All houses, businesses, and other buildings within the City shall be conspicuously numbered so as to indicate the number of that house, business, or other building upon the street upon which it fronts.
It shall be the duty of every owner and/or occupant of each house, building, and/or structure within the City to place thereon the number of the house, building, or structure.
The size, color, location, and visibility of the numbers shall be as follows:
The minimum height of such number shall be 3 1/2 inches in height.
In order to be visible from the road, street, or way, the number shall be of a contrasting color.
The numbers shall be affixed to the front door or as close to the front door as possible.
Where there are multiple houses, buildings, or structures located off the road on private ways, private roads, or private lanes, the numbers shall be placed at the following locations:
The numbers shall be affixed to a post at the entrance to said private way, private road, or private lane.
If the house, building, or structure is so far off the private way so as to cause the numbers to be unidentifiable from the private way, then a post with the numbers affixed thereto shall be placed at the entrance of the driveway leading to the house, building or structure.
The penalty for violation of this article shall be as follows:
The issuance of a notice, citation, or complaint may be done by any police officer, code enforcement officer or the Board of Health.
Any person found guilty of an infraction of this article shall be fined up to $50 a day.
A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.