[R.O. 2004 § 240.050; Ord. No. 8.02 §§ 1 — 2, 12-4-1923]
The Board of Aldermen hereby ordains and directs that a fund be created and set apart by the Treasurer, to be known as the "Gibbs Park Fund," and that all monies derived through the rentals and all other income from the Gibbs dwelling and other buildings willed to the City by Mrs. Mary Gibbs for a park be placed in the Gibbs Park Fund, except such amounts as may be required for repairs and insurance on said buildings, and that said Park Fund be used only for the improvement of said park, in carrying out the provisions of the will creating said park, and that as soon as practicable the stone wall be built as directed around said park, and that the entrance and archway be built as directed by said will, so that the will and wishes of the late beloved Mary Gibbs concerning Gibbs Park be carried out according to the plans and directions by her set out in her last will and testament, and that all of the rentals and other income from said property, together with whatever funds that may be accumulated for that purpose, be economically expended in further beautifying said Gibbs Park.
The City Treasurer is hereby ordered, upon the passage and approval of this Article, to at once place all funds heretofore accumulated from the rental of the Gibbs dwelling, out houses and private garage located thereon, together with the funds derived from the sale of the old stone house or granary building, in the Gibbs Park Fund and to use the same only for the purposes of this Article set out and for no other purpose.