[This chapter includes Special Acts applicable to the City and General Laws specifically adopted or accepted by the City.]
The following table lists Acts of the General Court applicable to the City of Beverly. Many of these acts require acceptance by the voters of the City or the governing body to become effective, while others require no such acceptance but are effective upon passage. Those acts specifically accepted by the voters or the governing body are indicated as such. See also Charter Article 9, Section 9-7, which recognizes and retains and/or repeals certain Special Acts.
Acceptance/Approval Date
Acts of 1872, c. 24
Construction of buildings in regard to fire
Acts of 1881, c. 231
Refund of City indebtedness
7-6-1881 TM
Acts of 1882, c. 154
Public parks within City limits
3-3-1884 TM
Acts of 1885, c. 294
Furnishing the town with water, and increasing the supply
8-11-1885 TM
Acts of 1886, c. 264
Precinct voting in towns
9-16-1886 TM
Acts of 1890, c. 386
Printing and distributing of ballots for town election
12-30-1890 TM
Acts of 1891, c. 97
Appointment of sewer assessments
10-20-1899 Mayor
Acts of 1891, c. 179, § 4
Watering of streets
7-8-1896 Mayor
Acts of 1892, c. 377
Establishment of city governments
9-7-1893 TM
Acts of 1893, c. 250
Incurring indebtedness for purpose of constructing a system of sewerage
5-2-1893 TM
Acts of 1893, c. 259
Cancellation of bonds held in the sinking fund
Acts of 1893 c. 364
Additional water supply
Acts of 1894, c. 161
Incorporation of the City
Acts of 1894, c. 455
Licensing of plumbers and the supervision of plumbing
3-22-1901 Mayor
Acts of 1896, c. 271
Indebtedness for park purposes
Acts of 1899, c. 344
Eight hours a day's work for employees
Accepted at City election, 12-11-1900
Referendum for same Acts of 1913, c. 822, 12-9-1913
Acts of 1902, c. 437
Annuities to families of members of police departments
Acts of 1903, c. 428
Police pensions in cities (see also Acts of 1909, c. 188)
8-9-1911 Mayor
Acts of 1905, c. 373
Terms of auditors
12-12-1905 Election
Acts of 1906, c. 476
Pension of call firemen or substitute call firemen
12-1911 Election
Acts of 1908, c. 216
Appointment of sidewalk assessments
9-27-1911 Mayor
Acts of 1908, c. 513
Providing for public playgrounds
12-8-1908 Election
Acts of 1909, c. 188
Police pensions in cities (see also Acts of 1903, c. 428)
8-9-1911 Mayor
Acts of 1909, c. 423
Sale of ice cream, confectionery, etc., on the Lord's Day
Acts of 1910, c. 505
Confirming proceedings of Council
Acts of 1910, c. 542
Revision of Charter
11-8-1910 Election
Acts of 1912, c. 447
Retirement of certain veterans
12-18-1912 Mayor
Acts of 1912, c. 503
Pensioning laborers
Acts of 1912, c. 544
Discontinuing use of land for playground purposes
5-23-1912 Mayor (hearing held as required 5-16-1912)
Acts of 1912, c. 546
Vacations of members of Fire Department
12-10-1912 Election
Acts of 1913, c. 208
School Committee to appoint school physician
1-30-1914 Mayor
Acts of 1913, c. 487
Promotion of call men in Fire Department
12-9-1913 Election
Acts of 1913, c. 807
Compensating public employees for injuries
12-12-1913 Election
Acts of 1913, c. 819
Submitting to voters on official ballots questions of public policy
11-7-1916 Election
Acts of 1914, c. 217 (amended by Acts of 1932, c. 109; Acts of 1937, c. 15)
Vacations of laborers
11-3-1914 Election
Acts of 1914, c. 650
Pension to George O. Obear
6-25-1914 Mayor
Acts of 1914, c. 688
Saturday half-holiday for laborers, workmen and mechanics
11-3-1914 Election
Acts of 1914, c. 790
Abolishing enrollment of members of political parties and limiting membership of ward and town committees
Special Acts of 1915, c. 72
Payment of permanent men in Fire Department $3 a day
Special Acts of 1915, c. 266
Indebtedness for the purpose of relaying certain water mains
4-22-1915 Mayor
Acts of 1916, c. 98
Relative to calling and holding of constitution convention
Acts of 1916, c. 104
New Year's Day as legal holiday.
11-7-1916 Election
Acts of 1916, c. 179
Voters of one political party not to vote in primaries of another part
11-7-1916 Election
Acts of 1916, c. 185
Maintenance of schools of agriculture and horticulture
11-7-1916 Election
Acts of 1916, c. 293
Leasing of motor vehicles carrying passengers for hire
4-22-1918 Mayor
Acts of 1919, c. 116
Deposits on interest monthly
11-4-1919 Election
Acts of 1919, c. 311
Establishment and maintenance of continuation schools for minors
11-4-1919 Election
Acts of 1920, c. 26
Salaries of Mayor and other public officers
2-18-1920 Mayor
Acts of 1920, c. 240
Sports and games on the Lord's Day
Acts of 1920, c. 619
State Bong Commission.
12-14-1920 Election (not accepted by Board of Aldermen)
Acts of 1922, c. 87
Payment to estate of Patrick Gallagher for erroneous taxes
11-8-1922 Mayor
Acts of 1922, c. 140
Preliminary election for the choice of officers in City
11-7-1922 Election
Acts of 1922, c. 155; Acts of 1924, c. 333
Payment to the widow of James J. Fagan
3-31-1922; 5-23-1924 Mayor
Acts of 1923, c. 26
Changing name of Overseers of Poor to the Board of Public Welfare
5-25-1923 Mayor
Acts of 1923, c. 356
Pension to Walter Farnham
5-25-1923 Mayor
Acts of 1923, c. 391
Collection of water rates
7-20-1923 Mayor
Acts of 1923, c. 458, para. b
Pensions of foremen, inspectors, mechanics, etc.
Acts of 1930, c. 351
Uniforms for members of Police and Fire Departments
6-25-1930 Mayor
Acts of 1930, c. 399
Uniform system of fire prevention (licensing of open-air parking spaces)
5-19-1944 Mayor
Acts of 1931, c. 458, § 4
Indemnification of officers and employees for damages sustained on account of operation of publicly owned motor vehicles
2-16-1932 Mayor
Acts of 1936, c. 29
Biennial elections and other Charter changes
11-3-1936 Election
Acts of 1936, c. 142
Chief of Police under civil service
11-3-1936 Election
Acts of 1936, c. 223
Pension for retired public school janitors
7-8-1936 Mayor
Acts of 1936, c. 231
Inspector of Wires under civil service law
11-3-1936 Election
Acts of 1936, c. 290 (amended by Acts of 1939, c. 243)
Pension for laborers
6-22-1937 Mayor
Acts of 1936, c. 318, §§ 26-31H
Contributory retirement systems and making other changes in the laws relative to retirement systems
11-3-** Election
Acts of 1936, c. 439
Retirement of policemen and firemen
Acts of 1937, c. 85
One day off in seven for police officers
12-31-1943 Mayor
Acts of 1937, c. 102, § 1
Advancing date for abolition of noncontributory pensions and retirement allowances
Acts of 1938, c. 203
Chief of Fire Department under the civil service
11-8-1939 Election
Acts of 1938, c. 415
Liens for and the collection of water rates and charges
Acts of 1938, c. 426
One day off in six for police officers
7-6-1942 Mayor
Acts of 1939, c. 108 (amended by MGL c. 44, § 8A)
Approving or disapproving orders authorizing issue of bonds, etc.
1940 Election
Acts of 1939, c. 152
Absentee voting (amending MGL c. 54, § 103A)
6-4-1942 Mayor; revoked in accordance with MGL c 54, § 103A 7-21-1948
Acts of 1941, c. 469
Authorizing City to take property in Town of Danvers for airport
Acts of 1941, c. 638
Hours of duty of members of Fire Departments
7-6-1942 Mayor
Acts of 1941, c. 710
Bicycle registration
9-10-1942 Mayor
Acts of 1946, c. 113
Authorizing the number of members of the reserve police force
4-4-1946 Mayor
Acts of 1946, c. 576
Retirement of certain firemen and policemen
Acts of 1950, c. 820
Increase in the annual amounts of certain pensions, etc.
2-12-1951 Mayor
Acts of 1951, c. 234
Salaries of ex officio members of Water Supply Board
5-21-1951 Mayor
Acts of 1951, c. 238
Municipal election for Mayor, members of Board of Aldermen and members of School Committee
Acts of 1952, c. 624
Increase in the amounts of pensions, retirement allowances and annuities payable to former public employees
Acts of 1953, c. 434
Rent control
Acts of 1954, c. 602
Amending Charter relative to the election of certain officials by the Board of Aldermen
Acts of 1955, c. 223
Additional pay to police officers in attendance in certain criminal cases
Acts of 1955, c. 478
Salaries of Mayor and Board of Aldermen
Acts of 1955, c. 670
Increase in the amounts of pensions, retirement allowances and annuities payable to certain former public employees
Acts of 1956, c. 374
Pensions for widows of policemen and firefighters under the noncontributory retirement law
Acts of 1956, c. 401
Indemnification of civil defense volunteers for damages sustained through the operation of publicly owned vehicles
Acts of 1956, c. 730
Contributory group life, accident, hospitalization, medical and surgical insurance of persons in the service of the City and their dependents
Acts of 1957, c. 104
Compensation of certain members of the South Essex Sewerage District Board
Acts of 1957, c. 133
Certain members of the School Committee to be elected by wards
Acts of 1957, c. 427
Increasing the amount of pension of certain retired police officers and firefighters
Acts of 1958, c. 145
Relative to the retirement of veterans employed by the South Essex Sewerage District
Acts of 1959, c. 162
Granting a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages to Vittori Rocci Post No. 56 of the Italian-American War Veterans
Acts of 1959, c. 204
Authorizing the payment of sums of money to William Devitt, Alice Huson, Bayard D. Huson, Lawrence Lapointe, Marie and Anthony Vaccaro and Clifford and Henrietta C. Caverly
Acts of 1959, c. 434
Authorizing the payment of a certain unpaid bill to Merrimack-Essex Electric Co.
Acts of 1959, c. 493
Increasing the amounts of pensions and retirement allowances payable to certain former public employees
Acts of 1959, c. 595
Contribution for one-half of the cost of certain premiums of insurance of retired employees
11-2-1959, effective 1-1-1960
Acts of 1960, c. 113
Authorizing the establishment of a separate account in the City treasury for receipts of Recreation Commission and providing for expenditures therefrom without further appropriation
Acts of 1960, c. 155
Providing for the initiative and referendum
Acts of 1962, c. 112
Changing the date of biennial municipal elections in City
Acts of 1962, c. 249
Regulating the issuance of nomination papers for use in city and town primaries and elections, and providing a limit to the number of such papers obtainable
Acts of 1963, c. 139
Authorizing the acquisition of land and construction of an off-street parking area
Acts of 1963, c. 478
Increase in the amounts of pensions and retirement allowances payable to certain former public employees
Acts of 1964, c. 486
Increase in the amounts of pensions and retirement allowance payable to certain former public employees
Acts of 1965, c. 588
Life tenure for Walter T. Barnes, incumbent City Collector
Acts of 1965, c. 613
License for the purpose of maintaining solid fill with rip rap slopes over certain tidewaters in Beverly Harbor to be irrevocable
Acts of 1966, c. 568
Authorizing City to appropriate money to pay unpaid bills
Acts of 1967, c. 146
Authorizing City to pay unpaid bill to Sid's Donuts, Inc.
Acts of 1968, c. 571
Validating certain building permit issued by City
Acts of 1969, c. 74
Increasing amount authorized for awarding contracts without advertising
Acts of 1969, c. 308
Accounting for receipts of Youth Activities Commission
Acts of 1969, c. 872
Overtime pay for police
Acts of 1970, c. 624
Authorizing city to appropriate money to pay unpaid bills
Acts of 1970, c. 661
Authorizing City to appropriate money to pay unpaid bills
Acts of 1970, c. 857
Providing that a certain license for placing and maintaining solid fill on the Bass River be irrevocable
Acts of 1971, c. 979
Authorizing the Salem and Beverly Water Supply Board to borrow money to expand its facilities
Acts of 1972, c. 545
Authorizing the formation of a vocational regional school district
Acts of 1973, c. 563
Authorizing the conveyance of certain commonwealth land in the City of Beverly
Acts of 1973, c. 1139
Authorizing the conveyance of certain land in the City of Beverly
Acts of 1974, c. 64
Authorizing the City of Beverly to convey certain land
Acts of 1974, c. 735
Authorizing the City of Beverly to enter into a certain contract with Gordon College for sewage disposal
Acts of 1975, c. 67
Authorizing the borrowing of money for the Salem and Beverly Water Supply Board
Acts of 1975, c. 406
Establishes a Historic and Scenic District Planning Commission in Essex
Acts of 1975, c. 423
Authorizing the redrawing of ward lines in the City of Beverly
Acts of 1975, c. 735
Authorizing the borrowing of money for the Salem and Beverly Water Supply Board
Acts of 1975, c. 770
Establishes the South Essex Solid Waste Disposal District
Acts of 1976, c. 521
Authorizing the reimbursement of the City of Beverly for certain land
Acts of 1981, c. 185
Authorizing the City of Danvers to lay and maintain a water main in the City of Beverly
Acts of 1981, c. 192
Compensation of the Chairman of the Salem and Beverly Water Supply Board
Acts of 1981, c. 357
Authorizing certain licenses be irrevocable
Acts of 1981, c. 461
Authorizing the Beverly Firemen's Relief Association to pay certain benefits to its inactive members
Acts of 1982, c. 296
Compensation for School Board members
9-20-1982 School Board
Acts of 1983, c. 250
Licensing and keeping of dogs in City of Beverly
Acts of 1983, c. 493
Authorizing City of Beverly to acquire easements for the construction of **
Acts of 1984, c. 431
Provides funds for disaster relief in City of Beverly
Acts of 1985, c. 131
Relating to the amount of certain retirement and death benefits which may be paid by the Beverly Police Relief Association, Inc.
Acts of 1985, c. 308
An act authorizing cities and towns to assume responsibility and liability for dog licensing, control and regulation
Acts of 1985, c. 360
An act further regulating the rights of certain firefighters and police officers who were laid off in the years 1981 and 1982
Acts of 1985, c. 727
An act further regulating real estate tax exemptions of organizations of Veterans of War
Acts of 1986, c. 194
Allows City to collect scholarship funds by tax checkoff
Acts of 1986, c. 265
Requiring automatic sprinklers in rooming houses
10-6-1986 Board
Acts of 1986, c. 366
Authorizing City of Beverly to enter into a certain contract with Gordon College for sewage disposal
Acts of 1986, c. 533
Authorizing the acquisition of land in the Town of Wenham by City of Beverly
Acts of 1986, c. 705
An act further regulating group life insurance
Acts of 1987, c. 221
Establishing Beverly Harbor Management Authority
Acts of 1987, c. 499
Allows communities to raise exemption or property owned by veterans' organizations to $700,000
Acts of 1987, c. 697
Pension reform bill
Acts of 1988, c. 281
Required registrars and election commissioners to conduct voter education and voluntary registration sessions one day each year, between April 1 and May 15, in each public, private and vocational high school in City
Acts of 1989, c. 136
Authorizes City to pay certain retroactive compensation
Acts of 1989, c. 653, § 40
New construction or other physical additions to real property occurring by 6-30-1990, to be valued and assessed for fiscal year beginning June 1 [amends MGL c. 59, § 2A(a)]
Acts of 1990, c. 254
Allows persons remaining in service after the age of 70 to be granted creditable service for that time; and further allows the Retirement Board to pay for the physical examination required for service after the age of 70
Acts of 1990, c. 281
Board of Assessors re: removing minimal balance on taxes owed
Acts of 1990, c. 291
Implementation of enhanced 911 emergency service
Acts of 1991, c. 330
Amends § 1 of c. 131 of the Acts of 1985 by increasing certain retirement and death benefits
2-8-1992 Board
House Bill 144888
Charter change - amend House Bill
The following table lists General Laws of the state accepted by the City of Beverly, including their date of acceptance or approval.
Acceptance/Approval Date
Rev. Laws, c. 32, § 82
Pensions to certain members of Fire Department
12-14-1915 Election
Rev. Laws, c. 108, §§ 26-28
An ordinance relating to a reserve police force
4-12-1902 Mayor
MGL c. 29, § 64D
7.5% to deferred compensation
MGL c. 31, § 47
Civil service status for employees in labor service
2-13-1945 Mayor
MGL c. 32, § 4(1)(h)
Veterans to purchase up to four years of service to be added to retirement
MGL c. 32, § 12(2)(d) (Acts of 2011, c. 176)
Retirement increase benefit to surviving spouse
MGL c. 32, § 22(1) (as established by Acts of 1987, c. 697)
Pension reform bill
MGL c. 32, § 44
Increasing pension to retired public school janitors
MGL c. 32, §§ 56-59 (amended by Acts of 1934, c. 285, § 2; Acts of 1937, c. 102, § 2)
Retirement systems and pensions to veterans, etc.
4-27-1936 Mayor
MGL c. 32, § 77A
Providing pensions for widows of laborers under the noncontributory pension system
MGL c. 32, § 89A
Increase in annuities to dependents of certain public employees killed or dying from injuries received or hazards undergone in performance of duty
MGL c. 32, § 89B
Providing annuities to dependents of certain police officers and firefighters killed in the performance of duty
MGL c. 32, §§ 90A, 90C
Increasing allowances of certain retired employees
MGL c. 32, § 95A
Granting annuities to surviving spouse, or children, of certain officials or employees who have been retired or pensioned under any noncontributory retirement law
MGL c. 32B, § 9D
Contribution by City toward former employee's surviving spouse's insurance premium
MGL c. 32B, § 11A
Allowing any City employee to purchase additional life insurance at no additional cost to City
MGL c. 32B, § 11B
Extension of contributory group hospital, surgical, medical insurance to elderly persons retired from the service of the commonwealth and from certain counties, cities, towns and districts and to their dependents
MGL c. 32B, § 11E
Regarding retired school teacher's insurance
MGL c. 32B, § 18
Medicare Part B Extension Plans
MGL c. 32B, § 20
Establish OPEB Trust Fund
MGL c. 32B, § 20 (as amended)
Establish OPEB Trust Fund (amended)
MGL c. 32B, §§ 22 and 23 and Acts of 2011, c. 69
Health insurance benefit changes
MGL c. 33, § 54
Pay and vacation status of municipal employees in militia
8-5-1948 Mayor
MGL c. 39, § 6
Election warrants
MGL c. 39, § 7
Holding other offices
MGL c. 39, § 23D
Attendance leeway to board and commission members
MGL c. 40, § 6E
Temporary minor repairs on private ways
10-4-1951 Mayor
MGL c. 40, § 6F
Making repairs on private ways
MGL c. 40, § 6J
Purchase of work clothes
5-2-1969 Mayor
MGL c. 40, § 6K
Authorizing City to purchase uniforms for certain public health nurses
MGL c. 40, § 8A
Establishing Development and Industrial Commission.
MGL c. 40, § 8C
Pertaining to establishment of a Conservation Commissioner
MGL c. 40, § 8D
Establishment of Historical Commission
MGL c. 40, § 8G
Police Mutual Aid Programs
MGL c. 40, § 12
Public bathhouses
MGL c. 40, § 13
Authorizing the appropriation of money to establish and maintain a municipal buildings insurance fund
MGL c. 40, § 21
Parking on private property
MGL c. 40, §§ 21, 22, 22A and 22D
Handicapped parking
MGL c. 40, § 21D
Noncriminal disposition of ordinance violations; use of citations in a form approved by the Chief Justice of the District Courts
MGL c. 40, § 22D
Authorizing removal and storage by private contractors at direction of City Police at owner's expense of vehicle impeding snow removal or parked in violation of parking regulations
MGL c. 40, § 22F
Increase in municipal lien fees
MGL c. 40, § 32A
Publication of ordinances
10-31-1934 Mayor
MGL c. 40, §§ 42A-42F
Sewer liens
MGL c. 40, §§ 42G-42L
Special assessments to meet cost of laying water pipes in certain ways
3-20-1958 Mayor
MGL c. 40, §§ 42H, 42I
Uniform rate of assessment, recordation of assessment to establish lien on property; amount of assessment and extension of time for payment
MGL c. 40, §§ 42H, 42I
Water connection fee
MGL c. 40, § 57
License and permits of delinquent taxpayers
MGL c. 40, § 61
Permitting City to construct, etc., any private way which has been used by the public for 50 years or more
MGL c. 40, § 611
Providing that cities and towns may make repairs on private ways without liability for damage
MGL c. 40, § 100B
Indemnification of retired police officers and firefighters for reasonable hospital, medical and surgical expenses
MGL c. 41, § 13B
Delegation of authority to City Clerk pertaining to renewal of licenses and permits
MGL c. 41, § 19F
Providing that city clerks shall be paid additional compensation as clerks of the city council
MGL c. 41, § 38A
Collection by Collector of accounts due to City
9-4-1941 Mayor
MGL c. 41, §§ 81A-81J
Municipal planning
4-23-1945 Mayor
MGL c. 41, § 91
Appointment and removal of constables in cities
MGL c. 41, § 100B
Indemnification of retired police officers and firefighters for reasonable hospital, medical and surgical expenses
MGL c. 41, § 100F
Indemnification of Harbormaster against certain actions and claims
MGL c. 41, § 108L
Quinn Bill
MGL c. 42, § 2 (Acts of 1992)
Recreation and Park Revolving Fund
MGL c. 44, § 16A
Use of facsimile countersignatures upon bonds, notes and certificates of indebtedness
MGL c. 44, § 53C
Repayment of off-duty police officers
MGL c. 44, § 53E
Offset receipts
MGL c. 44, § 53F 1/2
Enterprise Funds
MGL c. 44, § 55C
Beverly Affordable Housing Trust Fund
MGL c. 44, § 64
Payment of bills in excess of appropriations
MGL c. 44B, §§ 3-7
Community Preservation Act
11-6-2012 Election
MGL c. 48, § 57A
Days off for working on holidays for members of Fire Department
MGL c. 48, § 57C
Permitting time off without loss of pay for delegates to certain conventions of firefighters
MGL c. 48, § 57E
An additional day's pay for the fire chief on duty on certain holidays
MGL c. 48, § 58B
Hours of duty of permanent members of Fire Department
11-8-1960 Election
MGL. c. 48, § 59A
Aid of Fire Department to other cities
MGL c. 48, §§ 59B, 59C, 59D
Reserve list firefighters
MGL c. 54, § 11
Election officers, deputy, etc.
MGL c. 59, § 5, cl. 41
Over 65 taxes
MGL c. 59, § 5, cl. 50
Residential tax exemption for alterations to property to accommodate person over 60
MGL c. 59, § 5, cl. 55
Increase personal exemption amount for Clause 17D, Clause 41C; increase qualifying asset limit for Clause 17D
MGL c. 59, § 5C 1/2
Additional real estate exemption for taxpayers who are granted personal exemptions on their domiciles under MGL c. 59, § 5, including certain blind persons, veterans, surviving spouses, and seniors
MGL c. 59, § 21A
Compensation for assessors
MGL c. 59, § 59 5(54)
Tax exemption on personal property accounts under $2,000
MGL c. 64G, § 3A
Hotel-motel excise tax
MGL c. 64J, § 13
Imposition, payment, collection of excise tax on sale or use of aircraft fuel
MGL c. 71, § 40
Extending minimum salary for teachers.
MGL c. 71, § 71E
Establishment of revolving accounts for adult education and summer school
MGL c. 80, § 14 (repealed Acts of 1923, c. 377, § 6)
MGL c. 83, §§ 16A-16F
Sewer liens
MGL c. 90, § 17C
Lower speed limit to 25 miles per hour
MGL c. 90, § 18A
Pedestrian jaywalking law
MGL c. 90, § 20A 1/2
Collection of parking fine monies
MGL c. 90, § 20C
Fines and penalties
7-15-1969 Mayor
MGL c. 130, §§ 1, 8A
Enforcement of certain marine fisheries laws by police officers
MGL c. 136, § 7 (amended by Acts of 1934, c. 373, § 7)
MGL c. 140, § 47
Licensing tea houses.
6-29-1923 Mayor
MGL c. 147, § 13B
Appointment of reserve police force
MGL c. 147, § 17A
Days off for working on holidays for members of Police Department
MGL c. 148, §§ 26C, 26D and 26E
Heat and smoke detectors
MGL c. 148, § 26G
Installation of automatic sprinkler systems
MGL c. 148, § 26H
MGL c. 148, § 26I
Automatic sprinkler systems in residential properties with four or more units
MGL c. 149, § 33B
Compensation for overtime
5-12-1969 Mayor
MGL c. 152, § 69
Extend workers' compensation to all school personnel
MGL c. 152, § 69
Extend workers' compensation to all workers except police and Fire
MGL c. 180, § 17A
Authorizing payroll deductions on account of union dues or dues to state employees' association for certain employees.
MGL c. 268A, §§ 1(n), 17(c)
Members of Conservation Commission designated special municipal employees
Acts of 1999, c. 158, § 4
Extend mailing time tax bills
Acts of 2002, c. 116
Early Retirement Incentive Program
Acts of 2005, c. 157, §§ 1 and 2
Retirement benefits for veterans
Acts of 2023, c. 48
Amending the Home Rule Charter of the City of Beverly