This Section describes the instances when permits and/or zoning approval are required. If a building permit is required, zoning approval will be addressed during the building permit process.
Except as provided in paragraph 'B' below, building permits shall be obtained before:
constructing or erecting residential or non-residential buildings or structures;
moving, adding to, or extending residential or non-residential buildings or structures; and
constructing residential or non-residential buildings or structures, regardless of size, in the Critical Area, wetland and/or stream buffer, and/or cliff setback.
Exceptions to Building Permit Requirements
If a proposed residential structure consists of less than 150 square feet and is not located in the Critical Area, stream buffers, or cliff setbacks, then a building permit is not required.
Building permits will be issued only for construction on buildable lots or buildable residue which meet the requirements of this Ordinance and other applicable agency requirements
[Amended 12-9-2006]
A grading permit, grading permit exemption, and or zoning approval is required for any grading, clearing or excavating.
Zoning approval is required in the following instances to ensure that a building, structure, or use conforms to the requirements of this Ordinance:
Any change in the use of a building or premises from one use listed in the Land Use Tables of Article 3 to another use listed, regardless of size.
If a building, structure, or use, regardless of size, will be within:
a recorded Forest Retention Area;
a wetlands buffer;
a floodplain area;
a recorded Conservation Area; and/or
a recorded access easement.
Setback requirements shall be met for any building, structure, or use, regardless of its size. See Article 5 for setback requirements for residential uses and Article 6 for setback requirements for non-residential uses.
A temporary occupancy permit may be issued by the Zoning Officer for a period not exceeding six months during alterations or partial occupancy of a building pending its completion provided that such temporary permit may require such conditions and safeguards as will protect the safety of the occupants and the public.
A plat, or a stamped survey, from a Registered Surveyor may be required when zoning approval and/or the approval of all or part of a permit requires the determination of the location of, or relationships among, existing and proposed physical and/or legal site conditions. Such physical conditions include, but are not limited to, structures, roadways, wetlands, slopes, water bodies, and cliff edges. Such legal site conditions include, but are not limited to, property lines, lateral lines, easements, harbor lines, buffers, setbacks, rights of way, and zoning lines.