ALTERATION — Any change, modification or addition to a part or all of the exterior of any building or structure;
BUILDING — Any enclosed or open structure which is a combination of materials to form a construction for occupancy and/or use;
BUILDING PERMIT — An approval statement signed by the Building Permit Officer authorizing the construction, alteration, reconstruction, repair, restoration, demolition or razing of all or part of any building within an historical landmark or site.
BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION — The request filed by a person with the Building Permit Officer that seeks authorization to construct, alter, reconstruct, repair, restore, demolish or raze all or a part of any building at an historic site or historic landmark;
BUILDING PERMIT OFFICER — The officer of the Municipality of Bethel Park designated by Bethel Park Council as the individual who issues the permit for the construction, alteration, reconstruction, repair, restoration, demolition or razing of all of a part of any building at an historic landmark or site; CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS - The approval statement signed by the Bethel Park Council which certifies the appropriateness of a particular request for the construction, alteration, reconstruction, repair, restoration, demolition or razing of all or a part of any building at an historic landmark or site, and authorizes the issuance of a building permit for said request;
CONSTRUCTION — Any or all work necessary for the erection of any building or structure from a combination of materials to form safe and stable structures;
DEMOLITION — The dismantling or tearing down of all or part of any building and all operations incidental thereto;
RECONSTRUCTION — Any or all work needed to remake or rebuild all or a part of any building to a sound condition, but not necessarily original materials;
REPAIRS — Any or all work involving the replacement of existing work with equivalent material for the purpose of maintenance, but not including any addition, change or modification in construction;
RESTORATION — Any or all work connected with the returning to or restoring a building or a part of any building to its original condition through the use of original or nearly original materials;
SIGN — A lettered board, structure or other surface, or any other device used to visually announce, advertise or convey information to the public for any purpose. Included would be:
ANIMATED SIGN — A sign with action or motion, flashing lights or color changes requiring electrical energy, electronic or manufactured sources of supply, but not including wind actuated elements such as flags, banners, or pennants;
BUSINESS SIGN — A sign which announces or directs attention to a business, product or service or activity sold or conducted on the premises where such sign is located;
ILLUMINATED SIGN — A sign incorporating a source of light in order to make the message readable. Included are internally and externally lighted signs.
BETHEL PARK HISTORICAL ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD (HARB) — The entity that advises Bethel Park Council on any requests for authorization to construct, alter, reconstruct, repair, restore, or demolish all or a part of any building within a historic district, at an historic site or historic landmark.
BETHEL PARK PLANNING COMMISSION — The entity which advises Bethel Park Council on planning and planning related matters;
BETHEL PARK COUNCIL — The governing body of the Municipality of Bethel Park.