[Ord. No. 105 §1, 6-23-1987]
Approval By Board of Aldermen. No tract of land in the City of Dardenne Prairie, Missouri, may be subdivided, nor shall any plat thereof be recorded in the St. Charles County Recorder's office, unless a final plat thereof is first approved by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Dardenne Prairie, Missouri. The requirements of this Chapter are in addition to the requirements of the zoning ordinances of the City and no land use nor any construction, alterations or destruction of any structure shall be allowed that is not in compliance with this Chapter and the zoning ordinances of the City. Before voting to approve or disapprove any proposed final plat, the Board of Aldermen shall receive the report and recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission on such proposed final plat. In the event the Planning and Zoning Commission has disapproved a proposed final plat, the Board of Aldermen may only approve such proposed final plat by the affirmative vote of at least four (4) of its members.
[Ord. No. 105 §2, 6-23-1987; Ord. No. 639 §1, 5-15-2003]
The requirements of this Chapter do not apply to the following types of land subdivision:
The division or subdivision of land into parcels or tracts of three (3) acres or more in size which does not improve any new public streets or easements of access, provided no illegal zoning lot is created.
Recording of a subdivision plat shall not be required in case of the sale or exchange of parcels of land between owners of adjoining properties for the purpose of adjustments in boundaries, provided that additional lots are not thereby created; that the original lots are not reduced below the minimum sizes required by this Chapter or the zoning ordinance; and that a survey of the adjustments of boundaries is recorded with the Recorder of Deeds of St. Charles County.
The conveyance of parcels of land or interests therein for use as a right-of-way for railroads or other public utility facilities or other pipelines which do not involve any new streets or easements of access.
The conveyance of land for highway or other public purposes or grants or conveyance relating to the vacation of land impressed with a public use.
Conveyances made to correct description of prior conveyances.
[Ord. No. 105 §3, 6-23-1987]
The Zoning Commission previously appointed by the Board of Aldermen is hereby appointed as the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Dardenne Prairie. All proposed preliminary plans, improvement plans and final plats required by this Chapter shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall approve or disapprove any proposed preliminary or final plat within sixty (60) days after its submission to the Planning and Zoning Commission at a public meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, except that the Planning and Zoning Commission may extend such sixty (60) day period with the consent of the applicant. If the proposed plat is not approved or disapproved within such sixty (60) day or extended period, it shall be deemed approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Approval of the proposed final plat by the Planning and Zoning Commission is subject to review by and approval of the Board of Aldermen. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall state the reasons for any disapproval of any plat.
[Ord. No. 105 §4.1, 6-23-1987; Ord. No. 372 §1(4.1), 1-21-1999; Ord. No. 1053 §16, 9-13-2006]
Fees are contained in the City zoning ordinance and are to be paid by all entities submitting actions for consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Board of Aldermen of the City of Dardenne Prairie and shall cover the initial administrative costs of publication, notification and administration. Costs associated with plan review and processing shall be paid in addition to the fees and shall be paid separately on an hourly rate and reimbursable basis.
Initial administrative fees shall be paid at the time of application. Plan review and processing costs will be billed separately.
Construction Inspection. The City of Dardenne Prairie shall charge the developer for inspection of all constructed improvements to verify compliance with plans approved by the City. Charges shall be invoiced based on hourly rates plus reimbursable expenses for work associated with inspections of approved improvements and assurance that construction conforms with the plans and City regulations.
[Ord. No. 105 §4.2, 6-23-1987; Ord. No. 570 §1, 6-20-2002; Ord. No. 1053 §17, 9-13-2006; Ord. No. 1684 §7, 5-15-2013]
Two (2) prints of preliminary plat shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission by the submission deadline for the meeting at which approval is requested per the current City of Dardenne Prairie meeting calendar, which is on file at the office of the City Clerk. At the discretion of the Planning and Zoning Commissioner, an aerial photo of suitable scale may be required. The photo shall have superimposed upon it the boundary of the property in question and any other information as may be deemed necessary by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The preliminary plat shall include the following identification and information:
Proposed name of the subdivision.
Names of the owner and the engineer, surveyor or landscape architect responsible for survey and design.
North point, a scale of one (1) inch equals two hundred (200) feet or larger and date.
Approximate acreage in tract.
A statement to the effect that "this plat is not for record" shall be stamped or printed on all copies of the preliminary plat.
Plat information.
Location of boundary lines and their relation to established section lines, fractional section lines or survey lines.
Physical features of property including watercourses, ravines, bridges, culverts, present structures and other features important to lot and street layout, including off-street parking if applicable.
Topography of tract with contour interval of one (1), two (2) or five (5) feet.
Names of adjacent subdivisions and/or property lines around perimeter within one hundred (100) feet showing any existing streets, highways, etc.
Location and width of existing and proposed streets, roads, lots (approximate dimensions), alleys, building lines, easements, parks, school sites and other features of the proposed subdivision.
Approximate gradients of streets will be shown.
Designation of land use, whether for residential, commercial, industrial or public use, and present zoning district.
Designation of utilities to serve proposed subdivision.
Record owner, party preparing plat and party for whom plat is prepared.
Depict flood hazard boundaries as shown on FEMA maps.
Off-site topography within three hundred (300) feet of the perimeter of all natural drainageways to which site stormwater discharges occur including all areas within twenty-five (25) feet from the top of the existing stream bank or 100-year, twenty (20) minute water surface elevation, where no defined bank exists.
Stormwater management plan. A preliminary stormwater management plan shall be submitted along with the preliminary plat.
[Ord. No. 105 §4.3, 6-23-1987]
Preliminary plat approval shall confer upon the subdivider the following rights and privileges:
The preliminary plat will remain in effect for a one (1) year period. The applicant may, during this period, submit all or parts of said preliminary plat for final approval. Submittal of a final plat that is part of a preliminary plat will extend the approval of the preliminary plat for an additional year. Any part of a subdivision which is being developed in stages shall contain a tract of land at least one (1) block in length.
The general terms and conditions under which the preliminary plat approval was granted will not be changed.
The applicant may also proceed with detailed improvement plans required for all facilities or utilities intended to be provided.
[Ord. No. 105 §4.3.1, 6-23-1987; Ord. No. 636 §§3 — 4, 4-17-2003; Ord. No. 1053 §18, 9-13-2006]
The purpose of this Section is to provide a procedure whereby the construction of a display house can begin prior to the recording of the record subdivision plat.
The developer may, after receiving approval of a preliminary plat of a proposed subdivision from the Planning and Zoning Commission, submit a display house plat to the Zoning Administrator for review for every ten (10) houses proposed, not to exceed ten (10) display houses. The display house plat shall be on sheets not greater than twenty-four (24) by thirty-six (36) inches and include a complete outboundary survey of the proposed subdivision and the location of each display house in relation to proposed lots. The script of said display house plat shall contain terms and conditions as required by the Planning Department, including, but not limited, to the following:
[Ord. No. 2207, 9-21-2022]
The display house plat shall be filed with the City of Dardenne Prairie prior to issuance of a building permit for any display house.
The display house plat shall become null and void upon the recording of a record plat which establishes that each display house is on an approved lot.
No part of the proposed subdivision may be conveyed for any structure therein until the display house or houses have been located in an approved and recorded lot.
If initial construction of a display house has not commenced within ninety (90) days, the Zoning Administrator's approval shall lapse and the display house plat shall be null and void.
The filing fee shall be per the fee schedule for services, permit applications, plan reviews, inspections, rezonings and conditional uses, which is on file in the office of the City Clerk.
All permanent structures shall be located on an approved subdivided lot by means of a record plat within one (1) year of the display house plat approval or such longer period as may be permitted by the Zoning Administrator. If the record plat is not approved and recorded at the St. Charles County Recorder of Deeds office within the one (1) year period referred to above, the then owner shall remove or cause to be removed all structures from the property. Failure of the then owner to remove all structures from the property with ten (10) days of the end of the one (1) year period referred to above shall constitute a violation of this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 635 §1(4.3.2), 4-17-2003; Ord. No. 1053 §19, 9-13-2006; Ord. No. 1155 §1, 5-16-2007; Ord. No. 1191 §1, 8-15-2007; Ord. No. 1605 §1, 4-18-2012; Ord. No. 1887, 10-18-2017; Ord. No. 2207, 9-21-2022]
Any development greater than ten thousand (10,000) square feet or requiring the preparation of complete improvement plans in accordance with this Chapter as determined by the Zoning Administrator shall be required to obtain a grading permit from the City of Dardenne Prairie. Once the preliminary plat or PUD Area Plan has been approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the grading permit process shall be as described herein. Grading plans may be submitted to the Zoning Administrator as part of the improvement plans or separately prior to the submission of improvement plans; however, a grading permit shall be submitted and processed in either case.
Filing Procedures. The applicant shall submit two (2) copies of the proposed grading plan and a completed application form to the Zoning Administrator. Additional copies shall be requested upon review by the Zoning Administrator. The grading plan shall be on sheets not greater than twenty-four (24) by thirty-six (36) inches.
Information Required. The following information is required for all grading plan submittals for approval. The required information may be combined for presentation on one (1) or more drawings or maps. In the interests of clarity, speed and efficiency in the review process, the Zoning Administrator may request that information in addition to the grading plan be presented on drawings or maps. In all cases, the grading plan submission must minimally include the following:
The grading plan shall be of a scale not to be greater than one (1) inch equals twenty (20) feet nor less than one (1) inch equals two hundred (200) feet and of such accuracy that the City Engineer can readily interpret the plan and shall include more than one (1) drawing where required for clarity.
The property is identified by lot lines and location, including dimensions, angles and size, correlated with the legal description of said property. The grading plan shall be designed and prepared by a qualified land planner, registered professional architect and engineer or land surveyor. It shall also include the name and address of the property owner(s), developer(s) and designer(s).
It shall show the scale, north point, boundary dimensions, natural features such as woodlots, streams, rivers, lakes, drains, topography [at least five (5) foot contours intervals; when terrain is irregular or drainage critical, contour interval shall be at least two (2) foot] and similar features. All topographic data shall directly relate to U.S.G.S. datum.
It shall show existing manmade features such as buildings, structures, easements, high tension towers, pipelines, existing utilities such as water and sewer lines, etc., excavations, bridges, culverts and drains and shall identify adjacent properties within three hundred (300) feet and their existing uses.
Any proposed alterations to the topography or other natural features are indicated.
All filled places under proposed storm and sanitary sewer lines, building areas and/or paved areas and stormwater detention basin berms shall be compacted to ninety percent (90%) of maximum density as determined by the Modified AASHTO T-180 Compaction Test or ninety-five percent (95%) of maximum density as determined by the Standard Proctor Test AASHTO T-99.
All fill placed in proposed roads areas shall be compacted from the bottom of the fill up to ninety percent (90%) of maximum density as determined by the Modified AASHTO T-180 Compaction Test or ninety-five percent (95%) of maximum density as determined by the Standard Proctor Test AASHTO T-99. All tests shall be verified by a soils engineer concurrent with grading and backfilling operations.
A sediment and erosion control plan. The sediment control plan must be implemented in accordance with the land disturbance permit issued for the proposed grading activities pursuant to Chapter 412.
Development along natural watercourses shall have residential lot lines, commercial or industrial improvements, parking areas or driveways set back a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from the top of existing stream bank or fifteen-year, twenty-minute water surface elevation, where no defined bank exists. The watercourse and twenty-five-foot setback area shall be maintained and made the responsibility of the subdivision trustees. Residential lots having an area of one (1) acre or greater shall be exempt from this regulation if the stream bank is not erosive. In the case of a site plan, commercial or industrial site, the watercourse and twenty-five-foot setback area shall be maintained and made the responsibility of the property owner. Permanent native vegetation and existing ground elevation and grades within the twenty-five-foot setback shall be left intact and undisturbed. Variances will include designed stream bank erosion control measures and shall be approved by the appropriate government agency, which has jurisdiction over the land and/or development in question. FEMA and United States Army Corps of Engineers' guidelines shall be followed where applicable regarding site development areas designated as floodplains and wetlands.
Retaining walls that exceed a height of thirty (30) inches shall require the construction of permanent safety guards at the top of the wall. Safety guards shall be constructed as identified in the appropriate Section(s) of the adopted building codes pertaining to open-sided walking surfaces or created by installing and maintaining a barrier comprised of dense vegetation that is at least forty-two (42) inches tall and approved by the Code Enforcement Officer of the City.
The Zoning Administrator is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations for erosion and sediment management practices not inconsistent with the grading standards herein contained.
A grading permit shall be issued and shall remain in force only upon compliance with the following requirements:
Surface Waters — Damage. Adequate provision shall be made to prevent surface waters from damaging the cut face of an excavation or the sloping surface of a hill.
Retaining Walls — Cribbing. Retaining walls or cribbing shall be required whenever necessary to prevent the surface of any excavation or fill from exceeding at any point the maximum allowable slopes as set forth herein.
Drainage. All drainage provisions shall be of such design to carry surface waters to the nearest practical storm drain, natural watercourse or street as approved by the City Engineer or his/her designee as a suitable place to deposit and receive such waters.
Protection Of Streets/Property. No excavation shall be made so close to the property line to endanger any adjoining public or private street without supporting and protecting such public or private street or property from settling, cracking or other damage.
Fill/Location. No fill shall be made so as to cause or to allow the same to be deposited upon or to roll, flow or wash upon or over the premises so affected; or upon or over any public street, walk, place or way; nor so close to the top of a bank of a channel as to create the possibility of bank failure and sliding. At a minimum, a setback of twenty-five (25) feet shall be provided as a buffer to sensitive areas.
Materials. Materials for fills shall consist of material obtained from excavation of cut areas, borrow pits or other approved source. Material shall be free of vegetative matter and deleterious material and shall not contain rocks in excess of six (6) inches in diameter, where compacted by rollers or other mechanical equipment.
Minimum Standards. Minimum standards of excavations and fills shall be as follows; however, more stringent standards may be required based on site conditions:
The adjoining ground to development sites (lots) shall be provided with protection from accelerated and increased surface water, silt from erosion, and any other consequences of erosion. Runoff water from developed areas (parking lots, paved sites and buildings) above the area to be developed shall be directed to diversions, detention basins, concrete gutters and/or underground outlet systems.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers guidelines shall be followed where applicable regarding site development areas designated as floodplains and wetlands.
All lots shall be seeded and mulched or sodded before an occupancy permit shall be issued, except that a temporary occupancy permit may be issued by the Building Department in cases of undue hardship because of unfavorable ground conditions.
Compaction. All fills intended to support buildings or structures or sewers and conduits shall be compacted to a minimum of ninety percent (90%) compaction as determined by Modified Proctor, ASTM D-1557, unless a lesser percent is recommended to and approved by the City Engineer or his/her designee. Compaction of greater than ninety percent (90%) may be required where special conditions dictate (i.e., large structures, dams). Compaction of fills for buildings or structures must be certified by a registered professional engineer. Compaction of other fills shall be required where necessary as a safety measure to aid in preventing the saturation, slipping or erosion of the fill. The requirements of the City Engineer or his/her designee for the compaction of fills shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
Areas to be graded by cutting or filling shall be rough graded to within two-tenths (2/10) of a foot of accepted elevation after allowance has been made for thickness of topsoil, paved areas and other installations.
The natural ground surface shall be prepared by removing topsoil and vegetation and by compacting the fill upon a series of terraces. Hillside or slope fills shall require plowing or scarification of original ground.
Grading on slopes will require silt control at intermediate levels to slow surface water, prevent rutting and decrease erosion.
Grading sites will require silting basins pursuant to erosion and sediment control practices to prevent mud from washing onto adjacent properties.
If fill material moisture content is below the requirement for compacting to maximum practical density, water in the proper amount shall be added. If moisture content is too great, fill material shall be aerated by blading or other satisfactory methods to reduce moisture content.
Frozen materials or soft, mucky, friable, easily compressible materials shall not be incorporated in fills intended to support buildings, structures, sewers or conduits, or in the embanked ends of fills. Fill material shall not be placed, spread or rolled while the ground is frozen or thawing.
The maximum uncompacted thickness of layers of the fill to be compacted shall not exceed eight (8) inches.
Compaction shall be by tamping, sheeps foot rollers, multiple wheel pneumatic or other approved methods. Rolling shall be continuous until the desired maximum density is obtained.
Density of the proposed fill(s) shall be submitted with the grading permit application for approval by the Zoning Administrator or his/her designee.
Topsoil disturbed by grading or building operations if stripped and piled for storage shall be stored only in an amount necessary to complete finished grading.
Removal of timber, rubbish, logs, trees, brush, vegetative matter and rubbish of any description shall be removed and disposed of so as to leave the disturbed area with a neat and finished appearance. Timber, rubbish, logs, trees, brush, vegetative matter and rubbish of any description shall be removed to the following depths:
Paved areas
2 feet below subgrade
Non-paved areas
2 feet below finished grade
Solid rock, shale or similar materials shall be removed to a depth of fifteen (15) inches below subgrade for paved area and two (2) feet below finish grade for lawn area except where it is impractical because of rock outcropping. Burning of material shall fall under compliance of State Department of Natural Resources and local fire protection district regulations.
Review Procedures. The City Engineer shall review the grading plan for its conformance to standards and specifications set forth in this Chapter and other applicable ordinances. The City Engineer may request modifications in the grading plan. The Zoning Administrator shall then confer approval, conditional approval or disapproval of the grading plan within forty-five (45) days of filing and shall notify the applicant with written reasons for its action.
Effect Of Grading Plan Approval. Grading plan approval shall confer upon the developer, for a period of one (1) year from date of approval, the conditional right that the general terms and conditions under which the approval was granted will not be changed by the Zoning Administrator. This one-year period may be extended by the Zoning Administrator if the developer has applied in writing for such an extension and the Zoning Administrator determines a longer period should be granted due to unusual circumstances. If an extension is not granted, the grading plan approval is null and void. After approval of the grading plan, the developer may proceed with the grading operations upon the final direction of the Zoning Administrator.
Inspections shall be made by the Zoning Administrator or his/her designate during each stage of fill operations and final approval shall be required upon completion of operations. Applicant shall notify the City of the following:
Commencement of grading.
Completion of rough grading.
Completion of finish grading.
Completion of all reestablishment of ground cover and construction work, which disturb ground cover.
[Ord. No. 635 §2, 4-17-2003; Ord. No. 1053 §20, 9-13-2006; Ord. No. 1188 §7, 8-15-2007]
The developer shall cause the "as-built" location of each storm-sewer outfall of the project to be displayed on the "as-built" plans with horizontal location of the end point of the outfall clearly labeled and referenced to the project's boundary. In addition, the vertical elevation of each outfall shall be labeled on the "as-built" plans and shall be referenced to the project's vertical datum.
Two (2) paper sets and one (1) digital copy in AutoCAD format of the "as-built" plans on sheets not greater than twenty-four (24) by thirty-six (36) inches shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator before the City shall release the escrow established insuring or guaranteeing the stabilization and revegetation of the site as described in Section 410.100 below.
[Ord. No. 2207, 9-21-2022]
[Ord. No. 635 §3, 4-17-2003; Ord. No. 1053 §21, 9-13-2006; Ord. No. 1155 §2, 5-16-2007]
The developer shall post a lender's or escrow agreement insuring or guaranteeing the stabilization and revegetation of the site. The lender's or escrow agreement shall be the same as set out in this Chapter and in the amount provided in Section 412.080.
[Ord. No. 635 §4, 4-17-2003; Ord. No. 1053 §22, 9-13-2006]
For the purposes of this regulation, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this Section:
Refers to the currently adopted Building Code; please note these regulations are designed to be used with the adopted codes as a reference for minimum performance standards.
A schedule of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures and other management practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of waters of the State. BMPs also include treatment requirements, operating procedures and practices to control plant site runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal or drainage from raw material storage. Both structural and non-structural measures to control, treat or prevent stormwater runoff pollution within waters of the State. Structural BMPs are engineered devices. Non-structural BMPs include, but are not limited to, alternative site design, ordinance and zoning, education and good housekeeping measures.
A barrier or dam built across a waterway or at other suitable locations to retain rock, sand, gravel, silt or other materials.
A channel with or without a supporting ridge on the lower side constructed across or at the bottom of a slope.
The wearing away of the land surface by the action of wind, water or gravity.
The removal, stripping or disturbance of soil, earth, sand, rock, gravel or other similar substances from the ground.
The vertical location of the existing ground surface prior to excavations or filling.
Federal Emergency Management Agency.
The placing of any soil, earth, sand, rock, gravel or other substance on the ground.
The final grade or elevations of the ground surface conforming to the proposed design.
Any excavation, filling or combination thereof.
A channel formed in the existing surface topography of the earth prior to changes made by unnatural conditions.
A constructed ditch or channel designed for water flow.
Solid material, mineral or organic, that has been moved by erosion and deposited in a location other than the point of origin.
Staked bales or silt fencing systems that function as a filter and a velocity check to trap fine-grained sediment while allowing satisfactory passage for stormwater runoff.
A lot or parcel of land or a contiguous combination thereof where grading work is performed as a single unified operation.
Altering terrain and/or vegetation and constructing improvements.
The usual boundaries, not the flood boundaries, of a stream channel. The top of the natural incline bordering a stream.
[Ord. No. 105 §4.4, 6-23-1987; Ord. No. 1053 §23, 9-13-2006; Ord. No. 2207, 9-21-2022]
After the preliminary plat is approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, improvement plans prepared by an engineer for the subdivision of all or any part of the tract shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator for review and approval. If significant changes are to be made after the improvement plans have been approved, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall require that revised improvement plans be submitted. The applicant shall submit two (2) copies of the proposed improvement plans and a completed construction permit application form to the Zoning Administrator. Additional copies shall be requested upon review by the Zoning Administrator. Improvement plans shall be prepared on an exhibit not to exceed twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches and shall contain the following information:
Title page, which shall include key map showing the relationship of the area to be subdivided to the tract and which shall reflect areas of the tract previously subdivided plus adjacent streets.
North arrow and graphic scale.
Title block showing name and address of developer and engineering firm, as well as the engineer's seal.
One (1) or more bench marks, U.S.G.S. or M.H.T.D. or others in or near the subdivision to which the subdivision is referenced. No assumed elevations will be accepted.
List of standards and specifications followed, citing volume, section, page or other references.
Paving details conforming to St. Charles County Standard Specifications.
Details of streets, existing and proposed sanitary sewers, storm sewers and water mains, drainage channels and swales.
Plans and profiles of streets and sewers scaled not less than one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet horizontal and one (1) inch equals ten (10) feet vertical.
Plans for sediment control will be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. A dollar amount equal to the proposed cost will be included in the performance guarantee.
Actual construction of such facilities and improvements may commence prior to final plat approval if the detailed improvement plans have been approved by the City Engineer, provided that such facilities and improvements will be inspected throughout their construction. Final plat approval will be contingent, in part, upon acceptable compliance to County improvement and facility standards.
After approval of the construction plans, a breakdown of quantities and either estimated costs or actual prices on all public improvements shall be submitted for review and approval if any escrow agreements are required.
Approvals need to be received by the Zoning Administrator for water and sanitary sewer plans and for proposed crossing of pipelines.
[Ord. No. 105 §4.5, 6-23-1987; Ord. No. 1053 §24, 9-13-2006; Ord. No. 1257 §1, 12-19-2007; Ord. No. 1569 §1, 6-15-2011; Ord. No. 1737 §1, 10-15-2014; Ord. No. 2207, 9-21-2022]
Improvement Guarantee Required. After the improvement plans have been approved and all inspection fees paid, but before approval of the record subdivision plat, the developer shall guarantee the completion of improvements required by the approved improvement plans ("required improvements") and guarantee maintenance of such improvements as required herein. Except as provided in Subsection (B), the developer shall either:
Complete the improvements in accordance with the approved improvement plans under the observation and inspection of the appropriate public agency and establish a maintenance agreement and provide a deposit to guarantee maintenance of such improvements as required herein; or
Establish a deposit under a deposit agreement with the City of Dardenne Prairie guaranteeing the construction, completion and installation ("construction deposit") and a separate deposit amount for maintenance obligations ("maintenance deposit") as required herein and for the improvements shown on the approved improvement plans within the improvement completion period approved by the Zoning Administrator, which shall not exceed two (2) years.
No guarantee or deposit is required with the City for sanitary sewers, waterlines or other public improvements required by another political subdivision of this State if such political subdivision confirms that its requirements for assurance of completion are satisfied. This provision shall not affect the intent or enforcement of any existing guarantee, escrow or renewal, extension or replacement thereof.
The Zoning Administrator may require any specific improvement to be installed prior to approval of the record plat where failure to install such improvement prior to further development could result in damage to the site or surrounding properties.
Deposit Options. Deposits required by this Section shall be in conjunction with a deposit agreement and may be in the form of cash or letter of credit as follows:
Cash deposited with the City Clerk to be held in an interest-bearing account dedicated for that purpose, with all interest accruing to the City to offset administrative and other costs of maintaining the cash deposits;
An irrevocable letter of credit drawn on a local financial institution meeting the requirements of this Subsection (C)(2), and acceptable to and in a form approved by the City Attorney.
The instrument may not be drawn on any financial institution with whom the developer or a related entity has any ownership interest or with whom there is any joint financial connection that creates any actual or potential lack of independence between the institution and the developer.
As a condition to the acceptance of the irrevocable letter of credit by the City, the financial institution must certify to the City, in writing, that it was assigned a composite rating of either "1" or "2" under the Uniform Financial Institutions Rating System ("UFIRS"), as set forth in 62 FR 752-01, as amended, in the most recent examination of such financial institution's financial condition and operations by an appropriate agency of the United States Government. The financial institution need not explicitly disclose its composite rating; it need only disclose that it was assigned a composite rating meeting the requirements of this Subsection (C)(2)(b).
Subsequent to issuing an irrevocable letter of credit and during the entire term thereof, any financial institution issuing an irrevocable letter of credit to the benefit of the City pursuant to this Section 410.130 shall maintain a composite rating of "1" or "2." If prior to release of such letter of credit such financial institution is assigned a composite rating of "3," "4" or "5" under the UFIRS by an appropriate agency of the United States Government, the financial institution must notify the developer and the City, in writing, that it no longer complies with this Subsection (C). Upon receipt of such notice, or written notice from the City to the financial institution and the developer upon the City's discovery that the financial institution no longer complies with the requirements of this Subsection (C), the developer must establish a replacement guarantee or deposit with the City, guaranteeing improvements pursuant to the provisions of this Section 410.130. If the developer fails to establish a replacement guarantee or deposit within thirty (30) days from the developer's receipt of notice required herein, the Zoning Administrator shall declare the developer to be in default, and the City shall be entitled to any remedies available to it under this Section 410.130.
The letter of credit shall provide that the issuing institution will pay on demand to the City such amounts as the City may require to fulfill the obligations herein and may be reduced from time to time by a writing of the Zoning Administrator. The letter of credit shall be irrevocable for at least one (1) year and shall state that any balance remaining at the expiration shall automatically be deposited in cash with the City Clerk, unless a new letter of credit is issued and agreed to by the City or the City issues to the institution a written release of the obligations for which the letter of credit was deposited. The developer shall pay a non-refundable fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00) to the City with submission of a letter of credit and one hundred dollars ($100.00) for any amendment or extension thereto to partially reimburse the City's administration and review costs in accepting and maintaining such letter of credit.
Due to the costs of administering deposit guarantees/escrows and the compliance with changing State regulations relating thereto, any developer that elects to use a construction escrow in lieu of completing the improvements, as otherwise provided for in this Chapter and Section 89.410, RSMo., shall deposit an additional fee of five hundred dollars ($500.00) that shall be used by the City to defray costs of administration, legal costs, procedural changes, and other costs not otherwise reimbursed to the City resulting from the City's acceptance of such deposit guarantees. The developer shall be obligated to reimburse the City for any additional costs, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees, above such deposit amount arising in any way from the City's acceptance of a deposit/escrow in lieu of completion of improvements. The developer may request a refund of any principal amounts, if any, of any initial or supplemented deposit above the costs attributable to the development during the period of the escrow by written request made within thirty (30) days after the developer has received a City approval of all categories of improvements subject to such escrow.
Amount Of Deposit. The amount of the deposit required shall be calculated as follows:
Construction Deposit. The deposit required of a developer establishing a deposit agreement pursuant to Subsection (A)(2) shall be, in addition to the separate maintenance deposit sum, in the amount of one hundred ten percent (110%) of the Zoning Administrator's estimate of the cost of the construction, completion and installation of the required improvements. The Zoning Administrator shall adopt, to the extent practical, schedules reflecting current cost estimates of typically required improvements.
Maintenance Deposit. The deposit required of a developer pursuant to Subsection (A)(1) and (2) for maintenance obligations shall be in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the Zoning Administrator's estimate of the cost of the construction, completion and installation of the required improvements. The maintenance deposit shall be established by cash sum or submission of a separate letter of credit meeting the requirements of Subsection (C)(2).
Where certain improvements are required to be installed prior to approval of the record plat pursuant to Subsection (B)(2), the gross deposit amount for the construction deposits shall be reduced by the estimated cost of such improvements.
Deposit Agreement — Releases. The deposit agreement shall be entered into with the City of Dardenne Prairie, shall require the developer to agree to fulfill the obligations imposed by this Section and shall have such other terms as the City Attorney may require consistent with this Section. The agreement shall authorize the Zoning Administrator to release the cash or reduce the obligation secured under the letter of credit as permitted herein. Such releases or reductions may occur upon completion, inspection and approval by the Zoning Administrator of all required improvements within a category of improvements or may occur from time to time as work on specific improvements is completed, inspected and approved, provided, however, that:
Releases — General. The developer shall submit a written request for approval of release of the cash or the letter of credit as to all or any part of the developer's obligation only after construction, completion and installation of some phase of work on the improvements indicated on the approved improvement plans, receipt of requisite written notification from the appropriate inspecting public authority and approval by the Zoning Administrator and only in the amounts permitted herein.
Extension Of Completion Period. If, at the end of the improvement completion period, all the improvements shown on the approved improvement plans have not been completed, the developer may request and the Zoning Administrator may grant an extension to the improvement completion period for a period of up to two (2) years if after review by the Zoning Administrator such longer period is deemed necessary to facilitate adequate and coordinated provisions for transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, playgrounds or other public improvements, facilities or requirements, so long as all guarantees are extended and approved by the City Attorney; provided, that the Zoning Administrator may require as a condition of the extension execution of a new agreement, recalculation of deposit amounts or satisfaction of new code requirements or other reasonable conditions as may be needed to ensure that the extended agreement fully complies with the terms of this Section.
Construction Deposit Releases. After an inspection of any specific improvements, the Board of Aldermen may, upon a recommendation from the Zoning Administrator, release up to ninety-five percent (95%) of the original sum deposited for the construction of such specific required improvements. Irrespective of any discretionary prior releases that may be authorized after completion of any component of the guaranteed improvements (i.e., less than all of the improvements in a given category), the remaining amount held for any category of improvements for the entire subdivision shall be released within thirty (30) days of completion of all of the improvements in such category of improvement, minus a retention of five percent (5%) which shall be released only upon completion of all improvements for the subdivision. The Zoning Administrator shall establish the improvement categories, which may consist of improvement components or line items, to be utilized for calculation of deposit amounts, but such categories, components and line items shall in no way modify or reduce the developer's guarantee as to all required improvements, irrespective of any release or completion of any category or underlying component or line item. All improvements in a category shall be deemed complete only when:
Each and every component and line item within a category for the entire subdivision has been constructed and completed as required;
The developer has notified the Zoning Administrator in writing of the completion of all components of the category, provided all necessary or requested documentation and requests an inspection;
The developer is not in default or in breach of any obligation to the City under this Section, including, but not limited to, the Zoning Administrator's demand for maintenance or for deposit of additional sums for the subdivision;
The inspection has been completed and the results of the inspection have been approved in writing by the Zoning Administrator.
Releases of the maintenance deposit amounts shall be as provided elsewhere in this Section for maintenance deposits.
Effect Of Release — Continuing Obligations. The developer shall continue to be responsible for defects, deficiencies and damage to public streets and other required improvements during development of the subdivision. No inspection approval or release of funds from the construction deposit as to any component or category shall be deemed to be City approval of improvement or otherwise release the developer of its obligation relating to the completion of the improvements until the final subdivision release on all improvements and maintenance is issued declaring that all improvements have in fact been constructed as required. Inspection and approval of any or all required improvements shall not constitute acceptance of the improvement by the City as a public improvement for which the City shall bear any responsibility.
Deficient Improvements. No approval of required improvements shall be granted for improvements that fail to meet the specifications established herein or otherwise adopted by the Zoning Administrator.
Final Construction Deposit Release. Upon final inspection and approval of all required improvements, the remaining amount of the construction deposit shall be released; provided, that no such funds shall be released on a final inspection until the development of the subdivision is complete as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
Appeals. If the developer believes that a release or certificate of completion has been improperly denied, including, but not limited to, under Subsection (E) or (F), an appeal shall be filed with the City Administrator, and no such denial shall be deemed final until the City Administrator has ruled on the appeal, which ruling shall be no later than thirty (30) days after the date of receipt of the appeal by the City Administrator.
Inspection Requests.
The Zoning Administrator shall inspect each category of improvement or utility work within twenty (20) business days after a request for such inspection has been filed with the Zoning Administrator by the developer, and no inspection shall be required until such an inspection request is received by the Zoning Administrator. For purposes of this Section, an "inspection request" shall constitute and occur only on a completed written request on a form that shall include:
The category of improvement or utility work reflected in the deposit agreement that is requested to be inspected;
A certification from a professional engineer registered in the State of Missouri that the category of improvement or utility work has been installed, and, on the date of inspection request, is maintained, and is in conformance with the final approved improvement plans and all applicable requirements thereto and is therefore ready for inspection;
A verified statement from the representative officer of the developer attesting that the information in the inspection request is true and accurate; and
If an additional inspection, the fee required in Subsection (E)(9)(c) of this Section.
Nothing herein shall preclude the Zoning Administrator from completing additional inspections at its discretion or as a courtesy to the developer.
If upon an inspection required to be made by this Section the Zoning Administrator finds that the category of improvement or utility work requested to be inspected pursuant to an inspection request has not been installed, or, on the date of the inspection request, was not maintained, or is not in conformance with the final approved improvement plans and all applicable requirements thereto, then the Zoning Administrator shall transmit or cause to be transmitted to the developer a written notice which shall specify the defect(s) or violation(s), or both, as the case may be, and shall identify the action required to remedy such defect(s) or violation(s), or both, in order for the developer to complete such category of improvement or utility work and to bring such category of improvement or utility work into conformance with the final approved improvement plans and all applicable requirements thereto. If a defect or violation is found, the developer shall be given a reasonable length of time to remedy such defect(s) or violation(s), or both, as the case may be, to complete such category of improvement or utility work and to bring the same into conformance with the final approved improvement plans and all applicable requirements thereto prior to reinspection.
One (1) free reinspection shall be provided for each initial reinspection of a category of improvement or utility work subject to an initial inspection request that resulted in a finding that such category of improvement or utility work had not been installed, or, on the date of such initial inspection request, was not maintained, or was not in conformance with the final approved improvement plans and all applicable requirements thereto. Such initial reinspection shall be made by the Zoning Administrator within twenty (20) business days after an inspection request for such initial reinspection has been filed with the Zoning Administrator by the developer; provided, however, that no reinspection of such category of improvement or utility work shall be required to be made until an inspection request for such initial reinspection has been received by the Zoning Administrator. Thereafter, the developer shall be charged, and there shall be paid and collected by the City, a reinspection fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) for each additional reinspection performed by the Zoning Administrator, subsequent to an inspection and initial reinspection, of a category of improvement or utility work required because such category of improvement or utility work was not installed, or, on the date of the inspection request(s) for inspection or initial reinspection, or both, was not maintained, or was not in conformance with the final approved improvement plans and all applicable requirements thereto; and each such additional reinspection shall be made by the Zoning Administrator within twenty (20) business days after an inspection request for such additional reinspection has been filed with the Zoning Administrator by the developer; provided, however, that no such additional reinspection of such category of improvement or utility work shall be required to be made until an inspection request for such additional reinspection has been filed with the Zoning Administrator by the developer.
Maintenance Guarantee.
Scope And Duration. Upon commencement of installation of the required improvements within the subject subdivision, the developer shall be responsible for maintenance of the improvements, including undeveloped lots, streets, sidewalks, common areas and storm and drainage facilities, until the sooner of the: (1) expiration of eighteen (18) months after acceptance for public dedication of the specific improvement by the City; or (2) expiration of eighteen (18) months after occupancy permits have been issued on ninety-five percent (95%) of all of the lots in the subdivision plat(s) subject to the deposit agreement. Maintenance shall include repair or replacement of all defects, deficiencies and damage to the improvements that may exist or arise, abatement of nuisances caused by such improvements, removal of mud and debris from construction, erosion control, grass cutting, removal of construction materials (except materials to be used for construction on the lot or as permitted by site plan) and street deicing and snow removal. All repairs and replacement shall comply with City specifications and standards. Any maintenance on improvements accepted by the City for public dedication shall be completed under the supervision of and with the prior written approval of the Zoning Administrator. The maintenance obligation for required improvements to existing public roads or other existing public infrastructure already maintained by a public governmental entity shall terminate on and after the date such improvements have been inspected, deposit released and accepted by the Governing Body of the governmental entity for dedication. Irrespective of other continuing obligations, the developer's street deicing and snow removal obligations shall terminate on the date a street is accepted by the City for public maintenance.
Maintenance Deposit — Amount — Use.
The maintenance deposit shall be retained by the City to guarantee maintenance of the required improvements and, in addition to being subject to the remedies of Subsection (G) and other remedies of this Code, shall be subject to the immediate order of the Zoning Administrator to defray or reimburse any cost to the City of maintenance or repair of improvements related to the subdivision which the developer fails or refuses to perform. Such costs shall include off-site damage caused by deficiencies in the improvements or failure of maintenance. Except in emergency circumstances or where action is otherwise required before written notice can be provided, the Zoning Administrator shall provide the developer with a written demand and opportunity to perform the maintenance before having such maintenance performed by the City. The Zoning Administrator shall have the authority to require the maintenance deposit to be placed or replenished by the developer in any form permitted for an original deposit where the amount remaining is determined to be insufficient or where the maintenance deposit was drawn upon by the City for maintenance.
In determining the amount of maintenance deposit that shall continue to be held, portions of the deposit amount that were attributable to improvements that have been accepted by any third-party governmental entity or utility legally responsible for the maintenance of the improvement may be released upon such acceptance of the improvement by the entity. The Zoning Administrator may approve such further releases if it is determined in his/her discretion, after inspection of the improvements, that the total maintenance amount retained is clearly in excess of the amount necessary for completion of the maintenance obligation, after all reasonable contingencies are considered.
Final Maintenance Deposit Release. Upon expiration of the maintenance obligations established herein, the Zoning Administrator shall cause a final inspection to be made of the required improvements. Funds shall then be released if there are no defects or deficiencies found and all other obligations are shown to be satisfied on inspection thereof or at such time thereafter as any defects or deficiencies are cured with the permission of and within the time allowed by the Zoning Administrator. This release shall in no way be construed to indemnify or release any person from any civil liability that may exist for defects or damages caused by any construction, improvement or development for which any deposit has been released.
Failure To Complete Improvements.
The obligation and rights of the developer to construct, complete, install and maintain the improvements indicated on the approved improvement plans and provide for street maintenance shall not cease until the developer shall be finally released by the Zoning Administrator, nor shall any deposit agreements or obligations hereunder be assignable or transferable by the developer. Furthermore, in the event of default, abandonment, or failure of the developer to complete the improvements, no other person, firm or entity shall acquire (whether by contract, judicial foreclosure or other means) any rights to the remaining escrow funds as a developer without entering into a separate deposit agreement with the City. If, after the initial improvement completion period or after a later period as extended pursuant to this Section, the improvements indicated on the approved improvement plans are not constructed, completed, installed, accepted and maintained as required or if the developer shall violate any provision of the deposit agreement, the Zoning Administrator may notify the developer to show cause within not less than ten (10) days why the developer should not be declared in default. Unless good cause is shown, no building or other permit shall be issued to the developer in the subdivision during any period in which the developer is in violation of the deposit agreement or this Chapter relating to the subdivision. If the developer fails to cure any default or present compelling reason why no default should be declared, the Zoning Administrator shall declare the developer in default and may take any one (1) or more of the following acts:
Deem the balance under the deposit agreement not theretofore released as forfeited to the City, to be then placed in an appropriate trust and agency account subject to the order of the Zoning Administrator for such purposes as letting contracts to bring about the completion or maintenance of the improvements indicated on the approved improvement plans or other appropriate purposes in the interest of the public safety, health and welfare; or
Require the developer or surety to pay to the City the balance of the surety not theretofore released; or
Require the developer to submit an additional cash sum sufficient to guarantee the completion or maintenance of the improvements indicated on the approved improvement plans after recalculation in order to allow for any inflated or increased costs of constructing or maintaining the improvements.
The failure of a developer to complete the improvement obligations within the time provided by the agreement (or any extension granted by the City), and including the payment of funds to the City due to such failure or an expiration of a letter of credit, shall be deemed an automatic act of default entitling the City to all remedies provided in this Section without further or prior notice. It shall be the sole responsibility of the developer to timely request an extension of any deposit agreement if the improvements are not completed in the original time period provided by the deposit agreement, and no right to any extension shall exist or be assumed.
Other Remedies For Default. If the developer or surety fails to comply with the Zoning Administrator's requirements for payment as described above or fails to complete the improvements as required or otherwise violates the deposit agreement provisions and there is a risk that development will continue in the subdivision without the timely prior completion of improvements or compliance with deposit agreement provisions, the Zoning Administrator may in addition or alternatively to other remedies:
Suspend the right of anyone to build or construct on the undeveloped portion of the subdivision. For the purpose of this Subsection, the "undeveloped portion" of the subdivision means all lots other than lots which have been sold for personal use and occupancy or are under bona fide contract for sale to any person for personal use or occupancy. The Zoning Administrator shall give the developer ten (10) days' written notice of an order under this Subsection with copies to all sureties, as appropriate, who have outstanding obligations for any undeveloped portion of the subdivision and shall record an affidavit of such notice with the Recorder of Deeds. If, within the ten-day period after notice is given, the Zoning Administrator is not convinced by compelling evidence that completion of the improvements is adequately assured and maintenance of streets assured as provided herein, the Zoning Administrator shall order construction suspended on the undeveloped portion of the subdivision. The order shall be served upon the developer with a copy to the issuer of the surety, as appropriate, and a copy recorded with the Recorder of Deeds. Public notice of said order shall be conspicuously and prominently posted by the Zoning Administrator at the subdivisions or lots subject to said order. The notice shall contain the following minimum language which may be supplemented at the discretion of the Zoning Administrator.
Public Notice Of Order.
If said notice is for a subdivision:
If said notice is for a lot:
The Zoning Administrator shall not thereafter authorize construction to take place contrary to the order. The suspension shall be rescinded in whole or in part only when the Zoning Administrator is convinced that completion of the improvements is adequately assured in all or an appropriate part of the subdivision and a guarantee of public street maintenance has been provided; or
Suspend the rights of the developer or any related entity to construct structures in any development platted after the effective date of such suspension throughout the City of Dardenne Prairie and such incorporated areas as are under the City of Dardenne Prairie's jurisdiction. The Zoning Administrator shall give the developer ten (10) days' written notice of an order under this clause with a copy to sureties known to the Zoning Administrator to have obligations outstanding on behalf of the developer or related entities and shall record an affidavit of such notice with the Recorder of Deeds. If, within the ten-day period after notice is given, the Zoning Administrator is not convinced by compelling evidence that completion of the improvements is adequately assured and maintenance of streets assured as provided herein, the Zoning Administrator shall order construction suspended. The order shall be served upon the developer with a copy to the surety, as appropriate, and a copy recorded with the Recorder of Deeds. The Zoning Administrator shall not thereafter authorize construction to take place contrary to the Zoning Administrator's order. The suspension shall be rescinded only when the Zoning Administrator is convinced that completion of the improvements is adequately assured and public street maintenance is assured.
Suspension Of Development Rights. From and after the effective date of this Section, if a developer or any related entity has a subdivision development improvement guarantee that is in default, as determined by the Zoning Administrator, including any escrow or bond under any prior version of this Section:
The Zoning Administrator shall be authorized, but not be limited, to thereafter pursue the remedies of Subsection (H) of this Section; and
The rights of the developer or any related entity to receive development approval, which approval shall include, but not be limited to, approval of any plat or deposit agreement for new or further development in the City, shall be suspended. The suspension shall be rescinded only when the Zoning Administrator is convinced that completion and maintenance of the improvements is adequately assured.
Additional Remedies. If any party fails to comply with any obligation of this Section, the Zoning Administrator may recommend that the City Attorney take appropriate legal action and may also withhold any building or occupancy permits to this developer or related entities until such compliance is cured. The City shall also have the right to partially or wholly remedy a developer's deficiencies or breached obligations under this Chapter by set-off of any funds or assets otherwise held by the City of the developer to the maximum extent permitted by law. Such set-off shall occur upon written notice of such event by the Zoning Administrator to the developer after the developer has failed to timely cure the deficiencies. It shall be deemed a provision of every deposit agreement authorized under this Section that the developer shall pay the City's costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees, of enforcing such agreement in the event that the developer is judicially determined to have violated any provision herein or in such agreement. The developer may appeal any decision taken pursuant to this Section by filing an appeal to the City Administrator whose decision shall be final.
Related Entities.
For purposes of this Section, "related entity" has the following meaning:
A developer is a related entity of another person:
If either has a principal or controlling interest in the other; or
If any person, firm, corporation, association, partnership or other entity with a controlling interest in one (1) has a principal or controlling interest in the other.
The identification of related entities shall be supported by documentation from the Secretary of State's office, Jefferson City, Missouri.
[Ord. No. 1569 §1, 6-15-2011; Ord. No. 2207, 9-21-2022]
Before the developer's obligation to the City of Dardenne Prairie is terminated, all required improvements shall be constructed under the observation and inspection of the inspecting agency and accepted for maintenance or given final approval by the City of Dardenne Prairie. Approval of any preliminary or final plat or plan shall not create a vested right in all or any portion thereof. Where a change in circumstances or law or discovery of new facts occurs, the Zoning Administrator may initiate changes that would not cause an undue hardship in any such plat or plan or portion thereof for which building construction has not substantially commenced.
[Ord. No. 105 §4.6, 6-23-1987; Ord. No. 2207, 9-21-2022]
No subdivision plat or replat shall be filed for record or recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for St. Charles County, Missouri, unless and until the approval of the City Clerk is endorsed thereon. No lot shall be sold for such subdivision plat or replat until it has been approved by the above and approved by the Zoning Administrator and filed for record in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of St. Charles County, Missouri.
[Ord. No. 105 §4.7, 6-23-1987; Ord. No. 1053 §25, 9-13-2006]
After the preliminary plat has been approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, a final plat shall be prepared and submitted to the Commission for approval by that body and by the Board of Aldermen. Before approving the plat of all or part of a proposed subdivision, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall require that the improvements will be satisfactorily completed or an escrowed sum or lender's agreement has been placed for the completion of the improvements. The approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be shown on the plat with the date of such approval and over the signature of the Chairman or Secretary. Two (2) prints of preliminary plat shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission by the submission deadline for the meeting at which approval is requested per the current City of Dardenne meeting calendar which is on file at the office of the City Clerk. The original plat shall show or be accompanied by the following information whether for residential, commercial, industrial or public use, such as parks, schools, churches, etc. The final plat shall be prepared on tracing cloth, its equal or better and shall contain the following information.
Identification. Sheet size maximum twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches, minimum twelve (12) inches by eighteen (18) inches.
Name of subdivision, plat, etc., and names(s) of those who prepared the plat.
North point, date and indication of scale used.
Acreage in plat.
Location map and key map on first (1st) page if more than one (1) sheet.
Accurate boundary survey with bearings and distances tied to surveyed identification points (monuments).
Locations of lots, streets, public highways, alleys, parks and other features with accurate dimensions to decimals of feet, length and radius of all curves.
Building lines on front and side streets; location and dimension of utility easements,
Names of streets and lots numbered in logical order. Streets and names of adjacent subdivision (if applicable) and/or adjacent property owners within one hundred (100) feet in dashed lines.
Depict flood hazard boundaries as shown on FEMA maps.
Written Statements.
Dedication of all streets, public highways, alleys and land intended for public use together with lot restrictions signed by all owners and all parties who have mortgage or lien interests.
Certification as to boundaries, monuments made by a registered land surveyor testifying that the above were made by him/her.
In the event a subdivision is to have privately maintained streets, evidence of the methods for controlling and maintaining each private facility shall be submitted with the final plat. Such restrictions must be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Aldermen before they may be recorded.
In cases where the developer proposes to include other regulations i.e., architectural control, covenants and deed restrictions shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission indicating the additional regulations and how they are going to be administered.
Subdivisions containing twenty-five (25) or more lots and using individual sewage treatment must receive approval from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources on a report prepared by an engineer outlining the plans for the disposal of water within the proposed subdivision.
Above to have corporate seal(s) affixed or embossed and to be notarized by a notary public. All figures and letters on the final plat must be in ink and shall be plain, distinct and of sufficient size to be easily read and must be of sufficient density to make a lasting and permanent record.
[Ord. No. 105 §4.8, 6-23-1987; Ord. No. 2207, 9-21-2022]
No subdivision plat or replat shall be filed for record or recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for St. Charles County, Missouri, unless and until the approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Zoning Administrator and the Chairman of the Board of Aldermen and are endorsed thereon. No lot shall be sold for such subdivision plat or replat until it has been approved by the above and filed for record in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of St. Charles County, Missouri. No building permit will be issued until the final plat is recorded. Further, no dwelling unit may be occupied until the public or private improvements are completed, unless money is in escrow for the completion of said improvements.
[Ord. No. 105 §4.9, 6-23-1987; Ord. No. 1053 §26, 9-13-2006]
Whenever any person or corporation may desire to vacate any subdivision or part thereof in which he/she shall be the legal owner of all of the lots or may desire to vacate any lot, such person or corporation may petition the Board of Aldermen giving a distinct description of the property to be vacated and the names of the persons to be affected thereby, which petition shall be filed together with a filing fee with the Board of Aldermen who shall give notice of the pendency of the petition in a public newspaper. The filing fee for the plat shall be per the fee schedule for services, permit applications, plan reviews, inspections, rezonings and conditional uses, which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. If no opposition be made to said petition, the Board of Aldermen may vacate the same by order with such restriction as they may deem for the public good. If opposition be made, said petition shall be set down for public hearing before the Board of Aldermen. No vacation shall take place unless the advice of the Planning and Zoning Commission be obtained, which advice shall be filed with said petition.
[Ord. No. 105 §4.10, 6-23-1987]
The Planning and Zoning Commissioner or his/her duly authorized representative shall, upon evidence of any violation of this Chapter, serve an order to cease and desist or correct or remove such violations, such order to be made by certified mail to the owner, general agent, lessee or contractor responsible for or contributing to the violative act. Any owner, general agent, lessee or contractor who, having been served with an order to cease and desist or correct or remove such violations, fails to comply with such order within the time limit set forth in the order or who shall continue to violate any of the regulations contained herein and orders made in connection herewith shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per day of violation.
[Ord. No. 105 §4.11, 6-23-1987; Ord. No. 1053 §27, 9-13-2006]
Whenever the tract to be subdivided is of such unusual size or shape or is surrounded by such development or contains such topographic conditions or characteristics that the strict application of the requirements contained in this Chapter would impose practical difficulties or particular hardship, the Board of Adjustment may vary or modify any of the requirements of this regulation so that substantial justice may be done and the public interest secured and the general intent of this regulation preserved.
In granting variances, the Board of Adjustment may require such conditions as will, in its judgment, secure the objectives of these regulations.