[R.O. 2008 §705.700; Ord. No. 6776 §§1 — 2, 8-22-2005; Ord. No. 7102 §§1 — 2, 4-13-2009]
No work in connection with the tapping of any main or the introduction of water to any premises shall be done, nor shall any water service be altered, repaired, replaced, extended, nor fixture nor appurtenances added thereto or detached therefrom, without prior issuance of a permit authorizing the performance of such work. When a plumber must perform emergency work during other than normal working hours, the plumber shall secure a permit on the next regular working day.
[R.O. 2008 §705.710; Ord. No. 6776 §§1 — 2, 8-22-2005]
Applications for permits shall be made by the owner of the premises or his/her agent to the Director of Public Works or his/her authorized representative. The permit application shall be supplemented by any plan, specifications or other information considered pertinent in the judgment of the Director of Public Works or his/her authorized representative.
[R.O. 2008 §705.720; Ord. No. 6776 §§1 — 2, 8-22-2005; Ord. No. 7102 §§1 — 2, 4-13-2009]
Permits shall be issued to a licensed plumber or a property owner, provided said property owner furnishes satisfactory evidence that he/she intends to do the proposed work himself. Permits shall not be transferable and shall only be valid for the applicant to whom issued and for the work described thereon.
[R.O. 2008 §705.730; Ord. No. 6776 §§1 — 2, 8-22-2005; Ord. No. 7102 §§1 — 2, 4-13-2009;Ord. No. 7343 §§1 — 2, 7-25-2011]
A permit fee shall be paid at the time the application is filed, except that permit fees for licensed plumbers, upon the approval of the Director of Public Works, may be paid within thirty (30) days according to the following schedule of fees:
Water/sewer service connection for the main, including private fire connection. (A three-quarter-inch water meter must be purchased from the City. Other meter sizes may be purchased from the City. All meters shall read in cubic feet.)
Size and Type of Tap
Amount of Service Connection Fee
3/4 inch corporation tap
$400.00 + meter cost
3/4 or 5/8 inch corporation tap for areas in the service area acquired from the Public Water Supply District No. 1 - Nodaway County
$2,000.00 + meter cost
1 inch corporation tap
$500.00 + meter cost
1 1/4 inch corporation tap
$600.00 + meter cost
1 1/2 inch corporation tap
$700.00 + meter cost
2 inch branch tap
$800.00 + meter cost
4 inch branch tap
$1,200.00 + meter cost
6 inch branch tap
$2,400.00 + meter cost
8 inch branch tap
$4,800.00 + meter cost
Shutdown of water main (at customer's request): fifty dollars ($50.00).
Outside meter relocation: two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00).
Abandonment of service: three hundred dollars ($300.00).
Water/sewer service inspection (each trip): ten dollars ($10.00).
Water/sewer service connection for the main, including private fire connection. (A three-quarter-inch water meter must be purchased from the City. Other meter sizes may be purchased from the City. All meters shall read in cubic feet.)
As used in this Section, the phrase "the service area acquired from the Public Water Supply District No. 1- Nodaway County" shall be understood to mean those portions purchased by the City of Maryville from Public Water Supply District No. 1 by the Territorial Agreement and Contract Modification Extension, dated December 31, 1999, November 4, 2010, or April 11, 2011 and referred to therein but not limited to as Park Territory, Harmony Hills Subdivision Territory, Southeast Territory, City Lagoon Territory and Industrial Territory, all as described on the attachments to the agreement.
Sewer Tap Fee.
Residential per unit: six hundred dollars ($600.00).
Nonresidential Connection
Type of Installation
Flow GPD
Fee Per Unit
Club building
Bar, per seat
50 (minimum $2,000)
Beauty/barber shop, per wet chair
333 (minimum $2,000)
Bowling alley, per lane
125 (minimum $2,000)
Car wash
Per bay self operated
100 (minimum $2,000)
Church, per seat
Coin laundry, per machine
Commercial laundry, per machine
Country club
Per member or
Per 100 square feet
Hospital, per bed
Industrial, per employee
35 (minimum $2,000)
Mobile home park, single or double wide
Motel, hotel and apts. without washer/dryer hookups, per unit
Apartments with washer/dryer hookups, per unit
Nursing home, per bed
Office, per 1,000 square feet
175 (minimum $2,000)
Medical, per 1,000 square feet
Residence, per unit, includes:
Per unit 1 to 2 bedroom
3 bedroom
Restaurant, per seat
With drive-in
Without drive-in
Service station/fuel center
Regular pump
Truck pump
Per student
With gym
Stores, shopping center
Per 1,000 square feet
100 (minimum $2,000)
Theater, per seat
5 (minimum $2,000)
Auditorium convention center, assembly hall (no food service), per capita
10 (minimum $2,000)
Warehouse per 1,000 square feet
25 (minimum $2,000)
Includes duplex, triplex, quadraplex as well as apartments.
Includes day care centers.
Any non-residential sewer tap fee installation not listed above shall be determined by the City Manager, City Engineer, and/or Public Works Director.
All fees set above in Section 705.730(A) shall be twenty percent (20%) higher if located outside the City.
Permit fees required for street excavation, street cleanup, and materials removal shall be in addition to the fees specified herein. In addition to the specified fees below, if the City performs any of these services, a charge of eighty-eight dollars ($88.00) an hour will be levied with a minimum fee of eighty-eight dollars ($88.00).
Roadway surface.
Concrete or asphalt permanent street: four dollars and fifty cents ($4.50) per square foot.
Non-permanent streets: three dollars ($3.00) per square foot.
Excavation/street cuts: ten dollars ($10.00).
Subgrade fill: forty-six hundredths (0.46) per cubic foot.
The permittee will be required to expose the water main and/or sewer and prepare the site to meet City specifications. The City will furnish the necessary corporation for the service connection.
The permittee will be required to expose the water main and prepare the site to meet City specifications. The permittee will be required to furnish an approved tapping sleeve and valve at his/her cost.
[R.O. 2008 §705.740; Ord. No. 6776 §§1 — 2, 8-22-2005; Ord. No. 7102 §§1 — 2, 4-13-2009]
Water service for a building under construction may be provided to the general contractor for a period of up to six (6) months upon application for such service and payment of all necessary fees and charges. At the termination of construction and delivery of the building to the owner, the contractor shall notify the Water Department, requesting the service be changed to the name of the owner. The general contractor shall be responsible for the cost of all water consumed during the time service is provided in his/her name. If the general contractor does not desire water service or in the case there is no general contractor, any plumber or owner may request temporary service in the same manner as a general contractor.
Temporary water service may be provided by the installation of a portable meter box attached to a fire hydrant upon special permission of the Director of Public Works and completion of the required application form.
Temporary water service shall be treated as a regular service for water connection and all applicable tap and rate fees shall apply.
[R.O. 2008 §705.750; Ord. No. 6776 §§1 — 2, 8-22-2005; Ord. No. 7102 §§1 — 2, 4-13-2009]
Inspections shall be required on all work performed under a Water Department permit and shall be completed following twenty-four (24) hour notice by the plumber that construction is complete.
Inspections will be performed only during normal working hours.
Requests for inspections may be made in person or by telephone to the Director of Public Works.
Service line excavations and trenches presented for inspection shall be free of water, earth, debris or other matter that would hinder the inspector. The service pipe shall not be covered before it has been inspected. Service lines to be inspected shall be under line pressure. The inspector may make as many inspections as he/she deems necessary to obtain compliance with this Section.