[Ord. No. 516 §16(16.01), 6-21-2001]
The intent of this Section is to provide for public safety and health and public welfare by prohibiting hazardous uses and practices.
[Ord. No. 516 §16(16.02), 6-21-2001; Ord. No. 1341 §45, 8-20-2008; Ord. No. 2207, 9-21-2022]
No temporary or uncompleted building, nor any automotive equipment, trailer, garage or appurtenances incident to a family dwelling, shall be erected, maintained or used for residential purposes, except where the exterior, kitchen, at least one (1) bathroom and more than fifty percent (50%) of the interior of a permanent residence have been completed, this regulation shall not apply. Temporary or outwardly incomplete buildings or structures, open excavation for a basement or foundation and buildings or structures so damaged as to become unfit for use of habitation shall not be permitted, maintained or remain in such condition for more than a time period to be stipulated by the Zoning Administrator as per the current City Building Code. No building material, construction equipment, machinery or refuse shall be stored, maintained or kept in the open upon any lot, tract or parcel other than in such zoning districts as permitted in this Chapter except during actual construction operations upon said premises or related premises.