As an unincorporated instrumentality and political subdivision of the Tribe, the General Store shall possess the privileges and immunities of the Tribe, including without limitation: immunity from federal, state and local government regulation or taxation and immunity from unconsented suit; to the full extent that such privileges and immunities are enjoyed by the Tribe.
Nothing contained in this charter shall be deemed or construed to be:
A waiver of the General Store's sovereign immunity; or
Consent to the jurisdiction of the United States, any state or any subdivision thereof or of any tribe other than the Tribe, with regard to the business or affairs of the General Store.
Any such waiver of sovereign immunity or consent to jurisdiction of any court, tribunal or body must be expressly granted by resolution of the Tribal Council acting as the governing body of the General Store adopted pursuant to the express terms of this charter.
Sovereign immunity of the General Store may be waived only by resolution of the Tribal Council.
Any waiver of sovereign immunity authorized by resolution of the Tribal Council shall be specific and limited as to:
The grantee;
The particular transaction;
The specific property or funds, if any, of the General Store against which any claim may be asserted or collected;
A particular court or other dispute resolution body having jurisdiction pursuant thereto; and
The law that shall be applicable thereto.
Any express waiver of sovereign immunity by resolution of the Tribal Council shall not be deemed: (1) a consent to the levy of any judgment, lien or attachment upon property of the General Store other than property specifically pledged or otherwise identified in the resolution of the Tribal Council; or (2) a consent to attachment or encumbrance of any land constituting the Tribe's Reservation, held in trust for the benefit of the Tribe by the United States, or otherwise restricted as to alienation under federal law.
The General Store, through the express terms of a resolution adopted by the Tribal Council, may consent to sue and be sued in any federal or state court, or submit to arbitration or alternative dispute resolution with respect to any dispute or controversy arising under, or upon, any contract, claim or obligation arising out of the activities of the General Store or affecting the General Store's property. In addition, the General Store, through the express terms of a resolution adopted by the Tribal Council, may waive any or all rights it may have to resolve disputes in the Tribal Court or another forum of the Tribe.