[Ord. No. 14-04-09 §1, 4-21-2014]
For sites that disturb less than one (1) acre unless otherwise exempted under Section 407.030, the owner/developer/contractor must provide a sketch plot plan indicating the overall layout of buildings and other impervious areas, indicate flow direction with arrows, show the location of any existing or proposed drainage structures, and show the location of construction site best management practices. This plan does not necessarily need to be prepared by a registered professional engineer. The calculations for the sizing of any new or modified storm sewers and any other permanent stormwater best management practices shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer.
For all sites resulting in land disturbance of one (1) acre or greater, each developer/owner subject to this Chapter shall submit to Excelsior Springs Community Development Department for review and approval a stormwater management plan as provided herein.
[Ord. No. 14-04-09 §1, 4-21-2014]
All applicants shall participate in a pre-application meeting with City of Excelsior Springs staff to discuss potential approaches for stormwater design and opportunities to use design techniques to reduce runoff rates, volumes, and pollutant loads. During the pre-application meeting, the applicant shall provide information regarding design considerations as outlined in the Excelsior Springs Development Guide.
[Ord. No. 14-04-09 §1, 4-21-2014]
If the developer/owner only desires to obtain a grading permit for purposes of clearing and rough grading, they may do so upon approval of the preliminary grading plan, erosion and sediment control plan and a stormwater pollution prevention plan.
[Ord. No. 14-04-09 §1, 4-21-2014]
Submittal. A stormwater management design plan containing all appropriate information as specified in this Chapter and outlined in KC-APWA 5100, KC-APWA 5600 and MARC BMP Manual shall be submitted with the final subdivision plat, final development plan, final site plan, construction plan, or any other land development plan subject to this Chapter.
Application Requirements. The stormwater management design plan submittal shall contain:
A completed grading/stormwater permit application form provided by Excelsior Springs Public Works;
The fee(s) according to the adopted fee schedule;
A stormwater management construction plan and associated calculations that satisfies the requirements of this Section and the KC-APWA 5100, KC-APWA 5600 and the MARC BMP Manual; and
A stormwater facilities and/or BMP maintenance plan and maintenance agreement where applicable.
Stormwater Management Design Plan Content. The stormwater management design plan shall contain maps, charts, graphs, tables, photographs, narrative descriptions, explanations, calculations, citations to supporting references, a record of all major permit decisions, and other information as may be necessary for a complete review of the plan, and as specified in the KC-APWA 5100, KC-APWA 5600 and the MARC BMP Manual.
[Ord. No. 14-04-09 §1, 4-21-2014]
Review for Completeness of Plan. City of Excelsior Springs staff will perform a preliminary review to determine if the application is complete. Upon completion of this review, staff may forward the submittal to a third party consulting review engineer for determination of whether the plans meet the ordinance requirements. Any third party review is done at the expense of the owner/developer.
Substantive Changes to Plan. No substantive changes shall be made to an approved plan without review and written approval by the Director. The City may request additional data with a plan amendment as may be necessary for a complete review of the plan and to ensure that changes to the plan will comply with the requirements of this Chapter.
Expiration of Plan Approval. The stormwater management construction plan's approval expires one year from the date of approval unless work has begun on the site or an extension request from the owner or design engineer has been received by the Director. If the stormwater management construction plan approval expires and is not granted an extension, the applicant shall file with the Director for reapproval of the stormwater management construction plan.
[Ord. No. 14-04-09 §1, 4-21-2014]
Approval Of Other Permits. Unless exempt, no grading/stormwater permit or building permit shall be issued for land development without approval of a stormwater management construction plan.
Coordination With Other Plans. Approval of the stormwater management construction plan shall be coordinated by Excelsior Springs Public Works with approval of an erosion and sediment control or construction stormwater plan with regard to the location, schedule, and/or phasing for temporary and permanent stormwater management measures. If natural drainage features or other natural areas are to be preserved, then these areas must be shown and measures provided for their protection on both the erosion and sediment control plan and the stormwater management construction plan. If other elements of the stormwater management construction plan utilize soils, vegetation, or other natural features for infiltration or treatment, then these areas must be shown on the erosion and sediment control plan and measures provided for their protection during construction.
Other Permits Or Approvals May Be Needed. Approvals issued in accordance with this Chapter do not relieve the applicant of responsibility for obtaining all other necessary permits and/or approvals from other federal, state, and/or local agencies. If requirements vary, the most restrictive shall prevail. These permits may include, but are not limited to: applicable state and federal permits for stream and wetland impacts and applicable dam safety permits. Applicants are required to show proof of compliance with these regulations before the City of Excelsior Springs will issue a grading/stormwater permit or building permit.
Stormwater Measures Within Designated Flood Hazard Areas. Construction of stormwater measures or facilities within a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) designated floodplain or floodway shall be avoided to the extent possible. When this is unavoidable, all stormwater BMP construction shall be in compliance with all applicable requirements of the Floodplain Management Ordinance in Chapter 401 of the City Code.
[Ord. No. 14-04-09 §1, 4-21-2014]
Prior to approval by Excelsior Springs Public Works of a stormwater management construction plan, each owner shall submit a maintenance agreement and maintenance plan in accordance with the following:
Responsible party. The owner shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of such measures and shall pass such responsibility to any successor owner.
Requirement for maintenance agreement and plan. If a stormwater management construction plan requires structural or nonstructural measures, the owner shall execute a stormwater maintenance agreement prior to Excelsior Springs Public Works granting final approval for the plan, or any plan of development or other development for which a permit is required under this Chapter. The agreement shall be recorded in the office of the Clay or Ray County Recorder of Deeds (whichever county the parcel lies in) and shall run with the land.
Required elements for maintenance agreement and plan. The stormwater maintenance agreement shall be in a form approved by the City, and shall, at a minimum:
Designate responsible party. Designate for the land development the owner, governmental agency, or other legally established entity (responsible party) which shall be permanently responsible for maintenance of the structural or non-structural measures required by the plan.
Pass responsibility to successors. Pass the responsibility for such maintenance to successors in title.
Right of entry for stormwater authority. Grant Excelsior Springs Public Works and its representatives the right of entry for the purposes of inspecting all stormwater facilities and BMPs at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner. This includes the right to enter a property when Excelsior Springs Public Works has a reasonable basis to believe that a violation of this Chapter is occurring or has occurred and to enter when necessary for correction of a violation of this Chapter.
Maintenance plan. Ensure the continued performance of the maintenance obligations required by the plan and this Chapter through a maintenance plan (which shall be an attachment to the actual maintenance agreement). The plan shall include a list of inspection and maintenance tasks, a schedule for routine inspection and maintenance, actions to be taken when maintenance is required, and other items as needed to ensure ongoing operation of the facility.