Cross Reference — As to speeding in violation of posted limits, sch. I.
[CC 2000 §17.0101]
No person shall possess or consume any alcoholic beverage of any kind at any time within the City park.
[CC 2000 §17.0102]
No person shall remain overnight or leave a motor vehicle, travel trailer, recreational vehicle or other vehicle in a City park between the hours of Midnight and 6:00 A.M. unless the party(ies) first obtain a special permit from the City.
No person shall enter or remain in a City park between the hours of 10:00 P.M. and 8:00 A.M.
[Ord. No. 17.0100-06 §1, 7-14-2006]
No person shall possess or cause to have any pets to be in the City park at any time. Pets being defined as: any livestock or other animal raised for commercial or agricultural purposes; any animal normally and customarily kept by domestic households/persons for pleasure and companionship; any animal, non-domestic in nature, kept by domestic households/persons for pleasure and companionship.