[CC 1979 §40.400; Ord. No. 383 §§A — B, 2-12-2007]
No building, dwelling, house, house trailer, mobile home, manufactured home, modular home, prefabricated or other factory-built home, barn, shed or other outbuilding, or any part thereof, which is more than eight (8) feet in width or four thousand (4,000) pounds in weight shall be moved over any street of the City (excluding State highways) on rollers, pegs, wheels, sleds or other apparatus without first having obtained a moving permit from the City.
[CC 1979 §40.410; Ord. No. 383 §§A — B, 2-12-2007]
No building, dwelling, house, house trailer, mobile home, manufactured home, modular home, prefabricated or other factory-built home, barn, shed or other outbuilding or structure, or any part thereof, which is more than eight (8) feet in width or four thousand (4,000) pounds in weight shall be moved over the streets of the City (excluding State highways) except between the hours of sunrise and sunset and in no event shall any such structure be allowed to stand in the street of the City for a longer period than six (6) hours.
[CC 1979 §40.420; Ord. No. 383 §§A — B, 2-12-2007]
No pavement or any part thereof shall be taken up or removed to assist in any way the moving of any building, dwelling, house, house trailer, mobile home, manufactured home, modular home, prefabricated or other factory-built home, barn, shed or other outbuilding or structure, or any part thereof which is more than eight (8) feet in width or four thousand (4,000) pounds in weight nor shall pegs, stakes or poles be driven into paved street for such purpose.
[CC 1979 §40.430; Ord. No. 383 §§A — B, 2-12-2007]
Before any moving permit shall be issued under this Article, the applicant shall furnish to the City proof of sufficient liability insurance coverage or a good and sufficient surety bond providing coverage for injury to the person or property of another which occurs during the process of moving such building or other structure.
[CC 1979 §40.440; Ord. No. 383 §§A — B, 2-12-2007]
The City Superintendent of the City or other official designated by the Mayor upon approval of the Board of Aldermen of the City shall be responsible for the issuance of moving permits required under the provisions of this Article.
No moving permit shall be issued if the building, dwelling, house, house trailer, mobile home, manufactured home, modular home, prefabricated or other factory-built home, barn, shed or other outbuilding or other structure for which a moving permit is required is to be moved to a location within the City where the structure will be in violation of any building code, zoning provision, setback requirement, fire protection provision or any other restriction contained in the City Code.
Moving a building, dwelling, house, house trailer, mobile home, manufactured home, modular home, prefabricated or other factory-built home, barn, shed or other outbuilding or structure, or any part thereof, which is more than eight (8) feet in width or four thousand (4,000) pounds in weight, without a permit issued by the City shall be a misdemeanor violation punishable upon conviction under the provisions of Section 100.220 of the Municipal Code of the City of Stockton, Missouri.