[R.O. 2006 §530.010; Ord. 102, Bill 260]
Each residence (including single-family and multiple-family buildings) and/or commercial buildings within the Village of Riverview shall be numbered with its street address number for the purpose of identification. Said numbers shall be at least two and one-half (2½) inches high and two (2) inches wide and of such a color to be easily visible from the street. Said street numbers shall be placed on the front facing the street of each single-family building, multiple-family building and/or commercial building.
All persons owning residential and/or commercial buildings shall comply with this Chapter within thirty (30) days of its passage.
For the purpose of this Chapter, the titled owner(s) of each building shall be responsible for compliance with this Chapter.
[R.O. 2006 §530.020; Ord. 102, Bill 260]
Failure to comply with this Chapter, as specified, shall render those responsible liable to a fine as set out in Section 100.090 of this Code.
For each day those responsible for compliance with this Chapter fail to so comply, a new violation shall be deemed committed.