The following regulations shall apply to the creation of any new campground or recreational vehicle camp, or the enlargement of any lawfully existing camp approved by the Board of Appeals. Campgrounds and recreational vehicle camps shall be referred to as "camps" in this Section.
Ownership and Subdivision
A camp established as a special exception shall remain under one ownership and subdivision shall not be permitted except as provided by the County Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations.
Any vehicle, building, tent, or other structure in such camp shall be located at least 150 feet from the right-of-way of any adjoining public road, and at least 100 feet from the nearest boundary line of such camp.
The density of vehicle spaces shall not exceed 15 per acre for the gross acreage.
Interior roads shall have a minimum dust free surface of 20 feet, except that one-way roads may have a minimum dust-free surface of 12 feet.
Water and Sewerage
Campgrounds and recreational vehicle camps shall provide an adequate potable water supply at such locations and of such construction as may be required by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
Recreational vehicle camps shall provide sewage dumping stations as required by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
Service Buildings
Each camp shall provide conveniently located service building(s) as required by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
Garbage and Trash Collection
Stations shall be provided in such numbers and at such locations so as to facilitate storage and collection of garbage and trash. Management of the camp shall be responsible for the collection and disposal of garbage and trash.
Special Conditions
The property shall be surrounded by a 20-foot wide vegetative buffer. Special conditions, such as the provision of fencing and/or planting or other landscaping, additional setback from property lines, provisions for lighting, and other reasonable requirements deemed necessary to safeguard the general community interest and welfare, may be invoked by the Board of Appeals as requisites to the granting of a special exception.
Fire Protection
Each camp shall provide such fire protection equipment as may be required by the Fire Marshal.
Vehicle Space
Each designated vehicle space shall have a minimum width of 25 feet, and a minimum area of 1,500 square feet.