[Amended 7-15-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-40]
A. There shall be a Board of Park Commissioners.
B. There shall be a division of the City known as the "Parks and Cemeteries
Division," to be under the charge of the Board of Park Commissioners.
The Board of Park Commissioners shall consist of at least seven
members, who shall be appointed by the Mayor. One member shall be
familiar with recreation, one shall be familiar with veteran's affairs,
and one shall be familiar with tourism, and there shall be four other
members who have no connection with or commitment to such activities.
The Board of Park Commissioners shall have and exercise all
the powers and duties conferred by law upon boards of park commissioners
in cities, and also the powers and duties of playground commissioners
appointed under authority of MGL c. 45, § 14, and shall
have all duties conferred by law regarding public cemeteries under
authority of Acts of 1902, c. 244, and all other laws thereunto appertaining.
The Board of Park Commissioners shall be responsible for all recreational
facilities and programs and shall be responsible for trees under the
Massachusetts General Laws.
The Board of Park Commissioners is authorized to appoint such
assistants as may be necessary to assist it in promoting the Armory
facility and to perform such other duties as may be required.
The Board of Park Commissioners shall have charge of the maintenance,
control and regulation of the use of the recreational facilities,
parks and playgrounds, and cemeteries, together with all buildings
and fixtures contained therein, in addition to all trees, shrubs and
grass on public ways and median strips.
The Board of Park Commissioners shall annually, in the month
of February, submit a report to the City Council covering in detail
its activities for the year ending December 31 preceding, and showing
the various expenditures for recreational facilities, cemeteries and