[R.O. 2008 §405.010; Ord. No. 4984 §1, 6-10-1991]
In carrying out the provisions of Sections 89.010 through 89.140, RSMo., the Planning Commission of Maryville, Missouri, have divided the City into districts and have prepared regulations pertaining to such districts in accordance with a comprehensive plan and designated to accomplish the purposes set forth in Section 89.030, RSMo., as amended to accomplish the general and specific purposes of this Title.
[R.O. 2008 §405.020; Ord. No. 4984 §1, 6-10-1991]
Symbols, titles, and a brief description of each of the zones established by this Chapter are as follows:
Residential zones.
"AG" — Agricultural Zone. Provides for agriculture, very low density residential development, and interim uses under specific conditions.
"R-1" — Single-Family Residence. 8,800 square foot zone. Provides for low density residential uses.
"R-2" — Single-Family Residence. 6,600 square foot zone. Provides for single-family residences on moderate size lots.
"R-2" Modified Residence Zone. 6,600 square foot zone. Provides for single-family residences in a duplex unit.
"R-3" — Multi-Family. 8,000 square foot minimum lot size. Provides for multiple family dwellings.
"R-4" — Multi-Family Residence. 8,000 square foot minimum lot size. Provides for multiple family dwellings.
Commercial zones.
"C-O" — Office Building District. To provide areas for professional buildings and offices to be used only for administrative or professional functions.
"C-1" — Restricted Business District. To provide a zone for a wide range of non-offensive retail establishments and services.
"C-2" — General Business District. To provide a zone which will take into account the special characteristics of the Central Business District.
"C-3" — Commercial District. To provide for the efficient use of business land near major thoroughfares.
Industrial zones.
"M-1" — Light Industrial District. To provide for non-offensive industrial and manufacturing uses which can meet rigid performance standards.
"M-2" — General Industrial District. To provide for greater latitude in meeting performance standards than the "M-1" Zone, but limiting retail and service business.
[Ord. No. 7432 §1, 7-9-2012; Ord. No. 8298, 9-14-2020]
Each of the districts hereinbefore set forth shall be referred to as Overlay Districts and create special zoning districts, placed over existing base zones listed in Section 405.020 and identifies special provisions in addition to those in the underlying base zone. Overlay Districts shall be as follows:
"CTO" — Campus Town Overlay District.
"UNO" — University Neighborhood Overlay District.
"DTO" — Downtown Overlay District.
[R.O. 2008 §405.030; Ord. No. 4984 §1, 6-10-1991]
Each of the districts hereinbefore set forth shall have a separate and distinct counterpart known and herein referred to as a Planned District. A "Planned District" shall be for the purpose of permitting and regulating the uses heretobefore permitted in the equivalent district and further provide for and encourage latitude and flexibility in the location of buildings, structures, roads, drives, variations in yards and open spaces all subsequent to approval of the plan by local officials. The purpose is to allow development of tracts of land to their fullest extent and at the same time observe the general intent and spirit of these regulations. Planned Districts shall be as follows:
"RP-1" — Planned Single-Family Residence District.
"RP-2" — Planned Single-Family Residence District.
"RP-4" — Planned Multi-Family Residence District.
"CP-O" — Planned Non-Retail Business District.
"CP-1" — Planned Restricted Business District.
"CP-2" — Planned General Business District.
"CP-3" — Planned Commercial District.
"MP-1" — Planned Light Industrial District.
"MP-2" — Planned Heavy Industrial District.
[R.O. 2008 §405.040; Ord. No. 4984 §1, 6-10-1991; Ord. No. 8298, 9-14-2020[1]]
The location, size, shape, and boundaries of the zones to which the provisions of the text of this Chapter are applicable, shall be indicated on the atlas of maps which is entitled "Official Zoning Map" incorporated herein and by this reference made a part hereof and such maps, after being adopted by reference as a part of this Chapter and so certified by the City Clerk together with the text; shall be maintained by the City Clerk and such atlas shall be the Official Zoning Map, for purposes of enforcement of this Title. Any amendment to the zoning classifications on the Official Zoning Map shall include the legal description of the land involved including appropriate adjacent public rights-of-way on public property and such amendments shall be promptly and permanently noted on the face of the maps in the custody of the City Clerk.
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 8298 amended the Official Zoning Map to include the Downtown Overlay District, the details of which can be found on file in the City offices.
[R.O. 2008 §405.050]
The following rules shall govern interpreting the boundaries of zones as portrayed on the Official Zoning Map:
The boundaries of the zones, except where otherwise referenced, are intended to follow the lines of platted lots, center lines of streets and alleys, and when lines appear to be not more than ten (10) feet from the line of a platted lot, the boundary shall be interpreted as being coincidental therewith.
When boundaries cross unplatted property or platted lots otherwise than set forth above, and their distances are not clearly marked, their location shall be determined by use of the scale of the map and every such line shall be interpreted to fall on the nearest multiple of ten (10) feet.
Boundaries indicated as approximately following City limits shall be construed as following City limits.
Boundaries indicated as following railroad tracks shall be construed to be midway between the rails of the main tracks.
Boundaries indicated as following shore lines shall be construed to follow shore lines, and in the event of change in the shore line shall be construed as moving with the actual shore line; boundaries indicated as approximately following the center lines of streams, rivers, canals, lakes, reservoirs, flood control channels or other bodies of water shall be construed to follow such center lines and shall move with such center lines in case of shifting.
In case of doubt or dispute, the boundary lines shall be determined by the Board of Adjustment upon receiving of an appeal from a ruling of the Building Official.
[R.O. 2008 §405.060; Ord. No. 4984 §1, 6-10-1991; Ord. No. 6723 §§1 — 2, 1-13-2005]
Upon such annexation, all territory that is annexed into the City of Maryville shall upon such annexation be classified and zoned in accordance with the following:
No previous zoning ordinance in effect. If at the time of annexation the newly annexed land is not subject to a valid zoning ordinance duly imposed by a properly authorized governmental subdivision of this State, the following regulations shall apply:
Immediately upon annexation, the property shall automatically receive a zoning designation of the most restrictive zone which allows the use to which the property was being subjected at the time of annexation;
In the event portions of the tract are being subjected to different uses which would require different zoning designations, the property shall be automatically divided into zoning sections based upon the actual use of the areas of the property at the time of annexation and shall automatically receive a zoning designation of the most restrictive zone which allows the use to which that portion of the property was being subjected at the time of annexation;
Notwithstanding the foregoing paragraphs, in the event such automatic zoning designation would result in "spot-zoning" in violation of the ordinances of the City of Maryville, the automatic zoning shall instead be zoning consistent with the zoning of the adjoining property at the time of annexation. In the event the property is adjoined by tracts with different zoning designations, the property shall immediately be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission and no development shall be allowed upon said property until the property is assigned a zone pursuant to the regulations of this Chapter and the laws of the State of Missouri.
Thereafter the City of Maryville shall adopt such zoning regulations for the land as are appropriate in accordance with the procedures prescribed by this Chapter and the laws of the State of Missouri.
Pre-existing zoning ordinance in effect. If at the time of the annexation the newly annexed land is subject to a valid zoning ordinance duly imposed by a properly authorized governmental subdivision of the State, upon annexation said land shall remain subject to the zoning designations in effect prior to annexation until such time as the City of Maryville shall adopt zoning regulations for the annexed territory in accordance with the procedures prescribed by this Chapter and the laws of the State of Missouri.
Timing of action. The Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Maryville shall adopt the regulations envisioned herein in a timely manner.
[R.O. 2008 §405.070; Ord. No. 4984 §1, 6-10-1991]
In order to facilitate the enforcement of this Chapter, the device of zoning lots as defined herein shall be used. A parcel of land shall be designated and suitably recorded by the Building Official as forming the site of each new building, structure or use of land or the site of any building structure or use of land designated for any alteration or modification requiring a building permit or certificate of occupancy. Said parcel shall conform in dimensions and area to the provisions of this Chapter. A zoning lot may or may not coincide with platted lot lines.
[R.O. 2008 §405.080; Ord. No. 4984 §1, 6-10-1991]
No building, structure or land shall hereafter be used or occupied and no building or structure or part thereof shall hereafter be erected, constructed, reconstructed, moved, or structurally altered unless in conformity with all of the regulations herein specified for the district in which it is located.
[R.O. 2008 §405.090; Ord. No. 4984 §1, 6-10-1991]
No open space surrounding any building shall be encroached upon or reduced in any manner, except in conformity with the yard, lot area and building location regulations herein designed for the zone in which such building or open space is located. No yard, off-street parking space, off-street loading space, or other open space surrounding any building for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this Chapter except as otherwise specified herein, shall be considered as providing a yard or open space for any other building, and no yard or other open space on one (1) platted lot shall be considered as the required open space on another platted lot unless the other platted lot is in the same ownership and is declared as a single zoning lot in applying for a building permit, and provided no land so considered as part of a required building site or zoning lot in the application for a building permit for an existing building. The required yard or open space for any use, building or structure shall be contained in the same zone as required for the principal use, its buildings or accessory buildings.
No lot, yard, off-street loading space, off-street parking space or other open space required for an existing building by the regulations contained herein shall be hereafter reduced in dimension or area below the minimum requirements set forth herein for said building or structure, except to provide for the extension, establishment or widening of a public street or highway.
[R.O. 2008 §405.100; Ord. No. 4984 §1, 6-10-1991]
It is not the intention of this Chapter to defeat the purposes of any contract, deed restriction or protective covenant when such instrument is not inconsistent with this Title or contains stricter requirements. In the event this Title conflicts with other ordinances, rules and regulations adopted pursuant to law, or State or Federal law, then the more strict provisions shall apply.
Areas which are included within the boundaries of an Urban Renewal Plan or other area plan which has been officially adopted and approved by the Council and a contract with the Federal or other government consummated as a consequence thereof, shall not be the subject of any zoning change which will defeat the purposes of such contract.
[R.O. 2008 §405.110; Ord. No. 4984 §1, 6-10-1991]
Notwithstanding height restrictions specified for any specific zone set forth herein, no building, structure, vegetation, or use of land shall be constructed or permitted to grow to a height exceeding the limits indicated on the zoning district maps entitled "Airport Approach and Turning Zone" which are a part of this Title, or may hereafter be adopted as a part of this Title.
[R.O. 2008 §405.120; Ord. No. 4984 §1, 6-10-1991; Ord. No. 5255 §1, 11-28-1994; Ord. No. 5292 §1, 4-10-1995; Ord. No. 6689 §§1 — 2, 9-27-2004; Ord. No. 7213 §1, 5-10-2010; Ord. No. 7434 §1, 7-9-2012; Ord. No. 8197, 7-8-2019; Ord. No. 8198, 7-8-2019; Ord. No. 8299, 9-14-2020]
For the purpose of this Title, certain words and terms used herein shall be defined and interpreted as follows:
All words used in the present tense include the future tense. All words in the plural number include the singular number, and all words in the singular number include the plural number, unless the natural construction of the wording indicates otherwise. The word "shall" is mandatory and not directory. The word "used" shall be deemed also to include "designed, intended or arranged to be used."
A habitable living unit that is:
Within or added to a single-family dwelling; or
A detached dwelling on the same lot as a single-family dwelling, which:
Is not open to the remainder of the single-family dwelling;
Includes separate, complete, independent and permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation; and
Which complies with the requirements of "R-2" Zones [Currently found in Section 405.240(A)(1)(b)].
For purposes of the requirement in Subsection (1)(b)(2) hereof, the unit shall, at a minimum, have the following amenities separate and exclusive from the single-family dwelling: a direct entrance from the exterior of the dwelling; lavatory; bathing or showering facilities; access to running water with sink; hot cooking facilities; electrically powered cold food storage, and no less than two (2) outside access points (door or window) sufficient to comply with then-current building/fire code requirements.
Accessory rentals and accessory residential rentals are for a period exceeding thirty (30) days.
A minor way, dedicated to public use, which is primarily for vehicular access to the back side of the properties otherwise abutting on a street.
An apartment house which furnishes service for the use of its tenants which are ordinarily furnished by hotels, but the privilege of which is not primarily available to the public.
The collection, burning out, dismantling or wrecking of used motor vehicles, wheeled or track equipment, or trailers, or the storage, sale of, dumping or dismantled, partially dismantled, obsolete or wrecked motor vehicles, wheeled or track equipment, or trailers or their parts. The dismantling and rebuilding other than customer repair of more than one (1) motor vehicle, piece of wheeled or track equipment, or trailer at a time even though not for profit or a principal use of a parcel of land shall be defined as "auto wrecking." The storage of a partially dismantled motor vehicle, piece of wheeled or track equipment or trailer shall be considered auto wrecking.
A type of short-term rental where a portion of a single-family residence may be used for temporary guest accommodations.
A piece or parcel of land entirely surrounded by public highway, streets, streams, railroad rights-of-way, parks, or a combination thereof. There may be more than one (1) numbered block as shown on a plat, falling within a single block as herein defined.
The Board of Zoning Adjustment of the City of Maryville, Missouri.
Any structure having a roof or partial roof supported by columns, posts or walls for the enclosure of persons, animals, equipment or chattels of any kind. A residential building within the meaning of this Chapter shall include a building enclosed by a continuous wall, regardless of the existence of platted lot lines through the area occupied by such building. A commercial or industrial structure, may, within the meaning of this Chapter, consist of separate buildings where party walls or ownership lines exist in such a manner as to indicate the intent that they be separate buildings. A tent shall be defined as a building for the purposes of this Chapter.
The distance measured from the mean elevation of the grade at the front face of the building to the highest point on the roof or parapet of said building.
The official appointed by the administration or the City Council of Maryville, Missouri, and charged with the responsibility of enforcing this Title.
Any structure erected or constructed, including buildings as herein defined, the use of which required location on the ground or attachment to something located on the ground and which is incidental and customarily appurtenant to a principal use permitted on the zoning lot, but not including fences and walls of less than six (6) feet in height, or bank protection structures, regardless of height, provided they do not project more than one (1) foot above the surface of the ground on high side.
A building in which is conducted the primary use of the site on which it is situated. In any residential district any dwelling shall be deemed to be the principal building of the site on which it is located.
A permit issued by the Building Official indicating that the use of the building or land in question is in conformity with this Chapter or that there has been a legal variance therefrom as provided by this Chapter.
A building or property primarily used for public religious worship and/or associated religious functions (education, fellow-ship, etc.), including churches, synagogues, temples, or other places of worship.
A building or portion of a building containing the offices and associated facilities of one (1) or more practitioners providing medical, dental, psychiatric, osteopathic, chiropractic, physical therapy or similar services for outpatients only, with or without shared or common spaces and equipment. A common area pharmacy or drug dispensary available to persons other than patients being treated therein or making charges separate from bills for professional services of said practitioners shall not be considered as a medical clinic use. Not to include medical marijuana facilities.
Includes clubhouse and shall mean a voluntary association of persons organized for cultural, recreational, fraternal, civic, charitable or similar purpose but shall not include an organization or premises, the chief activity of which is a service or activity customarily carried on as business even though it may be chartered and named for purposes herein defining a club.
The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Maryville, Missouri.
The City Council of the City of Maryville, Missouri.
For the purposes of this Chapter, shall include golf courses, par-3 courses, swimming pools, tennis clubs, and neighborhood clubhouses, any and each of which shall be located on a site of not less than one (1) acre and open only to membership subscribing for the use of all facilities for a term of not less than one (1) year and members' non-paying guests. Sleeping facilities other than for one (1) caretaker or manager and his/her family shall be prohibited. Clubs operated as restaurants, cocktail lounges, card rooms, beer taverns, bowling alleys, pool and billiard parlors and similar activities normally carried on as a business shall be construed to limit the method of operation of such facilities enumerated in this definition when owned or operated by a governmental agency.
A Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services licensed, regulated, or childcare subsidized facility where care is provided for children by a child care provider for any part of the twenty-four-hour day.
A dwelling occupied by a day care provider and conducted or maintained for any part of the twenty-four-hour day to provide care for hire for four (4) or fewer children not related to the day care provider.
May be used as a noun or adjective and shall refer to a business which is designed to serve patrons while they are reposed in vehicles or by means of service windows with the intent that products be consumed in automobiles. This shall not be construed to include places for making deposits from automobiles such as drive-in bank windows, post office drop boxes or laundry or cleaning drop boxes.
A building or portion thereof designed exclusively for residential occupancy, excluding hotels, motels, boarding, rooming and lodging houses, travel trailers/recreational vehicles and tourist courts.
Any building or portion thereof which provides complete and independent living facilities for one (1) or more persons, having permanent provisions for living, eating, sleeping, cooking and sanitation and which has a separate entrance/exit and separate utility metering.
A multi-family dwelling in which each dwelling unit has a separate outdoor entrance and is either:
Joined to one (1) other dwelling unit at one (1) side by one (1) party wall; or
Joined to two (2) other dwelling units by one (1) party wall on each side; or
Under one (1) roof.
A dwelling that is completely surrounded by open space on the same lot.
A vehicle used or so constructed as to permit its being used as a conveyance upon a public street or highway and duly licensable as such, and shall include self-propelled vehicles so designed, constructed, reconstructed, or added to by any means, in such a manner as will permit the occupancy thereof as a dwelling or sleeping place of one (1) or more persons and supported by wheels, jacks or similar supports. Transportable dwellings not meeting Building Code requirements for a dwelling shall be treated as mobile dwellings.
A building or portion thereof containing two (2) or more dwelling units under one (1) roof.
A building containing one (1) dwelling unit only.
A building containing two (2) dwelling units only, referred to as duplex dwelling units.
Any liquid which gives off flammable vapors, as determined by the flash point from an open-cup tester as used for test of burning oils, at or below a temperature of eighty degrees Fahrenheit (80° F.), is flammable.
The floor area of a building, as used in calculating the gross floor area ratio or as otherwise used in this Chapter, shall include all areas having headroom of seven (7) feet or more, including basement areas where they are used as a dwelling unit for sleeping accommodations, or other family eating or living purposes, but not including basement floor areas used for utility and storage purposes. Floor area for business and industrial buildings shall include all usable floor space above grade and that portion of basements used for the conduct of business or industry, but not including utility areas of said basements. Measurements shall be made at the outside of outside walls. An area may be surfaced with natural earth and still be considered a floor.
Standard-sized layouts of at least nine (9) holes and shall not include miniature golf courses, par-3 golf courses, pitch and putt courses or driving ranges.
The mean elevation of the ground measured along the wall of a building, or lot line, or the top of a street curb not yet constructed, or an official grade of an alley surface, as appropriate to the context in which the term is used.
The floor area of a building divided by the area of the zoning lot as defined herein. (For example, a building one (1) story high covering an entire lot would have a GFAR of 1.0 where as a building two (2) stories high covering an entire lot would have a GFAR of 2.0 while a building one (1) story high covering half a lot would have a GFAR of five-tenths (0.5).) Both principal and accessory buildings shall be considered in calculating gross floor area.
The area of a zoning lot occupied by all buildings expressed as a percentage of the gross area of the zoning lot.
Any home in which eight (8) or fewer unrelated mentally or physically handicapped persons reside, and may include two (2) additional persons acting as houseparents or guardians who need not be related to each other or to any of the mentally or physically handicapped persons residing in the home.
See "building height."
A business occupation or profession carried on within a residential dwelling by the resident thereof, and which shall have the following characteristics:
There shall not be external evidence of the occupation with the exception of one (1) unlighted name plate of not more than one (1) square foot in area attached flat against the building. Advertising displays and advertising devices displayed through a window of the building shall not be permitted.
There shall be no emission of smoke, dust, odor, fumes, glare, noise, vibration, electrical or electronic disturbance detectible at the zoning lot line.
The activity shall employ only members of the immediate family of the resident of the dwelling.
There shall not be a stock of goods on the premises in excess of thirty (30) cubic feet in volume, none of which shall be of a flammable nature.
There shall be no signs, radios, television, newspapers, handbill or similar types of advertising linking the address of the premises with the home occupation.
Said home occupation shall not involve continual visits by the general public, except that music lessons may be given to four (4) pupils at a time, and a dressmaker may have two (2) customers at a time. A beauty shop or barber shall not be considered a home occupation.
The above listed characteristics of a home occupation shall not be construed to restrict the sale of garden produce grown on the premises.
Said occupation may include the caring for not more than four (4) children at one (1) time for hire.
Room or board for hire, but not for more than two (2) persons.
Any business, occupation or profession, the operation of which does not meet the aforesaid characteristics, shall not be interpreted to be a home operation despite the fact that it may attempt to operate in a residential building.
A business, occupation or profession carried on within a residential dwelling by the resident thereof, and which has the following characteristics:
There shall be no external or externally visible evidence of the occupation, business or profession whatsoever.
There shall be no emission of smoke, dust, odor, fumes, glare, noise, vibration, electrical or electronic disturbance detectable at the zoning lot line.
The activity shall employ only members of the immediate family of the resident of the dwelling.
There shall be no stock of goods on the premises.
There shall be no machinery other than that normally found in a home.
There shall be no contact at the premises with customers or clients other than by telephone or mail, except that music lessons may be given to one (1) pupil at a time, and cultural, art or dance instruction may be given to four (4) pupils at one (1) time.
Said occupation may include the care for of not more than four (4) children at one (1) time for hire.
There shall be no signs, radio, television, newspaper, handbill or similar types of advertising linking the address of the premises with the home occupation.
The above listed characteristics of a limited home occupation shall not be construed to restrict the sale of garden produce grown on the premises, provided this exception shall not extend to allow the operation of a commercial greenhouse or nursery or the existence of stands or booths for display of said produce.
Any business, occupation or profession, the operation of which does not meet the aforesaid characteristics of a limited home occupation, shall not be interpreted to be a limited home occupation despite the fact that it may attempt to operate in a residential building.
Old or scrap copper, brass, rope, rags, batteries, paper, trash, rubber debris, waste, or junked, dismantled, or wrecked automobiles, or parts thereof, iron, steel, and other old or scrap ferrous or non-ferrous material.
A zoning lot unless the context shall clearly indicate a lot of record, in which case a lot is a lot of record.
A boundary of a zoning lot. Lot line is synonymous with property line.
Land designated as a separate and distinct parcel in a subdivision, the plat of which has been recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Nodaway County, Missouri, the deed to which was recorded in the office of said Recorder prior to the adoption of this Chapter (June 10, 1991).
The horizontal distance between side lot lines measured at the front building line.
A zoning lot situated at the intersection of two (2) streets, or bounded on two (2) or more adjacent sides by street right-of-way lines or in the case of curved right-of-way lines, when the extension of tangents at the side lot lines yields an internal angle which does not exceed one hundred thirty-five degrees (135°).
A zoning lot other than a corner lot.
A corner zoning lot, the side street line of which is substantially a continuation of the front lot line of the zoning lot to its rear.
A zoning lot having frontage on two (2) parallel or approximately parallel diverging or converging streets, but not including a corner lot as defined herein.
See "zoning lot."
A facility licensed by the State of Missouri to acquire, cultivate, process, store, transport, and sell marijuana to a medical dispensary facility, medical marijuana testing facility, or to a medical marijuana-infused products manufacturing facility.
[Ord. No. 8558, 3-13-2023]
A facility licensed by the State of Missouri to acquire, store, sell, transport, and deliver marijuana, marijuana-infused products and drug paraphernalia used to administer marijuana as provided for in this Chapter to a qualifying patient, a primary caregiver, another medical marijuana dispensary facility, a medical marijuana testing facility, or a medical marijuana-infused products manufacturing facility.
[Ord. No. 8558, 3-13-2023]
A medical marijuana dispensary, medical marijuana cultivation facility, medical marijuana testing facility, or medical marijuana-infused products manufacturing facility.
[Ord. No. 8558, 3-13-2023]
A facility certified by the State of Missouri, to acquire, test, certify, and transport marijuana.
[Ord. No. 8558, 3-13-2023]
A facility licensed by the State of Missouri, to acquire, store, manufacture, transport, and sell marijuana-infused products to a medical marijuana dispensary facility, a medical marijuana testing facility, or to another medical marijuana-infused projects manufacturing facility.
[Ord. No. 8558, 3-13-2023]
A business whose primary activity is the brewing and selling of beer, with an annual production of ten thousand (10,000) barrels or less.
A building or group of buildings containing individual, compartmentalized and controlled access stalls or lockers for storage.
The replacement of minor assemblies or parts and tune-up of automobiles, or trucks of less than fifteen thousand (15,000) pounds gross license weight, but not including body and fender work, painting, engine overhaul or similar type of work.
A zone which is dependent upon a primary zone and which is designed to add to the primary zone a specific restriction or liberalization to meet specific locational needs which if accomplished by an additional series of primary zones would make the ordinance unnecessarily lengthy and complicated.
A group of attached or detached living units with individual toilet facilities designed primarily for transient guests and which may include restaurants and other similar related services. Not more than forty percent (40%) of the units in a motor hotel may be occupied as residential units, provided each such unit must first be approved by City Code Officials as to adequate life-safety conditions, occupants per room, off-street parking spaces and other conditions protecting the occupants and the public.
A building or structure or portion thereof lawfully existing at the time this Chapter (June 10, 1991) or an amendment thereto becomes effective, which does not meet the bulk, height, yard, parking, loading or other requirements of this Chapter or any amendment thereto.
A use which lawfully occupies building or land at the time this Chapter (June 10, 1991) or an amendment thereto becomes effective but does not meet the requirements of this Chapter or any amendment thereto.
An outdoor sign, display, device, figure, painting, drawing, message, plaque, poster, billboard, or other thing designed, intended or used to advertise or inform, any part of the advertising or information contents of which is visible from any point of the traveled ways of the interstate or primary systems.
A golf course other than a miniature golf course and other than a golf course defined herein and having greens similar to a golf course and fairways of not less than fifty (50) yards in length. A par-3 golf course may not be lighted unless so specified as permitted in the text of this Chapter.
Any box-like container which is transported by truck or trailer to a desired location for drop off and which is otherwise stored at an off-site location. A common term for portable storage container is PODS, an acronym for portable on-demand storage. The term shall not include yard waste containers, construction debris containers, or similar.
[Ord. No. 8577, 4-24-2023]
A zoning classification which can stand alone as a classification of a parcel of property.
That use of a zoning lot which is among the uses allowed as a matter or right as the exclusive use of a lot under the zoning classification.
A dwelling containing one (1) or more lodging rooms that accommodate one (1) or more persons who are not members of the keeper's family; provided, however, that the letting of rooms for hire, to the extent permitted by this Chapter as a home occupation, shall not in itself cause a dwelling to be a rooming house. In a rooming house, lodging or meals are provided for compensation on a weekly or monthly basis. Rooming house includes boardinghouse.
The rental of a property, a dwelling unit, bed and breakfast facility, or portion thereof for a period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days, excluding hotels and motels.
A use which is not allowed in a zone as a matter or right, but which is permitted by the Council based on findings and recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Any area which is less than one-half (1/2) of a City block. A one-half (1/2) City block shall consist of an area equal to the size of four (4) "R-2" standard lots or an area of not less than twenty-eight thousand eight hundred (28,800) square feet (60 ft. x 120 ft. x 4 = 28,800).
That portion of a building included between the upper surface of a floor and the upper surface of the floor next above, except that the topmost story shall be that portion of a building included between the upper surface of the topmost floor and the ceiling or roof above. If the finished floor level directly above a basement, cellar or crawl space is more than six (6) feet above grade, as defined herein, for more than fifty percent (50%) of the total perimeter, or is more than twelve (12) feet above grade at any point, such basement, cellar or crawl space shall be considered a story.
The entire width between property lines dedicated or acquired for the purpose of public use for vehicular traffic or access other than an alley. Where a way or place exists by virtue or consent agreement or an established public right, then for the purpose of this Chapter the way or place shall be considered to be fifty (50) feet in width falling half on each side of the center line of the traveled way. Where the dimensions, set out in a consent agreement, exceed fifty (50) feet, then the larger dimension shall govern.
Any change in the structural members of a building, such as walls, columns, beams or girders. Vehicles duly licensed for operation upon public streets or highway shall not be considered structures.
Anything constructed or erected with a fixed location on the ground or attached to or resting on something having a fixed location on the ground. Moreover, the following shall always be considered structures: buildings, walls, fences, signs and billboards.
Persons who are not related within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity.
The purpose for which land or a building is designed, arranged or intended or to which said land or building is occupied, maintained or leased.
A use customarily incident to a principal permitted use or building and located on the same zoning lot with such principal use of building.
A use of land or a structure which is excluded from a zone by the operation of other regulations of the zone, and which is specifically enumerated as excluded for purposes of clarity of intent and ease of reference.
A building used primarily for the storage of goods and materials.
Use engaged in storage, wholesale and distribution of manufactured products, supplies and equipment.
An open space extending the full width of the zoning lot, between the main building and the front lot line, unoccupied and unobstructed by buildings or structures in excess of thirty (30) inches in height except as provided herein, the depth of which shall be measured as the least distance between the front lot line and the front of such main building.
An open space extending the full width of the zoning lot, between the main building and the rear lot line, unoccupied and unobstructed by buildings or structures in excess of thirty (30) inches in height except as provided herein, the depth of which shall be measured as the least distance between the rear lot line and the rear of such main building.
An open space extending from the front yard to the rear yard, between the main building and the side lot line, unoccupied and unobstructed by buildings or structures in excess of thirty (30) inches in height except as provided herein, the depth of which shall be measured as the least distance between the side lot line and the side of such main building.
A single tract of land, located within a single block which at the time of filing for a building permit or certificate of occupancy is designated by the owner or developer as a tract to be used, developed or built upon as a unit, under single or unified ownership or control, and assigned to the particular use, building or structure for which the building permit or certificate of occupancy is issued and including such area of land as may be required by the provisions of this Chapter for such use, building or structure.
Editor's Note: Former definitions of "Marijuana or Marihuana" and "Marijuana-Infused Products," which immediately followed, were repealed 3-13-2023 by Ord. No. 8558.
[R.O. 2008 §405.125; Ord. No. 4984 §1, 6-10-1991; Ord. No. 5255 §1, 11-28-1994; Ord. No. 5292 §1, 4-10-1995]
Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this Title shall be deemed guilty of a ordinance violation. Each day that the violation is permitted to exist after notification in writing by the Building Official and the expiration of time designated in said notice shall constitute a separate offense.