There is hereby established in the City of Dardenne Prairie a Municipal Court to be known as the "Dardenne Prairie Municipal Court, a Division of the 11th Judicial Circuit Court of the State of Missouri". In the event a Police Court existed prior to the establishment of a Municipal Court, this Court is a continuation of the Police Court of the City as previously established and is termed herein "the Municipal Court".
The jurisdiction of the Municipal Court shall extend to all cases involving alleged violations of the ordinances of the City.
[Ord. No. 640 §2, 5-15-2003]
The Municipal Court shall be presided over by a Municipal Judge who shall be a conservator of the peace and shall have original jurisdiction to hear and determine all violations against the ordinances of the City.
[Ord. No. 640 §3, 5-15-2003]
The Municipal Judge shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the consent of the Board of Aldermen, and shall hold his/her office for a term of not less than two (2) years, and shall be removed from office pursuant to Section 79.240, RSMo. If for any reason the Municipal Judge vacates office, his/her successor shall be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Board of Aldermen.
[Ord. No. 640 §5, 5-15-2003]
Before entering upon the duties of office, the Municipal Judge shall take the oath required of other City Officers.
The Municipal Judge shall vacate his/her office under the following conditions:
Upon removal from office by the State Commission on the Retirement, Removal and Discipline of Judges as provided in Missouri Supreme Court Rule 12;
Upon attaining his/her seventy-fifth (75th) birthday; or
If he/she should lose his/her license to practice law within the State of Missouri.
The Municipal Judge shall possess the following qualifications before he/she shall take office:
He/she must be a licensed attorney qualified to practice law within the State of Missouri.
He/she need not reside within the City.
He/she must be a resident of the State of Missouri.
He/she must be between the ages of twenty-one (21) and seventy-five (75) years.
He/she may serve as a Municipal Judge for any other municipality.
He/she may not hold any other office within the City Government.
The Municipal Judge shall be considered holding a part-time position and as such may accept other employment.
The Municipal Court of the City shall be subject to the rules of the Circuit Court of which it is a part and to the rules of the State Supreme Court. The Municipal Court shall be subject to the general administrative authority of the Presiding Judge of the Circuit Court, and the Judge and Court personnel of said Court shall obey his/her directives.
[Ord. No. 1577 §1, 8-3-2011]
The Board of Aldermen may by ordinance or resolution appoint one (1) or more Provisional Municipal Judges to serve in the event of the disqualification or unavailability of the Municipal Judge. A Provisional Municipal Judge shall have all the powers, duties and restrictions of the Municipal Judge and shall possess the same qualifications as the Municipal Judge. A Provisional Municipal Judge shall serve a term of two (2) years and shall receive such compensation as may be determined by the Board of Aldermen from time to time.
[Ord. No. 2256, 6-21-2023]
The Municipal Judge shall cause the Court Clerk to prepare, on or before the fifteenth (15th) of every month, a report indicating the following:
A list of all cases heard or tried before the Judge during the preceding month, giving in each case a copy of the monthly case load summary required to be filed with the office of State Courts Administrator pursuant to Court Operating Rule 4.28, the fine imposed if any, and the amount of costs, respectively. The Court Clerk or the Judge shall verify such lists and statements by affidavit and shall file the same with the City Clerk who shall lay the same before the Board of Aldermen of the City for examination at its first (1st) session thereafter. The Municipal Court shall, within the ten (10) days after the first (1st) of the month, pay to the Municipal Treasurer the full amount of all fines collected during the preceding month, if not previously paid to the Municipal Treasurer.
The Municipal Judge shall be a conservator of the peace. He/she shall keep a docket in which he/she shall enter every case commenced before him/her and the proceedings therein and he/she shall keep such other records as may be required. Such docket and records shall be records of the Circuit Court of St. Charles County. The Municipal Judge shall deliver said docket, records and all books and papers pertaining to his/her office to his/her successor in office or to the Presiding Judge of the Circuit.
The Municipal Judge shall be and is hereby authorized to:
Establish a Violations Bureau as provided for in the Missouri Rules of Practice and Procedure in Municipal and Traffic Courts and Section 479.050, RSMo.
Administer oaths and enforce due obedience to all orders, rules and judgments made by him/her and may fine and imprison for contempt committed before him/her while holding Court in the same manner and to the same extent as a Circuit Judge.
Stay execution of any fine or sentence, suspend any fine or sentence, and make such other orders as the Municipal Judge deems necessary relative to any matter that may be pending in the Municipal Court.
Make and adopt such rules of practice and procedure as are necessary to implement and carry out the provisions of this Chapter, and to make and adopt such rules of practice and procedure as are necessary to hear and decide matters pending before the Municipal Court, and to implement and carry out the provisions of the Missouri Rules of Practice and Procedure in Municipal and Traffic Courts.
The Municipal Judge shall have such other powers, duties and privileges as are or may be prescribed by the laws of this State, this Code or other ordinances of this City.
The Municipal Judge for the City of Dardenne Prairie shall be paid a sum as fixed by ordinance from time to time.
All prosecutions for the violation of municipal ordinances shall be instituted by information and may be based upon a complaint. Proceedings shall be in accordance with the Supreme Court rules governing practice and procedure in proceedings before Municipal Judges.
Should the Municipal Judge determine that there shall be a Violations Bureau, the City shall provide all expenses incident to the operation of the same.
[Ord. No. 1445 §1, 11-4-2009; Ord. No. 2013, 3-4-2020]
Administrative Warrant Defined — Who May Issue, Execute.
An administrative warrant is a written order of the Municipal Judge permitting the entry of City Officials on or into private property to enforce the City's building, zoning, health, and safety regulations when government entry on or into such private property is otherwise authorized by Missouri law. A warrant may issue only in conformance with this Section and only for the enforcement of the City's building, zoning, health, and safety regulations, specifically:
To abate such physical conditions on private property constituting a public nuisance or otherwise in violation of a specified regulation as provided herein;
To inspect private property to determine or prove the existence of physical conditions in violation of such a specified regulation; and
To seize, photograph, copy, or record evidence of the violation of such a specified regulation.
The Municipal Judge having original and exclusive jurisdiction to determine violations against the ordinances of the municipality may issue an administrative warrant when:
The property to be entered is located within the City,
The owner or occupant of the property to be entered:
Has refused to allow same after official request by the City, or
Is not available, after reasonable investigation and effort, to consent to such entry or inspection, and
The City establishes probable cause to determine that a public nuisance or other violation of a specified regulation as provided herein may exist.
Any such warrant shall be directed to any Police Officer and shall be executed by said Police Officer in conjunction with the appropriate Code Enforcement Officer or other appropriate official, within the City limits and not elsewhere.
Who May Apply For Warrant — Contents Of Application.
Any Code Enforcement Officer, Police Officer, or attorney of the City may make application to the Municipal Judge for the issuance of an administrative warrant.
The application shall:
Be in writing;
State the time and date of the making of the application;
Identify the property to be entered, inspected, or seized in sufficient detail and particularity that the officer executing the warrant can readily ascertain it;
State that the owner or occupant of the property:
Has been requested by the City to allow such action and has refused to allow such action, or
Is not available, after reasonable investigation and effort, to consent to such entry or inspection, and in such case the application shall include details of the City's investigation and effort to request such consent;
State facts sufficient to show probable cause for the issuance of a warrant to enter the private property, including the specification of the building, zoning, health, or safety regulation sought to be enforced;
Be verified by the oath or affirmation of the applicant; and
Be signed by the applicant and filed in the Municipal Court.
The application may be supplemented by a written affidavit verified by oath or affirmation. Such affidavit shall be considered in determining whether there is probable cause for the issuance of a warrant and in filling out any deficiencies in the description of the property or place to be entered. Oral testimony shall not be considered. The application may be submitted by facsimile or other electronic means.
Hearing And Procedure — Contents Of Warrant — Execution And Return.
Hearing And Procedure.
The Municipal Judge shall determine whether probable cause exists to enter the private property for the purposes noted herein.
In doing so the Municipal Judge shall determine whether the action to be taken by the City is reasonable in light of the facts stated. The Municipal Judge shall consider the goals of the ordinance or Code Section sought to be enforced and such other factors as may be appropriate, including, but not limited to, the known or suspected violation of any relevant City ordinance or Code Section, the passage of time since the property's last inspection, and the law, Statute, or ordinance authorizing government entry onto private property. The standard for issuing a warrant need not be limited to actual knowledge of an existing violation of a City ordinance or Code Section.
If it appears from the application and any supporting affidavit that there is probable cause to enter the private property for the enforcement of the City's building, zoning, health, and safety regulations, a warrant shall immediately be issued.
The warrant shall issue in the form of an original and two (2) copies, and the application, any supporting affidavit and one (1) copy of the warrant as issued shall be retained in the records of the Municipal Court.
Contents Of Warrant. The warrant shall:
Be in writing and in the name of the City;
Be directed to any Police Officer;
State the time and date the warrant was issued;
Identify the property to be entered in sufficient detail and particularity that the officer executing the warrant can readily ascertain it;
Command that the described property be entered for one (1) or more specified enforcement purposes as provided herein, identify the regulation sought to be enforced, and direct that any evidence of any suspected property violations be seized, recorded or photographed, and a description of such property be returned, within ten (10) days after filing of the application, to the Clerk of the Municipal Court, to be dealt with according to law; and
Be signed by the Judge, with his/her title of office indicated.
Execution And Return.
A warrant issued under this Section shall be executed only by a Police Officer, provided, however, that one (1) or more designated City Officials shall accompany any such officer, and the warrant shall be executed in the following manner:
The warrant may be issued by facsimile or other electronic means.
The warrant shall be executed by conducting the private property entry as commanded and shall be executed as soon as practicable and in a reasonable manner.
The officer shall give the owner or occupant of the property entered a copy of the warrant.
If any property is seized incident to the entry, the officer shall give the person from whose possession it was taken, if the person is present, an itemized receipt for the property taken. If no such person is present, or if no such person is ascertainable, the officer shall leave the receipt at the site of the entry in a conspicuous place:
A copy of the itemized receipt of any property taken shall be delivered to an attorney for the City within two (2) working days of the execution of the warrant.
The disposition of property seized pursuant to a warrant under this Section shall be in accordance with an applicable City ordinance or Code Section, but in the absence of same, then with Section 542.301, RSMo., as amended.
The officer may summon as many persons as he/she deems necessary to assist him/her in executing the warrant.
An officer executing an invalid warrant, the invalidity of which is not apparent on its face, may use such force as he/she would be justified in using if the warrant were valid.
A warrant shall expire if it is not executed and the required return made within ten (10) days after the date of the making of the application.
After execution of the warrant, the warrant, with a return thereon signed by the officer executing the warrant, shall be delivered to the Municipal Court in the following manner:
The return shall show the date and manner of execution and the name of the possessor and of the owner, when not the same person, if known, of the property entered.
The return shall be accompanied by any photographs, copies, or recordings made, and by any property seized, along with a copy of the itemized receipt of such property required by this Section; provided, however, that seized property may be disposed of as provided herein, and in such a case a description of the property seized shall accompany the return.
The Court Clerk, upon request, shall deliver a copy of the return to the possessor and the owner, when not the same person, of the property entered or seized.
Warrant Invalid, When. A warrant shall be deemed invalid:
If it was not issued by the Municipal Judge;
If it was issued without a written application having been filed and verified;
If it was issued without sufficient probable cause in light of the goals of the ordinance to be enforced and such other factors as provided in Subsection (C)(3)(a)(2) hereof;
If it was not issued with respect to property in the City;
If it does not describe the property or places to be entered, inspected, or seized with sufficient certainty;
If it is not signed by the Judge who issued it; or
If it was not executed and the required return made within ten (10) days after the date of the making of the application.
[Ord. No. 2013, 3-4-2020]
All warrants issued by a Municipal Judge shall be directed to a Police Officer. The warrant shall be executed by a Police Officer at any place within the limits of the City and not elsewhere, unless the warrant is endorsed in the manner provided for warrants in criminal cases and, when so endorsed, shall be served in other Cities or Counties as provided for in warrants in criminal cases.
[Ord. No. 2013, 3-4-2020]
Any Police Officer may, without a warrant, make an arrest of any person who commits an offense in his/her presence, but such officer shall, before the trial, file a written complaint with the Judge hearing violations of municipal ordinances.
[Ord. No. 640 §11, 5-15-2003; Ord. No. 2013, 3-4-2020; Ord. No. 2256, 6-21-2023]
Warrants shall be executed by arresting the person therein named and bringing him/her before the Municipal Judge if the arrest is made while the Court is in session or, if the Court is not then sitting, by taking and holding the person in custody, unless bail is given as provided in this Chapter, then such person shall be released. If a person is held in custody while the Court is not in session and does not post bail, such person must be given an opportunity to be heard by the Municipal Judge in person, by telephone, or video conferencing as soon as practicable after their arrest and not later than forty-eight (48) hours on minor traffic violations and not later than seventy-two (72) hours on other violations, and if not given that opportunity, shall be released. Upon the return of the warrant by the officer executing it, the Municipal Judge shall be fully possessed of the case and shall forthwith proceed to hear and determine the same, unless for good cause the trial is postponed to a time certain, and shall issue subpoenas or attachments for witnesses to compel their attendance.
For purposes of this Chapter, "minor traffic violation" shall be defined as, a municipal traffic ordinance violation prosecuted that does not involve an accident or injury, that does not involve the operation of a commercial motor vehicle, and for which no points are assessed by the Department of Revenue or the Department of Revenue is authorized to assess one (1) to four (4) points to a person's driving record upon conviction. Minor traffic violation shall include amended charges for any minor traffic violation. Minor traffic violation shall exclude a violation for exceeding the speed limit by more than nineteen (19) miles per hour or a violation occurring within a construction zone or school zone.
Any person charged with a violation of a municipal ordinance of this City shall be entitled to a trial by jury as in prosecutions for misdemeanors before an Associate Circuit Court Judge. Whenever a defendant accused of a violation of a municipal ordinance has a right to and demands such trial by jury, the Municipal Court shall certify the case to the Presiding Judge of the Circuit Court for reassignment.
[Ord. No. 640 §16, 5-15-2003]
In any trial for the violation of a municipal ordinance, all issues of fact shall be tried by the Judge except where trial by jury is authorized by law and the defendant or his/her attorney requests a trial by jury.
[Ord. No. 640 §17, 5-15-2003]
When a case is first called for trial, if either party applies for a continuance owing to the absence of material witness, the Municipal Judge shall continue the case for one (1) week and may continue it for a longer time, not exceeding thirty (30) days, if he/she is satisfied that the continuance is in the interests of justice.
If, at the calling of the case on the day to which it has been continued, a further continuance is asked, the party applying therefor may be required to file an affidavit setting forth the grounds upon which such continuance is sought, and if it is the absence of witnesses, he/she shall state therein the materiality of such witnesses, their names and residences, what he/she expects to prove by them, what means have been used to procure their attendance, and what reasons he/she has to believe that they will be present at the trial of the case if it is continued, and if in its judgment sufficient cause is shown, the Court shall grant a further continuance not exceeding thirty (30) days. Before any continuance is granted, however, the defendant shall be required to enter into recognizance as required by this Chapter, unless waived by the Court.
All applications for continuances shall be made in open Court at any setting of the case, and at no other time unless by leave of Court; and all motions for dismissal on account of informality or illegality in the papers or proceedings, and all other motions not necessarily arising during the trial, and all pleas except "guilty" or "not guilty" shall be made and filed in writing and argued when the case is called for trial and at no other time.
It shall be the duty of an attorney designated by the City to prosecute the violations of the City's ordinances before the Municipal Judge or before any Circuit Judge hearing violations of the City's ordinances. The salary or fees of the attorney and his/her necessary expenses incurred in such prosecutions shall be paid by the City. The compensation of such attorney shall not be contingent upon the number of cases tried, the number of guilty verdicts reached, or the amount of fines imposed or collected.
[Ord. No. 640 §13, 5-15-2003]
When an affidavit on the part of the City is required in any cause which has originated in the Municipal Court, it shall be made by the City Prosecuting Attorney or, in case of his/her inability, by any person to whom the facts are known.
It shall be the duty of the Municipal Judge to summon all persons whose testimony may be deemed essential as witnesses at the trial and to enforce their attendance by attachment, if necessary. The fees of witnesses shall be the same as those fixed for witnesses in trials before Associate Circuit Court Judges and shall be taxed as other costs in the case. When a trial shall be continued by a Municipal Judge, it shall not be necessary to summon any witnesses who may be present at the continuance, but the Municipal Judge shall orally notify such witnesses as either party may require to attend before him/her on the day set for trial to testify in the case and enter the names of such witnesses on his/her docket, which oral notice shall be valid as a summons.
If, in the progress of any trial before the Municipal Judge, it shall appear to the Judge that the accused ought to be put upon trial for an offense against the criminal laws of the State and not cognizable before him/her as Municipal Judge, he/she shall immediately stop all further proceedings before him/her as Municipal Judge and cause the complaint to be made before some Associate Circuit Court Judge of the County.
[Ord. No. 2013, 3-4-2020; Ord. No. 2256, 6-21-2023]
If, in the opinion of the Municipal Judge, the City has no suitable and safe place of confinement, the Municipal Judge may commit the defendant to the St. Charles County Jail, and it shall be the duty of the St. Charles County Department of Corrections, if space for the prisoner is available in the County Jail, upon receipt of a warrant of commitment from the Judge, to receive and safely keep such prisoner until discharged by due process of law. The municipality shall pay the board of such prisoner at the same rate as may now or hereafter be allowed by law to the St. Charles County Department of Corrections for the keeping of other prisoners in its custody.
Any Judge hearing violations of municipal ordinances may, when in his/her judgment it may seem advisable, grant a parole or probation to any person who shall plead guilty or who shall be convicted after a trial before such Judge. When a person is placed on probation, he/she shall be given a certificate explicitly stating the conditions on which he/she is being released.
In addition to such other authority as exists to order conditions of probation, the Court may order conditions which the Court believes will serve to compensate the victim of the crime, any dependent of the victim, or society in general. Such conditions may include, but need not be limited to:
Restitution to the victim or any dependent of the victim in an amount to be determined by the Judge; and
The performance of a designated amount of free work for a public or charitable purpose or purposes as determined by the Judge.
A person may refuse probation conditioned on the performance of free work. If he/she does so, the Court shall decide the extent or duration of sentence or other disposition to be imposed and render judgment accordingly. Any County, City, person, organization or agency or employee of a County, City, organization or agency charged with the supervision of such free work or who benefits from its performance shall be immune from any suit by the person placed on parole or probation or any person deriving a cause of action from him/her if such cause of action arises from such supervision of performance, except for intentional torts or gross negligence. The services performed by the probationer or parolee shall not be deemed employment within the meaning of the provisions of Chapter 288, RSMo.
The Court may modify or enlarge the conditions of probation at any time prior to the expiration or termination of the probation term.
In any case tried before the Municipal Judge, except where there has been a plea of guilty or where the case has been tried with a jury, the defendant shall have a right of trial de novo before a Circuit Court Judge or upon assignment before an Associate Circuit Court Judge. An application for a trial de novo shall be filed within ten (10) days after judgment and shall be filed in such form and perfected in such manner as provided by Supreme Court rule.
[Ord. No. 640 §22, 5-15-2003]
Any defendant wishing to appeal from the judgment of the Municipal Court and who is not ready to enter into a bond may deposit with the Court Clerk the amount of the fine and costs imposed which shall be received by the Court Clerk as collateral security for such fine and costs until an appeal is perfected, when it shall be returned to defendant; but if such appeal is not perfected within ten (10) days, the collateral shall be applied to satisfy the fine and costs imposed upon him/her.
In any case tried with a jury before an Associate Circuit Judge, a record of the proceedings shall be made, and appeals may be had upon that record to the appropriate Appellate Court.
In the case of a breach of any recognizance entered into before a Municipal Judge or an Associate Circuit Court Judge hearing a municipal ordinance violation case, the same shall be deemed forfeited and the Judge shall cause the same to be prosecuted against the principal and surety, or either of them, in the name of the municipality as plaintiff. Such action shall be prosecuted before a Circuit Court Judge or Associate Circuit Court Judge, and in the event of cases caused to be prosecuted by a Municipal Judge, such shall be on the transcript of the proceedings before the Municipal Judge. All monies recovered in such actions shall be paid over to Municipal Treasury to the General Revenue Fund of the municipality.
A Municipal Judge shall be disqualified to hear any case in which he/she is in any way interested or, if before the trial is commenced, the defendant or the Prosecutor files an affidavit that the defendant or the municipality, as the case may be, cannot have a fair and impartial trial by reason of the interest or prejudice of the Judge. Neither the defendant nor the municipality shall be entitled to file more than one (1) affidavit or disqualification in the same case.
[Ord. No. 2256, 6-21-2023]
If a Municipal Judge be absent, sick or disqualified from acting, the Mayor or the Board of Aldermen may request the Presiding Judge of the Circuit Court to designate a special Municipal Judge as provided in Subsection (B) of this Section or in cases of circumstances making it impossible to reach the Presiding Judge of the Circuit Court in a timely manner, the Mayor may designate some competent, eligible person to act as Municipal Judge until the Presiding Judge of the Circuit Court can designate a special Municipal Judge as provided in Subsection (B) of this Section.
The Presiding Judge of the Circuit Court may appoint any other Municipal Judge within the Circuit to act as a special interim Municipal Judge for a Municipal Judge of the Circuit who is absent, sick or disqualified from acting. The Presiding Judge shall act upon request of the Mayor of the Board of Aldermen for a special Municipal Judge or in accordance with the procedures described in Missouri Supreme Court Rule 37.53 regarding any change of judge application filed in the Municipal Court.
The Governing Body of the municipality shall provide by ordinance for the compensation of any person designated to act as Municipal Judge under the provisions of this Section.
[Ord. No. 1725 §1, 4-16-2014; Ord. No. 2256, 6-21-2023]
A person commits the offense of failure to appear in Municipal Court if:
He/she has been issued a summons for a violation of any ordinance of the City of Dardenne Prairie and fails to appear before the Judge of the Municipal Court at the time and on the date on which he/she was summoned, or at the time or on the date to which the case was continued.
He/she has been released upon recognition of bond and fails to appear before the Judge of the Municipal Court at the time and on the date on which he/she was summoned, or at the time or on the date to which the case was continued.
He/she has been placed on Court supervised probation and fails to appear before the Judge of the Municipal Court at the time specified by said Judge as a condition of the probation.
Nothing in this Section shall authorize the Municipal Court or Municipal Prosecutor to issue an additional charge for failure to appear for a minor traffic violation, as that term is defined in Section 125.145.
Nothing in this Section shall prevent the exercise of the Municipal Court of its power to punish for contempt.
Upon the Municipal Prosecuting Attorney filing a complaint with the Court alleging a violation of this Section, the Municipal Court, or a Clerk thereof, shall issue a violation notice to the person named in the complaint on a uniform citation by mailing said violation notice to the person's last known address by First Class Mail.