[CC 1979 §78.700]
It shall be the duty of the Chief of the Fire Department to inspect or cause to be inspected by Fire Department officers or members, as often as may be necessary but not less than once a year, all buildings, premises and public thoroughfares, except private dwellings, for the purpose of ascertaining and causing to be corrected any conditions liable to cause fire. A written report of every such inspection shall be filed with the City Clerk by the inspector. Such inspector may at all reasonable hours enter any building or premises, except private dwellings, for the purpose of making any inspection which, under the provisions of this Article, he/she may deem necessary to be made.
[CC 1979 §78.702]
Whenever such inspector may find combustible or explosive matter or dangerous accumulation of rubbish or unnecessary accumulation of waste paper, boxes, shavings, or any other highly flammable materials especially liable to cause fire and which is so situated as to endanger property or shall find obstructions to or on fire escapes, stairs, passageways, doors or windows liable to interfere with the operations of the Fire Department or egress of occupants in case of fire, he/she shall order same to be removed or remedied. Such order shall be complied with within forty-eight (48) hours by the owner or occupants of such premises or building.
[CC 1979 §78.704; Ord. No. 451 §1, 9-10-2012]
Burning of trash, lumber, leaves or other combustible material where deemed a hazard by the Chief of the Fire Department is prohibited except under such safeguards as he/she may specify.
Any burning under this Section shall occur only between the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 9:00 P.M. Any bonfire shall be monitored by at least one (1) adult over the age of eighteen (18) years.
[CC 1979 §78.706]
Ashes, smoldering coals or embers, greasy or oily substances liable to spontaneous ignition shall not be deposited or allowed to remain within ten (10) feet of any combustible materials except in metal or other non-combustible receptacles.
[CC 1979 §78.708]
No person shall permit to remain upon any roof or in any yard any accumulation of waste paper, hay, grass, straw, weeds, litter or combustible or flammable waste or rubbish of any kind. All such materials in stores, apartment buildings, factories or similar places shall be compactly baled and stacked, removed from the premises or stored in suitable vaults or receptacles to the satisfaction of the Chief of the Fire Department.
[CC 1979 §78.712]
All matters not covered by this Article shall conform with generally accepted good practice.
[Ord. No. 06-371, 5-8-2006]
Definitions. For purposes of this Section, the following terms are defined as follows:
Includes any combustible or explosive composition or substance or combination of substances or article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, detonation or deflagration.
The ignition and subsequent burning of any combustible material (garbage, leaves, grass, twigs, litter, paper, vegetative matter involved with land clearing or any sort of debris) out-of-doors in either a burn barrel (screened or unscreened), fire ring or on the ground.
Burn Ban Imposed. During periods of draught or when lack of precipitation and presence of high winds causes an increased fire hazard, the Mayor of the City shall have authority to impose a temporary ban on open burning or the private use or discharge of any fireworks and/or sparklers within City limits. The temporary ban shall be lifted as soon as weather conditions permit and no temporary ban shall remain in effect for a period in excess of thirty (30) days unless extended by the Mayor.
Exceptions To Burn Ban. The use of propane or gas stoves or charcoal briquette grills shall not be prohibited when a burn ban is in effect. The ban shall not apply to State or municipal authorized burns or public fireworks displays permitted by the City.
Notice. Notice of a burn ban shall be given to the public by newspaper, radio and/or television of the applicability of the ban and the lifting of the ban. The burn ban imposed under this Section shall supersede any municipal ordinance allowing burning or the discharge of fireworks within the City.
Penalty. Any person who knowingly violates the temporary burn ban shall upon conviction be subject to the penalty provisions of Section 100.220 of the Municipal Code.