Inclusionary housing special permits and inclusionary housing applications shall be filed simultaneously. Pursuant to Chapter 300, Zoning, § 300-111, application, review and decision procedures shall be in accordance with Chapter 300, § 300-91, and with the provisions of MGL c. 40A, § 9. In addition, each special permit application must satisfy the Planning Board that it meets the following requirements based on the applicable section:
Section 300-107C(1), reduction of gross floor area for affordable detached one-family dwellings: provide calculations comparing the minimum gross floor area required under the regulations or guidelines of the Local Initiative Program to the proposed gross floor area of the affordable detached one-family dwellings and the average gross floor area of the market-rate dwellings.
Section 300-108B, alternative methods of providing affordable units: Refer to Article III of these regulations for requirements.
Section 300-108C, credit units: The Planning Board may grant a special permit for "credit units" if the developer provides a greater number of affordable units on-site than is required. These "extra" units may be applied to another development in a different location in order to reduce the number of affordable units in that project. The credit units must be applied within 10 years from the effective date of the special permit. Developers must adhere to the following requirements:
The special permit application must be filed simultaneously with the inclusionary housing application.
The developer must specify the number of affordable units to be credited.
Credit units will be subject to the affordability and comparability requirements of Chapter 300, Article XV.
Purchase and rent prices for the credit units are subject to the affordability and market conditions of the time the units are applied to a future project.
Section 300-109B, density bonus for development with on-site and off-site affordable units: Off-site units under this section shall meet the description of off-site units provided in § 300-108B(1).