[Adopted as Art. XXIX of the Code of Ordinances]
Whenever the City is about to construct a new street or to break up the surface of any street, the Director of Engineering, Commissioner of Public Services, Public Works shall, at least two weeks before beginning work thereon, notify the Salem City Council, National Grid Gas, National Grid Electric, the MBTA, Verizon and Comcast if the Salem City Council or any of the companies mentioned have been authorized to lay or place any pipes, conduits or tracks in such street. If the Salem City Council or any of the companies mentioned have any work to be done in the street designated in the notice, it shall consult and arrange with the Director of Engineering, Commissioner of Public Services, Public Works in order that such work may be done before the surface of such street is prepared anew for public travel. The Director shall also notify the abutters on such street and all other persons interested therein by publishing a notice of the work proposed in one of the City newspapers at least one week before beginning such work, and if any abutter or other person desires to open such street to do any work therein, application for a permit shall be made forthwith in order that the work may be done before the surface of the street is prepared as aforesaid. After such notice and opportunity have been given, no such council, company, abutter or person shall, for the space of five years, break up the surface of such street so prepared, except in case of obvious necessity, to be certified to and approved by the Mayor.
No street or way shall be opened by drain layers or other persons between the first day of December and the first day of the following April, except in case of necessity, certified to and approved by the Mayor, but nothing in this section shall prevent connection being made with a common sewer or drain when ordered by the Board of Health.
Whenever there is to be any excavation in any street or sidewalk in the City, the Director of Engineering, Commissioner of Public Services, Public Works shall notify National Grid Gas, National Grid Electric, Verizon and Comcast at least 48 hours before commencing the work to determine whether or not any pipes or conduits might be endangered by such excavation. Such excavations include water, sewer, surface drainage, tree removals, installation of posts to a depth of over one foot, street repairs and construction, sidewalk repair and construction, etc.
If it is determined by the aforesaid companies that their services might be endangered, then such companies shall take appropriate measures to supervise and protect their respective services.
In the event of any emergency, the provision requiring 48 hours' notice shall not apply but the Director of Engineering, Commissioner of Public Services, Public Works shall immediately notify the aforesaid companies.
Whenever any repairs, openings of trenches or any temporary occupation of any street, way or traveled place in the City is contemplated to be performed by any public service corporation or by a private contractor or corporation, at least 24 hours' notice of same shall be given by such corporation or contractor to the Chief of the Fire Department of the City. The notice shall set forth in general the extent and duration of the work contemplated.
Whenever any accident occurs upon the highways or other public places of the City, or when for any cause circumstances arise involving possible liability of the City to damages, it shall be the duty of the members of the police force, including regular, reserve and special officers, the foreman and employees of the Public Services Department and members of the Fire Department, having knowledge of such accident or circumstances, to report the same forthwith and without delay to the head officer of their respective departments; and such report shall contain a sufficient statement of the place, time and special facts under which such accident or circumstances arose, and such head of department shall thereupon forthwith transmit such report to the Chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee and to the City Solicitor.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III).
[Amended 2-21-1989 by Ord. No. 108A; 5-15-1989 by Ord. No. 249]
No person shall break or dig up, or assist in breaking or digging up any part of any street, or remove any gravel or other similar thing therefrom for any purposes whatever except by permission of the Director of Engineering, Commissioner of Public Services, Public Works and under such restrictions and conditions as he may think proper.
A permit in writing must first be obtained from the Director of Engineering, Commissioner of Public Services, Public Works. Any and all holders of permits as aforesaid shall provide suitable lights in and on all obstructions or excavations placed by them in such public streets or ways between sunset and sunrise, and shall provide a suitable boardwalk for public use around such obstructions and excavations. In the case of failure to so provide suitable lights, the Director shall provide the same at the expense of the holder of the permit.
In addition, the applicant shall provide the City with a cash bond in the amount of $1,000 or $10 per linear foot of trench, whichever is greater, to be held by the City Treasurer.
In the event that the work for which the permit under this section is obtained is not completed in a timely manner or maintained in a satisfactory condition as determined by the Director of Engineering, Commissioner of Public Services, Public Works, then the Director shall give the applicant 48 hours' notice by registered or certified mail to complete the work or make the necessary repairs.
If the repairs or completion ordered by the Director of Engineering, Commissioner of Public Services, Public Works is not completed within 48 hours of the applicant's receipt of notice, the Director shall notify the City Council's Committee on Public Services. The Committee on Public Services shall have the authority to release so much of the cash bond to the Public Services Department provided for in Subsection C above as the Commissioner determines is necessary to complete or repair the street so disturbed. Each and every break or digging up of any street shall require a separate permit, fee and cash bond.
No person shall place or maintain any grating, or make any permanent excavation under the surface of any street for the purpose of constructing a coal hole, or for light and air, or for an entrance, or for any other purpose without permission from the City Council. No person shall leave such coal hole or other aperture open or unfastened between sunset and sunrise in any case, nor in the daytime unless actually in use and properly guarded. No grating shall project more than two feet into the street.
Every owner of an estate hereafter maintaining any cellar, vault, coal hole or other excavation under the part of the street which is adjacent to, or part of, his estate and every person maintaining a post, pole or other structure in the street, or a wire, pipe, conduit or other structure under a street shall do so only on condition that such maintenance shall be considered as an agreement on his part with the City to keep the same and the covers thereof in good repair and condition at all times during his ownership and to indemnify and save harmless the City against any and all damages, costs, expenses and compensation which it may sustain or be required to pay by reason of any excavation or structure being under or in the street or being out of repair during his ownership, or by reason of any cover of the same being out of repair or unfastened during his ownership.
No person shall place or maintain any posts in any street except by permission of the City Council, which permit may be revoked at any time.
Editor's Note: Former § 253-35, Public meetings in streets; temporary stands for selling goods, was repealed 4-16-2024 by Ord. No. 067.
No person shall, without permission from the Board of Health, carry in or upon any vehicle through any street or way coal, sawdust, ashes or any other material or debris which is liable to fall from such vehicle upon any street or way, whether or not the falling is caused by the elements, unless the same shall have been properly covered.
The Engineering Department, subject to the control and direction of the City Council, shall have general charge of numbering or renumbering streets in the City, and the committee shall make all necessary rules and regulations for the carrying out of the aforesaid powers.
No person shall move a building in a public street or way without permission from the City Council, which shall be granted upon such terms as in its opinion the public safety and convenience may require.
All applications for such permission shall state the current location and that to which the building is to be moved, its length, width and height, and the principal material of which it is constructed, and shall definitely describe the route over which it is to be moved, the length of time required to move it, and whether any shade trees or branches thereof will have to be removed and, if any, the location thereof, and shall be accompanied by the certificate of the Director of Engineering, Commissioner of Public Services, Public Works approving the desired route. In all cases where a permit has been granted for the removing of a building as provided in this section, the moving of which will necessitate the cutting of electric light or power wires by any corporation authorized to maintain the same in the City, the holder of the permit shall, before any such building is moved from its location, notify such corporation of the granting of the permit, and thereupon such corporation shall give not less than 24 hours' notice through some daily newspaper published in the City, describing the wires which are to be cut and the time when the power or light, or both, are to be suspended.
No person shall move any such building until he has given a bond to the City in the sum of $300 with two or more sureties, one of whom shall be the owner of the building, to save harmless and indemnify the City from all damages which may occur by such moving. The bond shall be approved by the Director of Engineering, Commissioner of Public Services, Public Works and filed with the City Clerk before the permit is issued.
Generally. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the City ordinances, the City Council, under the direction of the Director of Engineering, Commissioner of Public Services, Public Works, shall establish and cause to be constructed sidewalks in public ways of such materials as it may determine.
Curbing. Any person constructing a building on an existing street shall construct a sidewalk and curbing of material which conforms with the general area.