[CC 1964 §701.210]
Any of the following uses may be located in any district by special permission of the Board, after public hearing, provided that in their judgment such use will not seriously injure the appropriate use of neighboring property and will conform to the general intent and purpose of this Chapter and further provided that such uses may be granted with a time limitation and shall comply with the height and area regulations of the district in which they may be located:
Amusement parks, commercial baseball, athletic fields and race tracks, circuses, carnivals and fairgrounds.
Aviation fields and airports.
Cemeteries, mausoleums and crematories for the disposal of the human dead.
Drive-in theaters.
Golf driving tees, commercial or illuminated.
Gun clubs, skeet shoots and target ranges.
Hospitals for the insane or feebleminded, or penal or correctional institutions.
Quarries, mines, sand or gravel pits or excavations for the purpose of removing, screening, crushing, washing or storage of ore, clay, stone, gravel or similar materials, provided however, that no permit shall be issued until and unless the site location and plan of operation, including necessary structures, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Board, which permit shall be for a limited period of time not to exceed five (5) years.
Radio and television towers and transmitter stations, provided that there is a minimum land area of twenty (20) acres and that such tower shall be set back from all property lines a minimum distance equal to one and one-half (1½) times the height.
Refuse dumps.
Reservoirs, wells, towers, filter beds, water supply plants.
Sewage, refuse or garbage disposal plants.
Tourist cabins or trailer camps, subject to such rules as may be adopted by the Board.
[CC 1964 §701.220]
A driveway or walk to provide access to premises in one (1) district or a structure or use accessory to the use permitted in one (1) district shall not be permitted in a district of different classifications, except that the Commission may issue a special permit therefor if such use is found to be appropriate in said district of different classification.
[CC 1964 §701.240]
The regulations and requirements as to height of buildings and area of lot which may be occupied by buildings, front yards, side yards, rear yards and other regulations and requirements as established in the foregoing Subsections of this Section shall be subject to the following exceptions and additional regulations.
In Districts "R-1", "R-2", "R-4", "C-1", "C-2", public or semi-public buildings, such as hospitals, churches, sanitariums or schools, either public or private, where permitted, may be erected to a height not exceeding seventy-five (75) feet, provided that such buildings shall be set back one (1) additional foot on all sides for each additional foot that such buildings exceed the specified height limit as established by the regulations of the district in which such buildings are situated.
Parapet walls and false mansards shall not extend more than six (6) feet above the height limit. Flagpoles, chimneys, cooling towers, electric display signs, elevator bulkheads, pent houses, finials, gas tanks, grain elevators, stacks, silos, storage towers, radio towers, ornamental towers, monuments, cupolas, domes, spires, standpipes and necessary mechanical appurtenances may be erected as to height in accordance with existing or hereafter adopted ordinances by the Board of Aldermen of Northmoor, Missouri, except that in Districts "R-1", "R-2" and "R-4", no radio or television aerial support shall be erected more than five (5) feet above the height limitations of such districts.
On through lots one hundred twenty-five (125) feet or less in depth, the height of a building may be measured from the curb level of either street. On through lots of more than one hundred twenty-five (125) feet in depth, the height regulations for the street permitting the greater height shall apply to a depth of not more than one hundred twenty-five (125) feet from that street.
No building or structure shall be erected in the vicinity of an airport in any area included in any approach or turning zone as defined by the Federal agency delegated with the powers or authority to control or regulate aeronautics, the height of which exceeds the limits permitted or recommended by such Federal agency, provided that this shall not prohibit the erection of buildings or incidental structures to a height of thirty-five (35) feet or two and one-half (2½) stories.
For any building providing jointly for hotel and apartment uses, the number of families permitted in apartments by the lot area requirements per family shall be reduced in the same proportion as the total floor area devoted to hotel or non-housekeeping rooms bears to the total floor area devoted to both uses.
Vehicle Storage.
Vehicle storage for dwellings hereafter erected. Facilities for the storage or parking of motor passenger vehicles for the use of occupants of one- or two-family dwellings shall be provided and maintained on the premises occupied by such dwellings, or in a community garage in the same block, on the basis of one (1) motor vehicle for each dwelling unit. Facilities for the storage or parking of motor passenger vehicles for the use of occupants of apartments shall be provided and maintained either on the premises occupied by such apartments or within five hundred (500) feet thereof. Such storage or parking facilities shall provide space for one (1) motor vehicle for each two (2) family units in such apartments. The driveway area shall not be considered as storage or parking area.
Vehicular storage for assembly buildings hereafter erected. For every structure or part thereof principally used as a theater, auditorium or other similar place of public assembly, there shall be provided and maintained accessible off-street parking space for the storage of motor passenger vehicles on the basis of one (1) motor vehicle for each two (2) seats of the total audience seating capacity of the building, structure or part thereof and located on the same lot with such building, structure or part thereof, or within five hundred (500) feet thereof.
Off-Street Parking And Loading Facilities.
Any business or industrial building hereinafter erected, converted or structurally altered in any district shall provide off-street facilities for the loading and unloading of merchandise and goods within or adjacent to the building, in such manner as to not obstruct freedom of traffic movement on the public streets or alleys.
Off-street parking facilities shall be provided for all commercial establishments on the premises at the rate of three (3) times as many square feet of parking space as their total floor area. Industrial establishments shall provide three (3) times as much area for parking motor vehicles as is utilized in the buildings occupied by them. These requirements may, upon appeal, be increased or modified by the Board, where, in its judgment, the conditions or circumstances provide substantial reason to justify such action.
[CC 1964 §701.250]
Front, side and rear yard exceptions are as follows:
Front and side yard requirements are subject to the provisions of any setback building lines adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Northmoor, Missouri, before or after the adoption of this Chapter and in the event of conflict, the greater setback requirement shall control.
In Districts "R-1", "R-2" and "R-4", where the frontage upon the same side of a street between two (2) intersecting streets is occupied or partially occupied by a building or buildings with front yards which do not conform to the provisions of this Chapter, or where the configuration of the ground is such that conformity with the front yard provisions of this Chapter would work a hardship, the Board may permit modifications of the front yard requirements applicable to the remaining frontage upon the same side of such street between such intersecting streets.
In Districts "R-1", "R-2" and "R-4", where the frontage upon the same side of a street between intersecting streets is occupied or partially occupied by a building or buildings having front yards of greater depth than are required by this Chapter, no other lot upon the same side of such street between such intersecting streets shall be occupied by a building with a front yard of less than the least depth of any such existing front yards, unless by permission of the Board.
No cornice shall project over the street line unless approved by the Board.
Buildings on through lots in Districts "R-1", "R-2" and "R-4", where such lots are two hundred (200) feet or more in depth, shall provide an equivalent open space in lieu of the required rear yard, provided that in any case where the rear lot lines are continuous through the block, if a through lot is secured by combining any two (2) or more non-through lots and their common rear line is eliminated or built over, any building on such through lot shall provide a court above the level of the first (1st) story open and unobstructed the full width of the lot and for the full distance between the projected minimum rear yard lines. It is the purpose of this regulation to secure adequate ventilation for the interior of the block.
Dwellings or apartments may be built in groups about a place or court with their rears adjacent to a side lot line, provided that:
The side yard shall be increased by one (1) foot for each dwelling abutting thereon or one (1) foot for each apartment entrance or exit abutting thereon.
The width of the place or court shall not be less than three (3) times the width of the side yard as required above, and where a roadway is provided in such place or court, the width of such roadway shall be in addition to that allowed above.
A minimum of ten (10) feet shall be allowed between buildings.
All other requirements, including front, side and rear yards of the district in which such dwellings or apartments are located, shall be complied with.
The area required in a yard at any given level shall be open from such level to the sky, unobstructed except for the customary projections of sky lights and parapets above the bottom of such yard, and except for the ordinary projections of window sills, belt courses, cornices or other ornamental features not exceeding four (4) inches; provided that if the building is not more than thirty-five (35) feet in height, such cornice may project not more than two and one-half (2½) feet into such yard; and provided further that open balconies and one-story porches with three (3) enclosed sides may project into a front or rear yard not to exceed ten (10) feet; and provided that within five (5) feet of the street wall a cornice may project not more than three (3) feet into the side yard.
An open fire escape may project not more than four (4) feet into a side or rear yard. Solid floored balconies and enclosed fireproof outside stairways may project not more than four (4) feet into a rear yard.
In any district, an accessory building, not exceeding twenty-four (24) feet or two (2) stories in height, or in any case not higher than the main building, may occupy not more than thirty percent (30%) of the rear yard, except that in Districts "C-1", "C-2", and "M-1", inclusive, if such building is not more than one (1) story or sixteen (16) feet high, it may occupy forty percent (40%) of the rear yard.
Buildings in Districts "C-1", "C-2", and "M-1", inclusive, used wholly or partially for business or industrial purposes, need not provide a side yard, provided that portions of such buildings which are designed or used for dwelling purposes shall provide on any floor so used, in addition to the front and rear yard requirements, open space equivalent to the area of side yards required for a building used exclusively for dwelling purposes in the district in which such building is situated. Such open space may be in the form of additional front or rear yards or one (1) of more courts opening to the street or rear yard; provided that:
No court shall have a width of less than ten (10) feet, nor less than one-fourth (¼) of its length; nor a width of less than two and one-half (2½) inches for each foot of height of the court.
The width of any portion of a required side yard as provided in this Chapter may be considered a part of such court.
For buildings on corner lots, the total open space required by Subparagraph (10) may be reduced by ten percent (10%) of the lot area.
No rear yard shall be required in Districts "C-1", "C-2", and "M-1", inclusive, on any lot used for industrial or business purposes, the rear line of which adjoins a railway right-of-way or which has a rear railway track connection.
In computing the depth of a rear yard for any building where such yard abuts an alley, one-half (½) of such alley may be assumed to be a portion of the rear yard.
In Districts "R-1", "R-2" and "R-4", where buildings on adjoining lots do not conform to the side yard requirements of this Chapter, the Board may vary the side yard requirements, provided that no building may be built nearer than three (3) feet to the side lot line and provided that the width of the building allowable under the regulations of this Chapter may not be increased.