The Director of Law Enforcement shall be appointed by the Tribal Council.
Interim Director.
Upon accepting retirement notification or the resignation of a current Director, the Tribal Council shall appoint a qualified officer within the Department to serve as Interim or Acting Director who shall serve in said capacity until the process for appointment of a new Director can be completed.
Appointment of Interim Director. Officers appointed to serve as Director on an interim basis shall not serve in said capacity in excess of six (6) months and are subject to demotion to their original position upon appointment of a new Director.
The recruitment and hiring process for the Director shall be conducted by the Tribal Council, with assistance, as needed, by the Human Resource Department.
No person shall be accepted as a candidate or be eligible to serve as Director who does not meet the following qualifications:
Current certification in the State of Michigan as a law enforcement officer.
A minimum of five (5) years' creditable service as a sworn law enforcement officer for a state, tribal, local or federal government, with preference for:
Those who have at least an associate degree in police science, criminal justice or similar field, or a bachelor's degree in a related subject; and
Those with successful supervisory experience.
Current satisfactory background investigation completed by the Tribe through agency selected by the Tribal Council with results of the investigation reported directly to the Tribal Council.
Current satisfactory psychological examination report.
Current satisfactory medical examination report.
Current drug test with negative results for controlled substances.
Examinations, interviews, further selection criteria and other processes utilized in the hiring process of a Director shall be at the discretion of the Tribal Council.
Law enforcement officers shall be appointed by the Director with approval of the Tribal Council.
Hiring criteria for law enforcement officers shall be developed and implemented by the Director and must include, but is not limited to:
Certification by the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards or eligibility to receive such certification;
Educational requirements;
Satisfactory background investigation;
Psychological examination;
Medical certification; and
All other applicable NHBP policies and procedures.
The Department-specific hiring criteria for new law enforcement officers developed by the Director shall be presented to the Tribal Council for review and comment prior to implementation.
Preference in hiring of all law enforcement officers shall be given to Native Americans in accordance with Chapter 5.1, Indian Preference in Employment, of the Tribal Code.
All law enforcement officers, including the Director, shall be installed and authorized to enforce tribal laws by sworn oath before the Tribal Council at a duly called meeting.