[Ord. 2, 6/19/1952; as revised by Ord. 60, 8/12/1985]
As used in this Part, the following terms have the meaning indicated, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context:
Any person having a right of property in any dog or having custody of any dog, or any person who harbors or permits a dog to remain on or around his or her property.
Being upon any public highway, street, alley, park, or any other public land, or upon property of another person other than the owner, and not being accompanied by or under the control of the owner or any other person having custody of said dog.
[Ord. 2, 6/19/1952; as revised by Ord. 60, 8/12/1985]
It shall be unlawful for the owner of any dog or dogs to allow or permit such dog or dogs to run at large in the Township.
[Ord. 2, 6/19/1952; as revised by Ord. 60, 8/12/1985]
Any police officer or dog warden may seize any dog found at large in Township. Such dogs are to be impounded in a licensed kennel.
[Ord. 2, 6/19/1952; as revised by Ord. 60, 8/12/1985]
Owners of licensed dogs are to be notified by registered or certified mail, with return receipt, that the dog is impounded and will be disposed of in five days if not claimed. Five days after the return receipt has been received, and the dog has not been claimed, the dog may be sold or destroyed in accordance with the 1982 Dog Law.
[Ord. 2, 6/19/1952; as revised by Ord. 60, 8/12/1985]
Unlicensed dogs that are seized are to be held in such kennel for 48 hours and if not claimed may be destroyed in accordance with the 1982 Dog Law.
[Ord. 2, 6/19/1952; as revised by Ord. 60, 8/12/1985]
Dogs that, in the opinion of any police officer or dog warden, constitutes a threat to public health and welfare may be killed by the police or dog warden.
[Ord. 2, 6/19/1952; as revised by Ord. 60, 8/12/1985; as amended by Ord. 155, 1/5/1998]
Please see Chapter 1, Part 5, "Ordinance Enforcement Procedure."
[Ord. 146, 4/14/1997, § 101]
The Board of Supervisors of the Township of Jefferson, finding that excessive levels of sound are detrimental to the physical, mental and social well-being of the people as well as to their comfort, living conditions, general welfare and safety and being therefore a public health and welfare hazard, hereby declares it to be necessary to provide for the greater control and more effective regulation of excessive sound and the sources of excessive sound within the Township of Jefferson.
[Ord. 146, 4/14/1997, § 102]
It shall be illegal within the Township of Jefferson for any person or persons to own, possess, harbor or control any dog which makes any noise continuously and/or incessantly for a period of 10 minutes or makes such noise intermittently for 1/2 hour or more to the disturbance of any person any time of the day or night regardless of whether the dog is physically situated in or upon private property, said noise being a nuisance; provided, that at the time the dog is making such noise no person is trespassing or threatening to trespass upon private property in or upon which the dog is situated nor is there any other legitimate cause which would justifiably provoke the dog.
[Ord. 146, 4/14/1997, § 103]
This Part shall not be deemed to prohibit or otherwise declare unlawful any agricultural operations protected from the nuisance suits by Act. No. 1982-133.
[Ord. 146, 4/14/1997, § 104; as amended by Ord. 155, 1/5/1998]
The Code Enforcement Officer, upon his own investigation and knowledge or upon receipt of two or more complaints from two or more individuals, may commence a civil enforcement action against any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part.
Please see Chapter 1, Part 5, "Ordinance Enforcement Procedure."