The Presenting Officer shall be the agent for service of notice of state court juvenile custody proceedings. The Presenting Officer shall provide copies of the notice to the Case Intake Team within three (3) calendar days after receipt of such notice.
Investigation and pretransfer report. The Presenting Officer, or his or her designee, shall conduct an investigation and provide a written report to the Case Intake Team.
Decision to request transfer. The Case Intake Team shall make written recommendations regarding whether or not the Tribe should petition for transfer from the state court. The Case Intake Team shall consider all of the following factors:
The best interests of the juvenile;
The best interest of the Tribe;
Availability of services for the juvenile and the family;
The circumstances of the kyé batze; and
The best interests of the victim.
Intervention. The Presenting Officer shall file a notice of intervention with the state court within seven (7) calendar days upon certification by the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi Membership Office that the minor is a member of the NHBP or is otherwise subject to jurisdiction under § 7.3-12.
Petition for transfer. The tribal petition for transfer shall be filed in the state court by the Presenting Officer within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of the Case Intake Team's recommendation for transfer.
In all proceedings before the Juvenile Court, the Court, on its own or by motion by any party, may transfer the proceedings to an appropriate state court or another tribal court where the state or the other Indian tribe has a significant interest in the juvenile and the transfer would be in the best interest of the juvenile.