[Amended 5-12-2009]
Site access shall be subject to the following regulations in order to help ensure traffic safety and alleviate traffic congestion. The proposed development shall be served by access roads adequate to safely accommodate the vehicular traffic projected to be generated by the development.
Where property abuts an arterial and a secondary or collector road, access to the property shall be by way of the secondary or collector road. Exceptions to this rule shall be instances where the Planning Commission or its designee determines that direct access onto the arterial would promote traffic safety.
[Amended 6-9-2020 by Ord. No. 14-20]
Where one or more contiguous parcels abutting an arterial are under single ownership and any one of the parcels abuts a secondary or collector road, access to all of the parcels under single ownership shall be by way of the secondary or collector road.
No more than one direct access approach onto an arterial road shall be provided to any individual parcel of record as of May 8, 1984.
[Amended 6-9-2020 by Ord. No. 14-20]
The Planning Commission or its designee may, with approval by the State Highway Administration, approve one additional access if the additional access is deemed to be significantly beneficial to the safety and operation of the highway or if allowing only one access approach would be a safety hazard or increase traffic congestion.
The Planning Commission or its designee may approve additional access when the parcel is bisected by steep slopes and/or wetlands in such a manner as to render some portion(s) of the property inaccessible without additional road access.
Where a future roadway is designated on an approved County map, site plans for development adjacent to the designated roadway shall include provisions for future access to the roadway.
Accesses shall be consolidated wherever feasible.
Where an industrial use abuts a road within a residential subdivision and a road not located within a residential subdivision, access shall be restricted to the nonsubdivision road.
If access to the development is proposed over one or more adjacent properties, a permanent access easement, with a minimum width of 20 feet, shall be recorded among the Land Records of Calvert County. A copy of the easement shall be submitted with the site plan or plot plan application.
[Amended 5-12-2009]
[Amended 12-21-2014 by Ord. No. 47-14]
Sites shall be designed to prevent awkward or dangerous vehicular flow.
Travel ways shall meet the following minimum width requirements:
25 feet wide for two-way traffic adjacent to rows of parking spaces;
20 feet wide for two-way traffic when not adjacent to rows of parking spaces or one-way traffic with angled parking;
18 feet wide for one-way traffic.
At the ends of parking rows, safe and convenient space shall be provided to allow vehicles to back out of parking spaces (minimum six feet).
A driveway shall be set back at least six feet from a building corner to reduce blind spots.
The following requirements apply to uses involving stacking that include but are not limited to drive-up facilities, schools, daycare centers, solid waste facilities and churches:
A drive through lane shall be provided adjacent to the drive-up facility that contains adequate room for stacking of a minimum of seven vehicles (20 feet by 10 feet per vehicle); and
A by-pass lane shall be provided adjacent to the drive through lane; and
The drive through lane and by-pass lane shall not impact or block parking spaces; and
The stacking shall not negatively affect the site circulation or back up into a road right-of-way; and
If more than one drive-through lane is provided, stacking for the lane adjacent to the drive-up facility shall meet item #1 above. Additional drive-thru lanes shall contain adequate room for stacking a minimum of five vehicles (20 feet by 10 feet per vehicle).
The following stacking requirements apply to Automobile Filling Stations:
Adequate room shall be provided for stacking a minimum of three (3) vehicles (20 feet by 10 feet per vehicle) per each side of pump island (pump islands may be one individual pump or several pumps in a row); and
The stacking shall not negatively affect the site circulation or back up into a road right-of-way.
Bus Parking
Bus parking shall be provided for uses which will accommodate school field trips and bus tours.
Parking islands with six-inch high curbs shall be required at the end of all parking rows. If bio-retention areas are proposed within the parking islands, the curbing requirements may be waived by the Planning Commission Administrator.
Sites shall be designed to:
Promote access for persons with disabilities in compliance with the Maryland Accessibility Code (MAC).
Discourage pedestrians and vehicles from sharing the same pathways and provide for bicycle access.
Indicate pedestrian walkways by a change in pavement surface and/or height and a narrowing of the travel lanes.
Provide dedicated pedestrian walkways between multiple buildings on a single site and from parcel line to parcel line along the road frontage.
[Amended 9-22-2009]
For sites located within a Town Center, the location of such dedicated pedestrian walkways shall be in accordance with the Town Center Master Plan and shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Town Center Zoning Ordinance, if specified. If standards are not specified in the Town Center Zoning Ordinance, the sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with the Calvert County Road Ordinance. The Planning Commission or its designee may grant a reduction or waiver to this Section in the following instances:
[Amended 9-22-2009]
If the pedestrian access will conflict with existing vehicular access; or
If the provision of the pedestrian access will require disturbance to streams and/or wetlands and their buffers.
Loading and unloading spaces for delivery trucks shall not block major pedestrian ways or create blind spots when trucks are loading and unloading.
Trash boxes shall be accessible to collection trucks when all vehicle parking spaces are filled. See Section 6-5.06 for screening requirements for trash or disposal areas.