As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings
Any structure having a roof, supported by columns or by walls
or self-supporting, and intended for the shelter, housing or enclosure
of natural persons, animals or chattel.
That form of written confirmation by the Town of Bedford
that all authorized activities have been physically completed in accordance
with this chapter and an authorizing activity permit and/or activity
implementation permit as required.
The official of the Town appointed by the Town Board to fulfill
the designated responsibilities set forth in this chapter.
The Wetlands Control Commission as defined and established in §§
122-6 and
122-7 of this chapter.
The duly appointed Conservation Board of the Town of Bedford
as created pursuant to § 239-y of the General Municipal
To fill, place, eject or dump any liquid, solid or gaseous
material or the act thereof, but not including uncontaminated stormwater.
A person having special knowledge of the physical, chemical
and biological sciences related to the physiology, identification
and distribution of native plants and vegetative associations in wetland
and upland systems and of methods to describe, classify and delineate
vegetative species and associations.
Having the power to exist in and become adapted to changed
conditions; distinguished from obligate.
Any organic or inorganic material of natural or synthetic
origin that is applied to soil to supply one or more nutrients needed
for the growth of plants.
Substances including, but not limited to, soil, silt, gravel,
rock, sand, clay, peat, mud, debris and refuse; any organic or inorganic
compound, chemical agent or matter (excluding pesticides, herbicides,
algaecides and agricultural or radioactive wastes to the extent that
same are exempt or regulated exclusively by the State of New York);
sewage, sewage sludge or effluent; and industrial or municipal solid
The plan prepared by an applicant to compensate for the proposed
wetland, watercourse and wetland/watercourse buffer impacts pursuant
to the standards and requirements of this chapter.
Having only one life condition; distinguished from facultative.
That form of Town approval required by this chapter for the
conducting of a regulated activity within any area of the Town of
Bedford defined as a "wetland" or "wetland/watercourse buffer."
Any individual or individuals, firm, partnership, association,
corporation, company, organization or other legal entity of any kind,
including municipal corporations, governmental agencies or subdivisions
The duly appointed Planning Board of the Town of Bedford
as created pursuant to § 271 of the Town Law.
Any living thing that grows in the ground and has roots and
leaves or flowers, and needs sun and water to survive, including trees,
shrubs, herbs, ferns, mosses and other vegetation.
The presence in the environment of human-induced conditions
or contaminants in quantities or characteristics which are or may
be injurious to human, plant or animal life or to property.
To dig, dredge, suck, bulldoze, dragline, blast or otherwise
excavate or regrade or the act thereof.
A person having special knowledge of the physical, chemical
and biological sciences and applicable to the genesis and morphology
of soils as natural bodies and of the methods to describe, classify
and map soil units.
The law pursuant to Article 8 of the New York Environmental
Conservation Law providing for environmental quality review of actions
which may have a significant effect on the environment.
Lands and waters of the state, as shown on the State Freshwater
Wetlands Map, which contain any and all of the conditions described
in Subdivision 1 of § 24-0107 of the Environmental Conservation
Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires
location on or under the ground or attachment to something having
location on the ground. Structure shall include a building as defined
The duly elected Town Board of the Town of Bedford.
The duly elected Town Clerk of the Town of Bedford.
Any person employed by the Town of Bedford as the Town Engineer,
including consultants.
The qualified environmental scientist which the Town Board
retains to carry out the functions described in this chapter.
All areas and waters of the Town of Bedford that are comprised
of hydric soils and/or are inundated or saturated by surface water
or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support,
and under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of hydrophytic
vegetation. The following criteria shall be used to determine the
presence of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils and hydrologic indicators:
Hydrophytic vegetation are those plants which are dependent
upon seasonal or permanent flooding or sufficiently waterlogged soils
to give them a competitive advantage over other species. These plants
may belong to any of the following vegetative types: wetland trees,
wetland shrubs, emergent vegetation, submergent and rooted floating-leaved
vegetation, free-floating vegetation, wet meadow vegetation and bog
mat vegetation. The following indicators of hydrophytic vegetation
may be used in conjunction with hydric soils and/or wetland hydrology:
The presence of obligate wetland species, particularly as dominants,
in a vegetation unit shall be considered diagnostic of wetlands. Facultative
species may be present but obligate upland species cannot be present
on other than microsites. Obligate and facultative vegetative species
are listed in the National Lists of Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands:
Northeast (Region 1) (Reed, 1988) prepared by the United States Fish
and Wildlife Service in cooperation with the National and Regional
Wetland Plant List Review Panels, as amended from time to time and
as on file with the Town Clerk.
Plants with adaptations to inundation and/or saturated soil
conditions shall be considered diagnostic of wetlands. Such adaptations
include but are not limited to pneumatophores, buttressed tree trunks,
floating stems, floating leaves, multiple trunks, hypertrophied lenticels
and inflated leaves, stems or roots.
Hydric soil is a soil that is saturated, flooded or ponded long
enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in
the upper part, as set forth in the Federal Manual for Identifying
and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands, dated January 1989, prepared
by the federal government, and as updated from time to time and as
on file with the Town Clerk.
Hydrologic indicators.
The following water bodies and watercourses are regulated under
this chapter:
Ponds, lakes, reservoirs, marshes, swamps, bogs or other areas
of permanent water retention, regardless of origin.
All natural drainage systems, including rivers, streams and
brooks which contain water at least six months of the year and the
associated floodplains of such watercourses.
The Bedford Regulated Wetlands Area Map is intended to provide
general guidance only in locating and determining those areas which
constitute wetlands, and areas not shown on said map may constitute
wetlands as defined herein. Finite boundaries of wetlands may be required
to be established by the Commission or the applicant. The delineation
of wetlands boundaries shall be performed by a qualified botanist/ecologist
and/or certified soil scientist.
The administrative official appointed by the Town Board to fulfill the designated responsibilities set forth in Subsection
D of §
122-8 of this chapter and who shall be qualified as a wetlands scientist or by reason of training and experience in wetlands science.
An area surrounding a wetland/watercourse that is intended
to provide protection to the wetland/watercourse from human activity
and other encroachment associated with development. The wetland/watercourse
buffer shall be an area extending 100 feet horizontally away from
and parallel to wetland boundary or bank of the watercourse. Regulated
area surrounding such natural drainage systems shall include all adjacent
surface for 100 feet as measured from both sides of the bank of the
watercourse or adjacent surface which has an elevation of less than
five feet above the normal (mean) waterline, whichever is more.