No street or way shall be laid out, altered or discontinued except upon the written application of at least 10 voters of the City, and in no case unless seven days previous thereto the City Council shall cause written notice of its intention to lay out, alter or discontinue the street or way to be given as provided by § 66-202.
The notice required by the provisions of this division shall specify the time and place for the meeting and hearing all parties interested therein, and shall be left at the usual place of abode of the several owners of the land over which such street or way is proposed to be laid out, altered or discontinued, unless such notices are delivered to such owners in person or to their tenants or authorized agent therein known to the City Council; or if, being a resident of the City, the owner is not known as such to the City Council, such notice shall be posted up in some public place in the City seven days at least before the laying out, altering or discontinuing of such street or way.
At the time and place appointed and notified as provided by § 66-202, the City Council shall meet and hear all parties interested and may view the premises.
After the hearing provided for in § 66-203, the City Council may proceed to lay out, alter or discontinue such street or way and shall fix the boundaries and measurements of the street or way laid out or altered. It shall determine the grade thereof with a plan and profile of the grade, with the names of the various owners of land interested designated therein, the damages, if any, sustained by any person in his property by the laying out, altering or discontinuing of such street or way, the amount of compensation which such person shall receive, and the time allowed the owners of the land through which such street or way passes to take off trees, fences and other property which may obstruct the building of such street or way.
The City Council shall, after laying out, altering or discontinuing any street or way, make full report of its doings in the premises, and shall cause the report, with all plans thereof, to be forthwith filed in the office of the City Clerk.