[CC 2000 §145.030; Ord. No. 1143 §§1 — 8, 9-28-1998]
Except as otherwise herein provided, no official (elected or appointed), officer, agent or employee of the City of Pagedale shall have the authority to purchase any goods, merchandise and services and/or to contract for the same on behalf of the City.
The Mayor, City Clerk, Chief of Police, Housing and Sanitation Inspector and Director of Public Works shall have the authority to make purchases of goods, merchandise and services in an amount of less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for any single transaction or related series of transactions. All such purchases shall receive prior written approval and concurrence of the City Clerk who may at his/her election require the prior solicitation and obtaining of comparative prices.
Any purchase of goods, merchandise or services for the same in an amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or more but less than three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) for any single transaction or related series of transactions shall require the solicitation and obtaining of at least three (3) comparable prices and the purchase or contracting shall require the prior approval of the Mayor or the City Clerk.
Any purchase of goods, merchandise or services and/or the contracting for the same in an amount of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) or more but less than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) for any single transaction or related series of transactions shall require the solicitation and obtaining of at least three (3) sealed bids and the purchase or contracting shall require the prior approval by the Board of Alderpersons.
Any purchase of goods, merchandise or services and/or the contracting of the same in any amount over twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) or more for any single transaction or related series of transactions shall require the advertising for sealed competitive bids. When it is not practical to advertise for sealed bids (such as limited vendors) or other reasons, it should be recorded as to reason for not advertising and solicitation of sealed bids will suffice.
Opening Of Sealed Bids. All sealed bids should be opened at the same time, either in an open Board of Alderpersons meeting or in the presence of the department supervisors soliciting the bids and a minimum of one (1) person from another department.
Emergency Purchases. The above requirements may be waived in case of emergencies when necessary. The emergency should be recorded and the invoice stamped "Emergency Purchase".
Waiver Of Requirements. As to any particular transaction or related series of transactions, the Board of Alderpersons may by a two-thirds (⅔) majority of those members elected affirmatively waive the requirements of this Section.
Except as otherwise herein provided, no City official, officer, agent and/or employee of the City of Pagedale shall be permitted to solicit any good, service and/or contract on behalf of the City without obtaining prior approval from a majority of the Board of Alderpersons for the City of Pagedale, Missouri.
[Ord. No. 1637, 10-11-2018]
Except as otherwise herein provided, other than bills to be paid, no City official, officer, agent and/or employee of the City of Pagedale shall be permitted to disburse any funds to any individual, corporation, LLC, non-profit organization and/or entity without said individual and/or entity first appearing before the Board of Alderpersons of the City of Pagedale, Missouri, and obtaining approval from the majority of the Board for said disbursal.
[Ord. No. 1637, 10-11-2018]
[Ord. No. 1549 §1, 12-11-2014]
In addition to other requirements set forth in this Code, invitations to bid and requests for proposals for construction materials or services which may result in a contract for more than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) shall include goals that twenty percent (20%) of all commercially useful functions, as measured by percentage of the dollar value of all work on the contract, be performed by minority business enterprises and that five percent (5%) of all commercially useful functions be performed by woman business enterprises; except, however, that the City Clerk may waive or reduce these percentages for a particular contract if the City Clerk determines, with concurrence of the City Attorney and the appropriate departmental director, that it is in the City's best interests due to limited competition or other valid reason.
The following contributions shall count toward the project goal: portions of work undertaken as contractors, joint ventures, subcontractors, and suppliers.
As used herein, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A sole proprietorship, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability limited partnership, joint-stock company, joint venture, professional association, or any other legal entity operated for profit that is properly licensed or registered, as applicable, owned and controlled by persons who are citizens or lawful permanent residents of the United States, and otherwise authorized to do business in the State of Missouri.
A business enterprise which is certified as a minority business enterprise or a woman business enterprise by either:
The City of St. Louis, Missouri, including Lambert-St. Louis International Airport; or
The State of Missouri or its certifying agencies, including the Office of Equal Opportunity; or
The St. Louis Minority Business Council.
A real and actual service that is a distinct and verifiable element of the construction services based upon private sector trade or industry standards. An MBE or WBE performs a commercially useful function when it is responsible for executing the ordinary and necessary work of the construction services and is carrying out its responsibilities by actually performing, managing, and supervising the work involved. Factors considered in determining whether the construction services constitute a commercially useful function include but are not limited to the amount of construction services subcontracted, industry practices, whether the amount the MBE or WBE is to be paid under the contract is commensurate with the construction services it is actually performing, whether the MBE or WBE has the skill and expertise to perform the construction services for which it is being utilized, whether the MBE or WBE is responsible, with respect to materials and supplies used on the contract, for negotiating price, determining quality and quantity, ordering, installing (where applicable), and paying for the material and supplies itself, and credit claimed for its performance of the construction services.
All services related to the construction phase of a project, including professional services ancillary to construction, such as but not limited to architectural, engineering, land surveying, testing, and construction management services; except, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to contracts to be paid in whole or part with funds from the United States Government or the State of Missouri to the extent that such provisions are inconsistent with requirements, terms, or conditions imposed by those governments, or to highway projects as to which Disadvantaged Business Enterprise goals are applicable.
A business enterprise that directly contracts with a contractor or another subcontractor to perform construction services on a City contract.
A business enterprise that directly contracts with a contractor or subcontractor to provide materials, supplies, or equipment for a City contract and is a regular dealer, manufacturer, manufacturer's representative, or broker.
The bid or proposal specifications for each construction project shall require that all bidders or proposers seeking to contract with the City address the project goals either by committing to compliance in ability therewith or by demonstrating to do so despite specific and identified good faith efforts. Good faith efforts must be demonstrated to be meaningful and not merely formalistic. The scope and intensity of the efforts will be considered in determining whether the bidder or proposer has achieved a good faith effort.
If the bidder or proposer is an MBE or WBE, the value of the commercially useful function to be self-performed by the MBE or WBE shall count toward satisfaction of the project goal. The bidder or proposer shall count toward satisfaction of the project goal only that portion of each MBE or WBE subcontractor's work which is self-performed by that subcontractor.
The City Clerk shall review all bids or proposals for compliance with the requirements of this Section. If the City Clerk determines that a bid or proposal meets the project goals or has shown adequate good faith efforts to achieve the goals, then the bid or proposal shall be deemed responsive as to the requirements of this Section. If the City Clerk determines that a bid or proposal does not meet the project goals and that the bidder or proposer has failed to show good faith efforts to achieve the goals, then the City Clerk shall designate the bid or proposal as nonresponsive with the concurrence of the City Attorney and no further consideration shall be given to it. A full and complete statement of the reasons for designating the bid or proposal as nonresponsive shall be filed with the other contract documents.
Any change orders that result in a net increase in compensation to the contractor shall be performed in compliance with the goals set forth in Subsection (A), unless the City Clerk determines that the contractor has shown adequate good faith efforts to achieve the goals in accordance with the procedure set forth in Subsection (F).
The City Clerk shall receive and investigate complaints concerning compliance with the requirements set forth herein and may further initiate his or her own investigations concerning compliance, either during the project or after completion. Business enterprises being investigated shall cooperate fully with the investigation and shall have a continuing burden of providing complete, truthful information to the City Clerk's designee.
If a contractor is found to be in violation of the provisions of this Section or any representations in the contractor's bid or proposal, the City may suspend or terminate the contract and will reserve all of its rights at law or equity or pursue any available remedies against the contractor. Failure to meet the goal or to demonstrate good faith efforts to meet the goal may subject the contractor to liquidated damages and will be considered in determining the qualifications of the contractor as to future bids and/or proposals.