The County Collector shall act as the Collector for the City of Northmoor.
The Collector shall perform all the duties specified in this Code and shall perform such other duties as may be directed by the City Clerk and/or Mayor.
Compensation. The City Collector shall receive as compensation for his/her services a fee or percentage, as may be fixed by ordinance.
The Collector shall, annually, at such times as may be designated by ordinance, make a detailed report to the Board of Aldermen stating the various monies collected by him/her during the year, and the amounts uncollected and the names of the persons from which he/she failed to collect and the causes therefor.
The Mayor may appoint a Deputy Collector to be approved by the Board of Aldermen, and when such Deputy Collector shall have taken and subscribed to the oath provided by this Code, he/she shall possess all the qualifications and powers and be charged with the same duties as the Collector.