Cross References — Building, Ch. 500; utilities, Ch. 700.
[CC 1971 §9-28]
All electrical construction, all material and appliances used in connection with electrical work, and the operation of all electrical apparatus within the City shall conform to the rules and regulations of the National Fire Protection Association for the installation of wiring and apparatus for electrical purposes, as set out in the National Electrical Code, 1968 Edition, as they are now established or may hereafter be amended, and said rules and requirements are hereby adopted and incorporated by reference as a part of this Chapter, as fully as if set out at length. A copy of said National Electrical Code is filed in the office of the City Clerk and reference thereto shall be had as often as may be necessary to determine the provisions thereof. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of such Electrical Code and the provisions of this Code of Ordinances or State law, the provisions of this Code of Ordinances or State law shall prevail and be controlling.
[CC 1971 §9-11]
No electrical equipment or wiring shall be installed within or on any building, structure, or premises publicly or privately owned, nor shall any repair, alteration or addition be made to any such existing equipment or wiring within the City, without first securing a permit therefor from the Building Inspector.
Master electricians making extensions or additions to existing electrical systems shall, before proceeding with such work, ascertain from the Building Inspector whether any of the old work must be changed or must be brought up to the requirements of this Chapter.
[CC 1971 §9-13]
Application for permits required by the provisions of this Article describing the work to be done, shall be made in writing to the Building Inspector by the master electrician or electrical sign manufacturer installing the work. He shall give the exact street number of the premises on which work is to be done, date the inspection is desired, name of the owner or occupant, name of the electrician doing work and class of wiring.
All applications for permits shall be accompanied by the required fee.
[CC 1971 §9-13]
Along with the application for a permit required by the provisions of this Article, the applicant therefor shall file with the Building Inspector plans and specifications for the work to be done. No deviation from such plans or specifications shall be allowed without prior written permission from the Building Inspector.
[CC 1971 §9-14]
Master electricians shall at all times keep the Building Inspector notified of the progress of their work. Upon receipt of an application requesting inspection, the Building Inspector shall inspect or cause to be inspected said work within twenty-four (24) hours after receiving the application. Sundays and holidays are not included in this time.
No inspections may be called for except by the person holding the permit.
[CC 1971 §9-15]
The Building Inspector shall have the right during reasonable hours to enter any building or premises in the discharge of his official duties, or for the purpose of making any inspections, reinspections, or tests of the electrical equipment contained therein or its installation.
The Building Inspector shall have the right to remove or compel the removal of an obstruction such as lath, plastering, ceiling or flooring, which may hinder a full and complete inspection of such wires or apparatus.
The Building Inspector may remove or compel the removal of any conductors which are enclosed in conduit or otherwise inaccessible for complete inspection. When said conductors or appliances are not in accordance with the requirements of this Chapter, or found to be unsafe to life and property, he shall have the right to condemn such conductors or appliances.
[CC 1971 §9-16]
When any electrical equipment is found by the Building Inspector to be dangerous to persons or to property because it is defective or defectively installed, the person responsible for the electrical equipment shall be notified in writing and shall make any changes or repairs required in the judgment of the Building Inspector to place such equipment in safe condition. If such work is not completed within fifteen (15) days or any longer period that may be specified by the Building Inspector in said notice, the Inspector shall have the authority to disconnect or order the discontinuance of the electrical service to said electrical equipment. In cases of emergency, where necessary for safety of persons or of property, or where electrical equipment may interfere with the work of the Fire Department, the Building Inspector shall have the authority to immediately disconnect or cause the disconnection of any electrical equipment.
[CC 1971 §9-17]
Upon completion and receipt of final inspection papers covering electrical work, the Building Inspector shall make a final inspection and if such work is found to comply with this Chapter a Certificate of Inspection shall be issued stating that the work has been done according to the provisions of this Chapter and the rules governing the respective class to which it belongs.
This certificate shall not relieve the master electrician of his responsibility for any defective work that may have been concealed or escaped the notice of the Inspector.