The Board of Aldermen shall elect a Clerk for such Board, to be known as "the City Clerk", whose duties and term of office shall be fixed by ordinance. Among other things, the City Clerk shall keep a journal of the proceedings of the Board of Aldermen. He/she shall safely and properly keep all the records and papers belonging to the City which may be entrusted to his/her care; he/she shall be the general accountant of the City; he/she is hereby empowered to administer official oaths and oaths to persons certifying to demands or claims against the City.
[CC 1992 §115.010; Ord. No. 49 §§I — V, 3-13-1952; Ord. No. 509 §1, 1-27-1986]
The duties of the Clerk shall be as follows:
To have charge and custody of the City Seal, ordinances and other records, papers and documents entrusted to his/her care and keeping by the Board of Aldermen.
To attend to such correspondence as may be required.
To keep the journal of the proceedings of the Board of Aldermen and to enter therein the "ayes" and "nays" as voted by the members of the Board of Aldermen on each bill presented for passage as an ordinance.
To attest each ordinance as passed by the Board of Aldermen and signed by the Mayor of the Board of Aldermen by signing his/her name thereto and affixing the City Seal.
To procure from the County Clerk of St. Louis County on or before the first (1st) day of June of each year a lawful and proper assessment of property within the City metes and bounds for purposes of taxation within the constitutional limits as provided by law for City purposes, which certified copy of said abstract taken from the County Assessment books, as corrected by the County Board of Equalization, of all property within the City made taxable by law shall be received and accepted by the Board of Aldermen as lawful and proper on which to levy and collect the taxes of the City, which levy shall be by ordinance each year establishing the tax rate.
To issue and attest all warrants ordered by the Board of Aldermen for payment of bills against the City approved for payment.
To perform such other duties as may be prescribed by ordinance or directed by the Board of Aldermen.
The City Clerk shall give bond in the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) and such bond shall be at the expense of the City.