Rustic structures as defined by this chapter shall be permitted
by conditional use grant.
Applications for conditional use status for rustic structures shall first be referred to the Parks and Conservation Committee for a recommendation as to whether a particular accessory structure or building meets the definition found in Article
XXII of this chapter. The conditional use grant should be filed in accordance with Article
XIV of this chapter. In reviewing an application for conditional use, the Plan Commission shall consider the recommendation of the Parks and Conservation Committee, the definition of a rustic structure, and whether the accessory structure existed as of January 1, 2002.
All conditional use grants issued under this article shall be
subject to periodic review as determined by the Plan Commission on
a case-by-case basis. The Plan Commission may require various updates
deemed necessary to preserve the intent of rustic structure. The requirements
can be deemed mandatory, and if not applied by the owner, the rustic
structure designation may be revoked and the structure razed.
Conditional use grants for rustic structures may be terminated by resolution of the Common Council following procedures of Article
XIV of this code.
If granted conditional use status, the rustic structure is not
required to comply with the location, area, height, and architectural
requirements for detached accessory structures in the district.