[Ord. No. 516 §17(17.01), 6-21-2001]
The purpose of this landscaping and screening regulation is:
To provide greenery to visually soften paved areas and buildings,
To establish healthy environmental conditions by providing shade, air purification, oxygen regeneration, ground water recharge, stormwater runoff retardation and noise, glare and heat abatement,
To ensure that the local stock of native trees is replenished, and
To buffer uncomplimentary land uses and generally enhance the quality and appearance over the entire site of the project.
[Ord. No. 516 §17(17.02), 6-21-2001; Ord. No. 1190 §1, 8-15-2007]
The City Administrator and his/her agent shall have the authority and jurisdiction to require the installation of landscaping on all sites within the City limits having new construction, major additions to property or structures or major rehabilitation.
[Ord. No. 516 §17(17.03), 6-21-2001]
All plans submitted in support of an Area Plan, Final Plan or Site Plan shall hereafter include a landscape plan and include transition strip visual screening where appropriate.
[Ord. No. 516 §17(17.04), 6-21-2001; Ord. No. 542 §1(t), 12-20-2001; Ord. No. 1052 §1, 9-13-2006; Ord. No. 1190 §2, 8-15-2007]
Landscape plans shall be pursuant to Section 515.100 Requirements for Installation of Landscaping on Development Sites and Restrictions on Land Clearing.
Planting Requirements Within Parking And Vehicular-Use Areas. The intent of this Section is to encourage interior landscaping within vehicular parking areas, to break up the large expanses of pavement and to provide relief from the reflected glare and heat, as well as to guide vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
Except for vehicle storage lots, multiple-level parking structures and parking lots having a paved area no wider than a double-loaded aisle no more than sixty-five (65) feet in width, all parking areas in all zoning districts shall include the following as minimum requirements.
Not less than ten percent (10%) of the interior of a parking lot shall be landscaped. The interior of a parking lot shall be calculated by multiplying the number of parking spaces by two hundred seventy (270) square feet. Planting which is required along the perimeter of a parking lot shall not be considered as part of the interior landscaping requirement.
The landscaping and planting areas shall be reasonably dispersed throughout the parking lots.
The interior dimensions of any planting area or planting median shall be sufficient to protect the landscaping materials planted therein and to insure proper growth. Any protected planting strip where trees are to be planted shall be a minimum of seven (7) feet wide and shall be protected from vehicle overhang.
The primary landscaping materials used in parking lots shall be trees that provide shade or are capable of providing shade at maturity. Shrubbery, hedges and other planting material may be used to complement the tree landscaping. Effective use of earth berms and existing topography is also encouraged as a component of the landscaping plan.
In those instances where plant material exists on a parking lot site prior to its development, such landscape material may be used if approved as meeting the requirements in Section 405.550(C).
No landscaping, tree, shrub, fence, wall or similar item shall be placed in zones of ingress or egress, at street corners or in the intersection of a public right-of-way that will create an obstruction to visibility or is a traffic hazard.
Planting Requirements. Pursuant to Section 515.100 Requirements for Installation of Landscaping on Development Sites and Restrictions on Land Clearing.
[Ord. No. 516 §17(17.05)), 6-21-2001; Ord. No. 1559 §2, 4-20-2011]
Application. On any lot in a commercial or industrial district that abuts a lot in a residential district shall be provided a transition strip.
Transition Strip Requirements.
Width. Such transition strip shall not be less than fifteen (15) feet for all commercial districts, twenty-five (25) feet for all "I-1" Light Industrial Districts.
Location. Such transition strip shall be provided along every lot line, except a front lot line, which abuts a lot in such districts and shall not be included as part of the yard required around the building or structure.
Screening required. Such transition strip shall be improved at the time the lot is improved and shall include a planting screen consisting of compact evergreen plants that will provide an effective screen. A six (6) to eight (8) foot high screen wall or fence may be required in addition to or in lieu of a planting screen when the reviewing authority deems it necessary in order to adequately screen certain types of non-compatible uses.
Sight triangle exception. On a corner lot in any district no planting, berm, fence, sign or wall shall be placed in such a manner as to impede vision, and must be outside of the area of the sight triangle as defined in Section 405.400(F) of this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 516 §17(17.06), 6-21-2001; Ord. No. 1053 §7, 9-13-2006]
Landscaping In Place Prior To Occupancy Permit. All landscape material, living and non-living, shall be healthy and in place prior to issuance of final occupancy permit. A temporary certificate may be issued without the installation, provided written assurances are given that the planting will take place when the proper season arrives. The developer shall post a lender's or escrow agreement insuring or guaranteeing the landscaping of the site per the approved landscaping plan. The lender's or escrow agreement shall be the same as set out in Section 410.130 of this Title.
Maintenance And Enforcement. The trees, shrubs, fences, walls and other landscaping materials depicted on plans approved by the City shall be considered as elements of the project in the same manner as parking, building materials and other details are elements of the plan.
The developer, his/her successor and/or subsequent owners and their agents shall be responsible for the continued maintenance.
Plant material that exhibits evidence of insect pests, disease and/or damage shall be appropriately treated and dead plants promptly removed and replaced within the next planting season.
Should landscaping not be installed, maintained and replaced as needed to comply with the approved plan, the owner and his/her agent or agents shall be considered in violation of terms of the building or occupancy permit. The Zoning Administrator or his/her designee is empowered to enforce the terms of this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 2207, 9-21-2022]