[Ord. 1-88, 2/2/1988, § 1]
It shall be unlawful for any person to cause or permit any building or structure within the limits of the Borough to be razed, constructed or altered upon any property owned by such person or upon any ground rented by him without first having obtained a permit therefor from the Mayor. Application for such permit shall be written, signed by the applicant, setting forth the location, dimensions, material and estimated cost of the razing or alteration.
[Ord. 1-88, 2/2/1988, § 2; as amended by Ord. 6-2003, 9/2/2003, § 1]
The fee payable by the applicant with the submission of the application shall be in an amount as established by resolution from time to time by Borough Council.
[Ord. 1-88, 2/2/1988, § 3; as amended by Ord. 6-2003, 9/2/2003, § 1]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provisions of this Part shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 30 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues shall constitute a separate offense.
[Ord. 1-88, 2/2/1988, § 4]
The word "person," as used in this Part, shall mean any natural person or persons, association, partnership or firm. The words "altered" or "alteration," as used in this Part, shall mean any enlargement of any building or structure or any work of substantial repair, rearrangement, removal or replacement of any exterior or interior wall, roof, floor or support, or any part thereof, of any building or structure.
[Ord. 13-2001, 11/6/2001, § 1]
No structure, building or any part thereof, nor any dwelling unit, shall be occupied or used until a certificate of occupancy has been issued by the Zoning Officer/Code Enforcement Officer of the Borough. This requirement shall extend to newly constructed rental units, rental units that are sold, homes that are sold and turned into rental units and any rental unit whose building configuration or structure is substantially altered.
[Ord. 13-2001, 11/6/2001, § 2]
Once an occupancy permit has been obtained, the owner of the property must adhere to occupant limitations as found on the permit. Failure to abide by the occupant limitations will result in penalties as prescribed herein.
[Ord. 13-2001, 11/6/2001, § 3; as amended by Ord. 4-2015, 9/1/2015]
For the purpose of this Part, "occupant" will be as defined in the International Property Maintenance Code.
[Ord. 13-2001, 11/6/2001, § 4]
The certificate of occupancy shall state the use of the structure, building or dwelling unit. No change in the use or ownership of any structure, building or dwelling unit shall be made until a certificate of occupancy has been issued.
It shall be the duty of any person who shall sell or otherwise transfer ownership of any structure, building or dwelling unit to another person to apply for an obtain a certificate of occupancy required by this Part prior to such transfer of ownership and any use or occupancy of such premises; provided, however, that failure on the part of such seller or transferor to obtain such certificate shall not excuse the purchaser or transferee of such premises from the requirements of this section.
Upon application, in certain circumstances as approved by the Borough, the purchaser may obtain the certificate of occupancy conditioned upon significant construction requirements of a property required to meet the International Code standards; however, it may be issued with occupancy contingencies. In this situation, at least 45 days' notice must be provided to the Borough. All other inspections will be completed within 15 days' notice to the Borough Office.
[Amended by Ord. 4-2015, 9/1/2015]
[Ord. 13-2001, 11/6/2001, § 5]
Any certificate of occupancy issued hereunder may be revoked in the event that the structure, building or dwelling unit is determined to be unsafe or uninhabitable or that a condition exists that is in violation of any ordinance of the Borough or that the actual use is in violation of any ordinances of the Borough. In the event that such certificate of occupancy is issued subject to condition, such certificate of occupancy may be revoked if such conditions remain unsatisfied within the time limit provided for at the time of issuance of such conditional certificate.
[Ord. 13-2001, 11/6/2001, § 6; as amended by Ord. 4-2015, 9/1/2015]
Occupancy limitations for each premises will be determined by the standard as set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code.
[Ord. 1-2004]
Application for the occupancy permit will be made in accordance with the following form.[1] There will be a fee in an amount to be established from time to time by resolution of Borough Council for each permit.
Editor's Note: The occupancy permit application form is included as an attachment to this chapter.
[Ord. 13-2001, 11/6/2001, § 8]
The validity of the use and occupancy certificate is contingent upon compliance with all Biglerville Borough ordinances. The property owner is responsible for this compliance.
Nonresidential Inspections. Nonresidential properties will be required to be in compliance with all Biglerville Borough ordinances and with Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Labor and Industry requirements.
Residential Inspections. A Borough official will inspect each property relative to compliance. Should the property be in violation of any ordinance, no permit will be issued and a new application and fees will be required.
[Ord. 13-2001, 11/6/2001, § 9]
Any property owner who fails to fulfill these requirements or violates the permit once received shall be subject to prosecution by a nontraffic summary offense with a fine ranging from $25 to $300, at the discretion of the District Justice, for each day the violation continues to occur. The property owner will also be responsible for all costs and attorneys' fees associated with the enforcement of this Part.