It shall be unlawful for any person, business or tobacco retailer to sell tobacco products or provide tobacco products free of charge to anyone who is less than 18 years of age.
No person, including but not limited to business, tobacco retailer, or owner, manager or operator of any establishment subject to this policy, shall sell, offer to sell or permit to be sold any tobacco product to an individual without requesting and examining identification establishing the purchaser's age as 18 years or greater.
Any person, including but not limited to business, tobacco retailer or other establishment subject to this policy, shall post plainly visible signs at the point of purchase of tobacco products that state: "The sale of tobacco products to persons under 18 years of age is prohibited by law. Photo ID is required to purchase tobacco." The letters of these signs shall be at least 1/4 inch high.
No person, including but not limited to business or tobacco retailer, shall locate, install, keep, maintain or use, or permit the location, installation, keeping, maintenance or use on his, her or its premises any vending machine for the purpose of selling or distributing any tobacco product.
It shall be unlawful for any person, including but not limited to business or tobacco retailer, to sell, permit to be sold, offer for sale or display for sale any tobacco product or tobacco promotional product by means of self-service merchandising or by means other than vendor-assisted sales.
It shall be unlawful for any person, including but not limited to business or tobacco retailer, to sell, permit to be sold, offer for sale or display for sale any tobacco packages containing fewer than 20 cigarettes or unpackaged individual cigarettes.
It shall be unlawful for any person, business or retailer to sell, permit to be sold, offer for sale or display for sale candy cigarettes, bubblegum packaged like chewing tobacco, or any other tobacco-like candy.
It shall be unlawful for any person, including but not limited to business or tobacco retailer, to sell, permit to be sold, offer for sale or display for sale tobacco "blunts" (sweetened cigarette wrappers composed of fruit and tobacco), and other youth-targeted tobacco products, including, but not limited to, bidis, cloves or sweet-flavored cigarettes or chew.
It shall be unlawful for any person, including but not limited to business or tobacco retailer, to sell or distribute any tobacco product for free or below the cost of such products to the sellers or distributors of the products for commercial or promotional purposes, to members of the general public in public places or at public events.