[Adopted effective 5-1999 (§ A.17 of the Town Code)]
Pursuant to the authority of C.G.S. § 7-131r, there is hereby established the Marlborough Land Acquisition Fund to be used for the acquisition of land (or any interest in land, including but not limited to leasehold interests, easements and development rights) to be used for open space, recreation or housing. The Marlborough Land Acquisition Fund shall not lapse at the close of the municipal fiscal year.
There shall be deposited into the Marlborough Land Acquisition Fund such sums as the Town may from time to time appropriate for that purpose, not to exceed in any fiscal year that amount that would be generated by the imposition of a tax of not more than two mills against the property subject to municipal property tax in the Town. There shall also be deposited into the Marlborough Land Acquisition Fund all payments in lieu of open space dedication pursuant to the Marlborough Subdivision Regulations under the authority of C.G.S. §§ 8-25 and 8-25b, and any other funds acquired by the Town, whether by gift, bequest, grant or otherwise, for the purpose to be served by the Marlborough Land Acquisition Fund.
The Board of Selectmen shall appoint an Open Space Land Acquisition Advisory Committee to consist of at least two citizens at large and one member of each of the following: Board of Selectmen, Board of Finance, Planning Commission, Zoning Commission, Conservation Commission and Parks and Recreation Commission. The persons appointed shall serve at the discretion of the Board of Selectmen.
The Open Space Land Acquisition Advisory Committee shall elect a Chairperson and Secretary and shall meet periodically but not less frequently than quarterly.
The Open Space Land Acquisition Committee shall advise the Board of Selectmen concerning potential acquisitions of land or interests in land for open space, recreation or housing purposes and perform such other advisory tasks relating to the use and administration of the Marlborough Land Acquisition Fund as the Board of Selectmen may direct.
Appropriations from the Marlborough Land Acquisition Fund for the purpose for which it was created may be made upon recommendation of the Board of Selectmen and the approval of the Board of Finance. Any purchase of land or interest in land pursuant to this article shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Town Charter and shall be approved by any Annual or Special Town Meeting.