The EPT shall keep a separate case file for each report of abuse it receives. The file shall include a complete record of the complaint itself, the results of the investigation, any services provided, a summary of any court proceedings, and any other pertinent information.
Name of reporter. The name of any person who reports abuse or neglect under this chapter is confidential and shall not be released to any person unless the reporter consents to the release or the release is ordered by the Tribal Court. The Court may release the reporter's name only after notice to the reporter is given, a closed evidentiary hearing is held, and the need to protect the elder is found to be greater than the reporter's right to confidentiality. The reporter's name shall be released only to the extent as determined necessary to protect the elder.
Investigation records. The EPT records shall be confidential, except that the elderly person who is the subject of a report shall have access to his file at any time, and shall be informed of such access during the initial investigation; the Tribal Prosecutor shall have access to the EPT records to prepare and present a petition to the Tribal Court; and the Tribe's law enforcement program may provide such information as required by the Tribal Prosecutor for any criminal proceedings.
Court proceedings and hearing records. A proceeding held under this chapter will be closed and confidential. Persons who may attend are the elder, the elder's family and caretaker, representatives of EPT, necessary court officials, and attorneys for the parties. Other persons may appear only to testify. No one attending or testifying at such a proceeding shall reveal information about the proceeding unless ordered to do so by court order. Records of proceedings will also be closed and confidential.
Violations; penalties. Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be subject to civil penalty of up to $250 per occurrence. The Court shall assess the penalty after petition, notice, opportunity for hearing, and a determination that a violation has occurred. In addition, if the violation is committed by an employee of the Tribe, the employee may also be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.