[Amended 1-6-2009 by L.L. No. 1-2009]
The deposit of any snow, ice, dirt, filth, waste or rubbish as well as the planting of trees or shrubs, or the erection of any wall, fence, building structure, lighting fixtures, camera, alarm system, irrigation system, drainage or utility structure or system or apparatus, device or materials in any street, highway, sidewalk, sidewalk area or public place, or the encumbering thereof by any encroachment of buildings, structures, landscaping structures and excavation or otherwise, or any act which in any manner damages or injures a Town highway or interferes with or obstructs in any manner the sight distance, snow removal access, drainage or access to drainage and utility and other uses of the highway for municipal purposes and for use by the public and traffic thereon are hereby prohibited. In addition, the deposit of water in any street, highway, sidewalk, sidewalk area or public place between October 15 and April 15 is prohibited.
[Added 10-15-2013 by L.L. No. 6-2013[1]]
Notwithstanding § 104-16 of this chapter, the Commissioner of Public Works may issue a permit authorizing the temporary obstruction of any Town right-of-way to accommodate for public or private construction projects requiring temporary placement of scaffolding, pedestrian bridges, waste receptacles, or similar structures or equipment, within the right-of-way. Such applications must be accompanied by traffic plan to be approved by the Commissioner of Public Works with advice, as deemed necessary by the Commissioner of Public Works, from the Chief of Police and Code Enforcement Officer. Final approval of street obstruction permits shall be made by the Commissioner of Public Works.
The Commissioner of Public Works may require that an application for a street obstruction permit be accompanied by a diagram or illustration depicting the dimensions and locations of the sidewalks, curbs, streets, pavement, landscaping, railways, fire hydrants, catch basins, crosswalks and other features that may be affected or obstructed pursuant to a proposed street obstruction permit.
The application process for street obstruction permits shall follow the procedure set forth in § 104-13 of this chapter.
No street obstruction permit shall be granted until the applicant shall have executed a written agreement to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and its officers, agents and employees, against all claims for personal injury or property damage caused by or which occur in connection with any activity for which a street obstruction permit is issued.
Editor's Note: This local law also redesignated former § 104-16.1 as § 104-16.2.
It shall be unlawful for any person to spill, pour, place or deposit or allow to drip, fall or run upon the pavement or sidewalk of any street, alley or other public place any brine, chemical, oil, grease, water or other liquid or substance which will tend to disintegrate the pavement or make it slippery or otherwise dangerous for pedestrians, horses or vehicles.