-13]
After review by the planning and zoning commission one (1) print of the preliminary subdivision plat and the planning and zoning commission report shall be filed with the city clerk, one (1) print and report shall be sent to the subdivider and one (1) print and report shall be retained by the commission.