When a fine is assessed for violation of an ordinance, it shall be within the discretion of the Judge assessing the fine to provide for the payment of the fine on an installment basis under such terms and conditions as he/she may deem appropriate.
[Ord. No. 340, 11-11-2019]
Court costs in the Dearborn Municipal Division of the Platte County Circuit Court shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00) per case.
In all cases dismissed at the request of the complaining witness, the costs shall be assessed against and collected from the complaining witness.
There shall be collected as additional costs in each case, other than non-moving traffic violations, the sum of two dollars ($2.00) which shall be deposited in a special account in the City Treasury and which shall be used to defray the costs of training Police Officers so that such officers shall meet the minimum standards for offices as set for in the Statutes of this State.
There shall be collected as additional costs in each case, other than non-moving traffic violations, the sum of seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50) which shall be forwarded to the State Crime Victims Compensation fund in accordance the provisions of the Statutes of this State.
Upon a plea of guilty for a violation of any Dearborn Ordinance Section involving alcohol or drug related traffic offenses, the Municipal Court may, in addition to the imposition of any other penalties provided by ordinance, order the convicted person to pay costs in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100.00) as reimbursement for the costs associated with the arrest of such person for the alcohol or drug related traffic offense. Upon collection of such costs, the Court Clerk shall pay the costs into the General Revenue of the City of Dearborn.
Pursuant to Section 488.607, RSMo., the court costs are hereby amended to charge an additional surcharge of two dollars ($2.00) for each case filed before the Municipal Judge for the benefit of shelters for victims of domestic violence established pursuant to Sections 455.200 to 455.230, RSMo.
Pursuant to Section 57.955, RSMo., the court costs are hereby amended to charge an additional surcharge of three dollars ($3.00) in each case for the Sheriffs' Retirement Fund created by Section 57.995, RSMo.
There shall be collected costs in each case, other than non-moving traffic violations, the sum of one dollar ($1.00) which shall be forwarded to the Treasurer of the State of Missouri to the credit of the Police Officer's Standards and Training Commission Fund created by Section 590.178, RSMo.
Actual costs assessed against the City by the County Sheriff for apprehension or confinement in the County Jail or costs assessed against the City by any other detention facility.
Mileage, in the same amount as provided to the County Sheriff in criminal violations, for each mile and fraction thereof the officer must travel (both directions) in order to serve any warrant or commitment or order of this Court.
Any other reasonable costs as may be otherwise provided by ordinance, including, but not limited to, costs of confinement, including any necessary transpiration related thereto, medial costs incurred by the City while a defendant is in City custody and costs related to the arrest and testing of any person for any intoxication related traffic offenses as set out in Subsection (E) hereof.
Court costs associated with Dearborn Municipal Division cases shall include a seven ($7.00) court automation fee.
This Section shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval.
[Ord. No. 152 §1, 1-11-1988]
The Court in which any municipal ordinance violation of the City of Dearborn is prosecuted in the event the defendant pleads guilty or is found guilty may assess costs against the defendant for the cost of service, witness fees and the costs of confinement. Said costs to be assessed by the Court in which the defendant pleads guilty or is found guilty and said costs to be collected by the Clerk of the Municipal Court and disbursed as provided by law.