No person shall, except as an incident to the sale, repair, rebuilding or servicing of vehicles by a licensed franchised motor vehicle dealer carry on or conduct the following business unless licensed to do so by the Department of Revenue and the City under Sections 301.217 to 301.229, RSMo.:
Selling used parts of or used accessories for vehicles as a used parts dealer, as defined in Section 301.010, RSMo.;
Salvaging, wrecking or dismantling vehicles for resale of the parts thereof as a salvage dealer or dismantler, as defined in Section 301.010, RSMo.;
Rebuilding and repairing four (4) or more wrecked or dismantled vehicles in a calendar year as a rebuilder or body shop, as defined in Section 301.010, RSMo.; or
Processing scrapped vehicles or vehicle parts as a mobile scrap processor, as defined in Section 301.010, RSMo.
Sales at a salvage pool or a salvage disposal sale shall be open only to and made to persons holding a current license under Sections 301.217 to 301.221, RSMo., as a salvage dealer and dismantler and actually engaged in that business. Such persons must have and present a separate buyer's identification card issued by the Department of Revenue to buy at a salvage pool or salvage disposal sale. If the prospective purchasers are not engaged in such business in Missouri but are in some other State, then they shall submit a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and must furnish proof of licensure or non-requirement therefor from their State to the Director of Revenue who shall issue a buyer's identification card after verifying that the prospective purchaser is entitled to have the same in order to buy salvage vehicles. The Director of Revenue shall adopt rules for criteria and requirements for out-of-state, prospective purchasers to meet in order to be issued a buyer's identification card. Operators of salvage pools or salvage disposal sales shall keep a record, for three (3) years, of sales of salvage vehicles with the purchasers' name and address, and the year, make, and vehicle identification number for each vehicle. These records shall be open for inspection as provided in Section 301.225, RSMo.
The City shall issue a separate license for each kind of business described in this Section, to be entitled and designated as either "used parts dealer", "salvage dealer or dismantler", "rebuilder or body shop" or "mobile scrap processor" license.